We are trying to create the ISO-8859-2 version for Romanian, after we saw that the traslation is not complete.
We'll keep you informed about our progresses.

I've just installed your release 2.3.11 in a server, which needs English, Italian and Romanian as working languages.

English is native, so it's ok, but:
* checking system locales language codes, instead of finding en_EN or something similar I found C
* your Install/Update Languages page reports it as Language C and no supported by server locales, but the language is displayed.

I installed Italian from Install/Update Languages page generating the system locales before that, all is ok.

About Romanian
* your Install/Update Languages page reports it with iso-8859-1 encoding
* generating ro_RO system locales I obtain all with iso-8859-2 encoding
* in your Language definitions page you also report iso-8859-2 as encoding for Romanian
* trying to install it, nothing is displayed in Romanian.

HOW TO correct this situation?
Thank you in advance