This may be a bit late, but I'm based in Melbourne and FrontAccounting is one of the platforms I specialise in: more details here and here. Feel free to drop me a line if you need a hand.


Russell Searle


(45 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

That sounds like it might be true. If so, I guess it tells us what to do with the code.

Does anybody know the current maintenance/support status of the API?


(45 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

apmuthu wrote:

What has the Autofactura (Site - Translation: Self Invoice) project (based on Ruby/Gems) got in common with Front Accounting?

If that's what it is, then I'd like to know that too. Why is it imported in the FA Simple REST API file (apparently as part of some module entitled timbrado), and why is it used in the sales_cancel function?

But I think "autofactura" translates roughly as "auto-billing", and the mysterious timbrado module may have something to do with a third-party billing system.


(45 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I'm working through implementing this API as an element of an interface to/from a VirtueMart online shop. I will need to use to post invoiced online orders to FA. Since 26 July 2013 has included these imports:

18: include_once($path_to_root . "/modules/timbrado/includes/db/");
19: include_once($path_to_root . "/modules/timbrado/includes/db/");
20: include_once($path_to_root . "/modules/timbrado/includes/generate/");
21: include_once($path_to_root . "/modules/timbrado/includes/db/");

What is this timbrado (stamping?) module? I can't find any relevant reference to it anywhere.

Also, the sales_cancel function contains code that depends on This code won't work without the missing includes:

function sales_cancel($branch_id, $uuid)
    error_log("\r\n1", 3, "/var/tmp/sasys.log");
    $AutoFactura = new AutoFacturaCore();
    $AutoFactura->userkey = get_cofig("Llave de Usuario", "");
    $AutoFactura->suckey = $branch_id;
    $AutoFactura->url = get_cofig("Servidor", "");
    $datos = array('autofactura_id' => $uuid);
    $response = $AutoFactura->cancelar($datos);
    error_log("\r\n2=>" . json_encode($response), 3, "/var/tmp/sasys.log");

    try {
        if ($response['exito'] == 1) {
            error_log("\r\n3", 3, "/var/tmp/sasys.log");
            set_sql_cancelar_digital($uuid, $response['url']);
            api_success_response(_("The invoice was cancelled."));
            error_log("\r\n4", 3, "/var/tmp/sasys.log");
        } else {
            error_log("\r\n5", 3, "/var/tmp/sasys.log");
            api_error(500, _('Could not cancel invoice.'));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        error_log("\r\n6", 3, "/var/tmp/sasys.log");
        api_error(500, _('Could not cancel invoice. ') . $e->getMessage());

Thanks ...