
When I enter an supplier invoice, no VAT is calculated.. What's going wrong? Or do I have to add a order to be able to add VAT to the invoice?



(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Aah, that's the trick.. I solved it to create a credit invoice from the supplier, thanks anyway!


(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)


Here's the situation:

I've ordered 2 pc's and received them, so I've processed it in FA. But, there is something wrong with the pc's and they have to be sent to the supplier. I will not receive the pc's anymore, how can I fix this in FA? I've tried to delete the post, but I'm unable to.



(5 replies, posted in Installation)


I've made a copy of my current install (files and database) and changed the config_db file to fit the new settings, but when I want to login to Frontaccounting, the following message appears:

uld not get validate user login for admin
error code : 1046
error message : No database selected
sql that failed was : SELECT * FROM 6_users WHERE user_id = 'admin' AND password='25ae0f933fd0851e62f27fc0ccfc62ab'

What did I do wrong?


(5 replies, posted in Installation)

By the way: What will happen to the database when upgrading? Are custom GL account affected?


(5 replies, posted in Installation)

Yeah, I've been backup the files already, tonight I'll export the database and run the install locally on my notebook.



(5 replies, posted in Installation)


I want to upgrade my installation to the newest version, at the moment I have 2.2.11 installed. According to the update manual, I can just download the files an copy them over my existing installation??

What about specific folders like 'company' ??



(4 replies, posted in Wish List)

Hi Janusz,

I think it would be be able to select the customer by name or number. I think in Holland you got to have debtor / supplier numbers, and also show them on invoices.

So, when you add a new debtor or supplier, it would be nice to have an auto-generated number for them like the way invoice numbers are created.




(4 replies, posted in Wish List)


I think that the possibility to add customer and supplier numbers in the way invoice numbers are entered (modify the numbers) would be great.

I'd like to enter customer numbers in the following format: ERP-CUST01 and supplier numbers in the format ERP-SUP01 with an auto increment fucntion.



(0 replies, posted in Reporting)


When I create a PDF report (customer report i.e), the PDF is created (I can see it on my FTP), but my browser is unable to open http:erp.***.nl/companies/1/pdf_files/**********.pdf. The browser is unable to display the webpage.

What can this be?



Allright, but isn't there a way to select an invoice to add a customerpayment? I haven't tested it, but I'm a little confused of what's the right way to handle this.



Okay.. But now I have made an invoice, how can I mark the invoice as 'payed'??


I wonder what's the best way to the following:

1. I send an invoice to a customer (100 euro)
2. Customer pays 100 euro to our bankaccount
3. I have to process the received money into FA.

How would you guys do this?


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi, i'd like to kick this topic... I am still unable to show VAT on the invoices. Meanwhile i've been using my old software (osFinancials), but due to a servercrash we have lost a big peace of the books.


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi, there haven't been any changes to the reports, so there is nothing to revise. Is this not just a silly setting somewhere ?


(8 replies, posted in Setup)


There haven't been any changes to the database..


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi Janusz,

Nice shot... but I have only one taxgroup with a tax rate of 19%. As mentioned in the first post, tax is counted at the makeup of the invoice.. It's just not showing when printing the invoice.


(8 replies, posted in Setup)


Maybe it's me.. But suddenly there is no VAT shown on invoices. When I create the invoice I can see the VAT ammount, but when I print the actual invoice that goes to our customer, the VAT is not there anymore.

In Holland you have to display the VAT on invoices, so this is quite a problem for us.



(2 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)


Where is the invoice reference stored in the database? I've deleted some test invoices from the database using phpmyadmin, but I can't use the original invoice reference anymore because it is allready used.



(13 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Hi Joe,

thanks.. what would you set to Retained Earnings?


(13 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Hi Joe,

It is set to 'bank'. It has to be a special GL for retained earnings I guess?

Also, can I delete the entered journal (Otherwise I have to open a new company and setup everyting again.)


(13 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)


I found the problem.. When I entered the journal for 2009, I've closed the year.. After that FA creates a journal post by itself.. There is an ammount of 6**.** euro that's being put to the bankaccount, but this isnt correct.. what can I do about it??



(13 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)


I did it.. It works now, however... there is one quite big problem. I've made my journal entry, but somehow the ammount of money on the bank is a lot more then I have entered..

I did a journalposting for 'bank' of 1447.57 euro, but at the end there is: Openingsbalans - 21/06/2010 2,106.25

I really don't understand what's happening here.. As far as I know I've entered everything correctly..

Thanks in advance!


(13 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

hi joe,

thanks for your quick reply. as far as  i know i am logged in as an administrator, i login as admin and select the current company.. do i have to change settings somewhere?


(13 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Hi Joe..

still have a question. I followed the Wiki, but I can't seem to get it..

From osFinancials, I've created a balance sheet.. There are some GL accounts and 1 bank account. Debit / Credit sides are equal.

When I want to add this information into FA, i can't seem to enter a journal entry for my bank account. How is this possible? In this way i'll never be able to make a correct bookholding ?