Ok thanks.
I removed everything and installed again.
Now I noticed that with step 2 of the installation process i got the error message:
Release file in repository is invalid, or public key is outdated.
The installation continued.
But again i could not login in.

I had to remove the htaccess file and comment out the three lines.
And used not the default user name.


Thank you.
I did the comment out of these three lines and it still does not work.

Can i try to install it all again?
Maybe there is a mistake in the users name/password.
Or do you have to uninstall it first?


I am little step further.
It seems to come from includes/lang/gettext.php lines 71 until 76 is where the putenv() is used sombody told me that it is better to use $set = setlocale().
But i have no clue about php programming?
And still can not get login.


I am completely new to this, so I hope i can find help here.
I just downloaded and install the latest version of FA. It looks very promising.
The installation went smoothly.
After that i could not get it started. Turned out to be the .htaccess file was in the way.
After trial and error it was the line of the -indexes that needed to be removed.

However the first time login still gave invalid user or password.
I found out that i have to check the errorlog and that gave the message

[17-Sep-2012 12:58:26 UTC] ::gettext.php:71: putenv(): Warning: Cannot set environment variable 'LANG' - it's not in the allowed list (setting: safe_mode_allowed_env_vars)
[17-Sep-2012 12:58:26 UTC] ::gettext.php:72: putenv(): Warning: Cannot set environment variable 'LC_ALL' - it's not in the allowed list (setting: safe_mode_allowed_env_vars)
[17-Sep-2012 12:58:26 UTC] ::gettext.php:73: putenv(): Warning: Cannot set environment variable 'LANGUAGE' - it's not in the allowed list (setting: safe_mode_allowed_env_vars)

Looked everywhere but do not know how to solve this.
