Hi All,
I would just like to express an opinion on "landed Cost".
According to most accounting standards, incoming Inventory should be valued at "landed cost"
itemized landed cost is the correct way to handle inventory from the “GAAP” perspective. Additionally, IRS Publication 538 states that "For merchandise purchased during the year, cost means the invoice price minus appropriate discounts plus transportation or other charges incurred in acquiring the goods. It can also include other costs that have to be capitalized under the uniform capitalization rules of section 263A of the Internal Revenue Code."
"Landed Cost" is the legally correct way to account for inventory and is also the best method for management purposes.
many commercial software packages now include some way to handle this issue.
for frontaccounting, when entering a supplier / service provider invoice, or making a payment by direct journal entry It should be possible to apportion it on a line by line basis between an expense account (for non "landed costs" invoice Items and a "cost of goods sold" Suspense account until the goods arrive.
On receipt of the goods received note, the balance of that suspense account is allocated according to the preferred method (weight, volume, quantity etc.) to each line of goods on the GRN.
Dimensions would also be a good way to keep track of all items related to a particular order for audit purposes.