OK I've changed it to:
$acct_name = get_gl_account_name($acct_source_code);
$memo = "$percent% from transactions of account: $acct_source_code - $acct_name for period $start_date to $end_date";
and I get the desired output.
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OK I've changed it to:
$acct_name = get_gl_account_name($acct_source_code);
$memo = "$percent% from transactions of account: $acct_source_code - $acct_name for period $start_date to $end_date";
and I get the desired output.
Translating for id_ID now
OK I've edited so it looks like this:
$memo = "$percent% from transactions of account: $acct_source_code for period $start_date to $end_date";
and the output is:
2.5% from transactions of account: 41001000 for period 01/07/2010 to 31/07/2010
but my desired output is :
2.5% from transactions of account: 41001000 Sales Item-1 for period 01/07/2010 to 31/07/2010
how do I can get the account name not just the account code?
that would be nice, I'll edit the source.
although in my mind it's more like this
2,5% from transaction 41001000 Sales Item-1 period 01/07/2010 - 15/07/2010
41001000 sales item-1 is the account number, in case there's more than 1 sales account or if the percentage different between sales account (ex: 41001000 sales item-1, 41002000 sales item-2, 42001000 service),
and period is for tracking, so we reduce the risk to double post the percentage in case we run it multiple times in one month
well because you want to patch it anyway can I ask for an "default memo" entry on the setting? so in the journal entry after we run the modules, the memo entry there won't empty and it is usefull for tracking journal, ofcourse we can still edit it manually but an entry on the setting would be nice).
Well actually I dont use dimension. I did create the dimension type 1 and no type 2.
After I put "dimension 1 to credit" entry on the editor and run it, it seems works, the journal entry is filled the credit entries on the journal is set to dimension I choose on the seeting.
But how about if I don't want my account percentage calculation and journalling related to certain dimension.
I mean if I let the dimension 1 or 2 blank on the editor, can I still use the modules? or is it really have to use dimension?
As for workaround on the journal entry form after running the tools I can edit the dimension back to blank (or another dimension) if it necessary anyway.
But it still feel nice knowing that the modules works for me.
OK just comment line 161 as you said tom and run it. here is the sql :
SELECT next_reference FROM 6_sys_types WHERE type_id = '0'
SELECT * FROM 6_company WHERE coy_code=1
SELECT * FROM 6_fiscal_year WHERE id='3'
SELECT * FROM 6_acct_percent_tool WHERE !inactive ORDER BY account_code_source
SELECT * FROM 6_dimensions WHERE type_ = 1 ORDER BY reference ASC
SELECT * FROM 6_dimensions WHERE type_ = 2 ORDER BY reference ASC
SELECT SUM(amount) FROM 6_gl_trans
WHERE account='41001000' AND tran_date >= '2010-07-01' AND tran_date <= '2010-07-31' AND dimension_id = '1' AND dimension2_id = '0'
SELECT SUM(amount) FROM 6_gl_trans
WHERE account='41001000' AND tran_date >= '2010-07-01' AND tran_date <= '2010-07-31' AND dimension_id = '2' AND dimension2_id = '0'
Hello e-prast,
Thanks for sending that. I was thinking more of the config option "show_sql" rather than the sql trail. That way you'll see the SQL right on the account percentages module page.
Still, if I'm reading the sql trail correctly, it looks like there's a number of errors with the SQL queries. Lots of "can't update and can't retrieve" stuff. (See entries 61-68 and 74-83)
When you use the Account Percentages Editor (not the "Run" part), does it save your changes between page loads? That is, save the values in the editor, leave the page, and then come back to the editor.
Joe/Janusz, do those errors make sense to you? Any thoughts? It doesn't seem to be limited to the account percentages tool to me...
when I'm using the editor my settings is saved, I've checked the database too and here is the sql dump:
/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
-- Database: `frontaccount.tes`
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `6_acct_percent_tool`
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `6_acct_percent_tool` (
`account_code_source` varchar(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`account_code_credit` varchar(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`dimension1_credit` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`dimension2_credit` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`account_code_debit` varchar(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`percent` double DEFAULT NULL,
`inactive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
-- Dumping data for table `6_acct_percent_tool`
INSERT INTO `6_acct_percent_tool` (`id`, `account_code_source`, `account_code_credit`, `dimension1_credit`, `dimension2_credit`, `account_code_debit`, `percent`, `inactive`) VALUES
(1, '41001000', '21103900', 0, 0, '61901900', 2.5, 0);
when using the editor here is the show_sql in view mode:
SELECT * FROM 6_acct_percent_tool WHERE !inactive ORDER BY account_code_source
SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='41001000'
SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='21103900'
SELECT * FROM 6_dimensions WHERE id='0'
SELECT * FROM 6_dimensions WHERE id='0'
SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='61901900'
and this the show_sql when I try to edit the settings in editor:
Source Account:SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, chart.inactive, type.id
FROM 6_chart_master chart,6_chart_types type
WHERE chart.account_type=type.id ORDER BY type.id,account_code
Account to credit:SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, chart.inactive, type.id
FROM 6_chart_master chart,6_chart_types type
WHERE chart.account_type=type.id ORDER BY type.id,account_code
Dimension 1 to credit:SELECT id, CONCAT(reference,' ',name) as ref FROM 6_dimensions WHERE (closed=0) ORDER BY reference
Dimension 2 to credit:SELECT id, CONCAT(reference,' ',name) as ref FROM 6_dimensions WHERE (closed=0) ORDER BY reference
Account to debit:SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, chart.inactive, type.id
FROM 6_chart_master chart,6_chart_types type
WHERE chart.account_type=type.id ORDER BY type.id,account_code
when I click run it seems there's sql printed on screen but it's so fast so I can't put it here and then the journal entry show's with blank entries and here is the sql:
SELECT id FROM 6_quick_entries WHERE type='3'
SELECT * FROM 6_company WHERE coy_code=1
SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, chart.inactive, type.id
FROM 6_chart_master chart,6_chart_types type
WHERE chart.account_type=type.id ORDER BY type.id,account_code
SELECT id, CONCAT(reference,' ',name) as ref FROM 6_dimensions WHERE (closed=0 AND type_=1) ORDER BY reference
is there something that I miss?
-create a new customer
-create the purchase of this customer
-create an invoice and
-make a payment on that newly created invoice.
is'n that you can use the direct invoice tho achieve this at once?
here is the sql_dump when I run the modules
sorry if I put it here. the attachment seems don't work for me so here it is:
/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
-- Database: `frontaccount.tes`
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `6_sql_trail`
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`sql` text NOT NULL,
`result` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
`msg` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-- Dumping data for table `6_sql_trail`
INSERT INTO `6_sql_trail` (`id`, `sql`, `result`, `msg`) VALUES
(45, 'SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, chart.inactive, type.id\n FROM 6_chart_master chart,6_chart_types type\n WHERE chart.account_type=type.id ORDER BY type.id,account_code', 1, ''),
(44, 'SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='61901900'', 1, 'could not get gl account'),
(42, 'SELECT * FROM 6_dimensions WHERE id='0'', 1, 'The dimension could not be retrieved'),
(43, 'SELECT * FROM 6_dimensions WHERE id='0'', 1, 'The dimension could not be retrieved'),
(41, 'SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='21103900'', 1, 'could not get gl account'),
(40, 'SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='41001000'', 1, 'could not get gl account'),
(39, 'SELECT * FROM 6_acct_percent_tool WHERE !inactive ORDER BY account_code_source', 1, 'could not get account percentage entries'),
(38, 'DELETE FROM 6_acct_percent_tool WHERE id = 2', 1, 'could not delete account percentage entry'),
(37, 'SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, chart.inactive, type.id\n FROM 6_chart_master chart,6_chart_types type\n WHERE chart.account_type=type.id ORDER BY type.id,account_code', 1, ''),
(36, 'SELECT id, CONCAT(reference,' ',name) as ref FROM 6_dimensions WHERE (closed=0) ORDER BY reference', 1, ''),
(35, 'SELECT id, CONCAT(reference,' ',name) as ref FROM 6_dimensions WHERE (closed=0) ORDER BY reference', 1, ''),
(33, 'SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, chart.inactive, type.id\n FROM 6_chart_master chart,6_chart_types type\n WHERE chart.account_type=type.id ORDER BY type.id,account_code', 1, ''),
(34, 'SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, chart.inactive, type.id\n FROM 6_chart_master chart,6_chart_types type\n WHERE chart.account_type=type.id ORDER BY type.id,account_code', 1, ''),
(32, 'SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='61901900'', 1, 'could not get gl account'),
(31, 'SELECT * FROM 6_dimensions WHERE id='0'', 1, 'The dimension could not be retrieved'),
(29, 'SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='21103900'', 1, 'could not get gl account'),
(30, 'SELECT * FROM 6_dimensions WHERE id='0'', 1, 'The dimension could not be retrieved'),
(27, 'SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='11111990'', 1, 'could not get gl account'),
(28, 'SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='41001000'', 1, 'could not get gl account'),
(26, 'SELECT * FROM 6_dimensions WHERE id='0'', 1, 'The dimension could not be retrieved'),
(25, 'SELECT * FROM 6_dimensions WHERE id='0'', 1, 'The dimension could not be retrieved'),
(23, 'SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='11111990'', 1, 'could not get gl account'),
(24, 'SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='11111990'', 1, 'could not get gl account'),
(22, 'SELECT * FROM 6_acct_percent_tool WHERE !inactive ORDER BY account_code_source', 1, 'could not get account percentage entries'),
(46, 'SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, chart.inactive, type.id\n FROM 6_chart_master chart,6_chart_types type\n WHERE chart.account_type=type.id ORDER BY type.id,account_code', 1, ''),
(47, 'SELECT id, CONCAT(reference,' ',name) as ref FROM 6_dimensions WHERE (closed=0) ORDER BY reference', 1, ''),
(48, 'SELECT id, CONCAT(reference,' ',name) as ref FROM 6_dimensions WHERE (closed=0) ORDER BY reference', 1, ''),
(49, 'SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, chart.inactive, type.id\n FROM 6_chart_master chart,6_chart_types type\n WHERE chart.account_type=type.id ORDER BY type.id,account_code', 1, ''),
(50, 'SELECT * FROM 6_acct_percent_tool WHERE !inactive ORDER BY account_code_source', 1, 'could not get account percentage entries'),
(51, 'SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='41001000'', 1, 'could not get gl account'),
(52, 'SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='21103900'', 1, 'could not get gl account'),
(53, 'SELECT * FROM 6_dimensions WHERE id='0'', 1, 'The dimension could not be retrieved'),
(54, 'SELECT * FROM 6_dimensions WHERE id='0'', 1, 'The dimension could not be retrieved'),
(55, 'SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='61901900'', 1, 'could not get gl account'),
(56, 'SELECT * FROM 6_acct_percent_tool WHERE id = 1', 1, 'could not get account percentage entry'),
(57, 'SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, chart.inactive, type.id\n FROM 6_chart_master chart,6_chart_types type\n WHERE chart.account_type=type.id ORDER BY type.id,account_code', 1, ''),
(58, 'SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, chart.inactive, type.id\n FROM 6_chart_master chart,6_chart_types type\n WHERE chart.account_type=type.id ORDER BY type.id,account_code', 1, ''),
(59, 'SELECT id, CONCAT(reference,' ',name) as ref FROM 6_dimensions WHERE (closed=0) ORDER BY reference', 1, ''),
(60, 'SELECT id, CONCAT(reference,' ',name) as ref FROM 6_dimensions WHERE (closed=0) ORDER BY reference', 1, ''),
(61, 'SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, chart.inactive, type.id\n FROM 6_chart_master chart,6_chart_types type\n WHERE chart.account_type=type.id ORDER BY type.id,account_code', 1, ''),
(62, 'UPDATE 6_acct_percent_tool SET account_code_source=41001000, \r\n account_code_credit=21103900, dimension1_credit=0, \r\n dimension2_credit=0, account_code_debit=61901900, \r\n percent='2.5' WHERE id = 1', 1, 'could not update account percentage entry'),
(63, 'SELECT * FROM 6_acct_percent_tool WHERE !inactive ORDER BY account_code_source', 1, 'could not get account percentage entries'),
(64, 'SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='41001000'', 1, 'could not get gl account'),
(65, 'SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='21103900'', 1, 'could not get gl account'),
(66, 'SELECT * FROM 6_dimensions WHERE id='0'', 1, 'The dimension could not be retrieved'),
(67, 'SELECT * FROM 6_dimensions WHERE id='0'', 1, 'The dimension could not be retrieved'),
(68, 'SELECT * FROM 6_chart_master WHERE account_code='61901900'', 1, 'could not get gl account'),
(69, 'SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, chart.inactive, type.id\n FROM 6_chart_master chart,6_chart_types type\n WHERE chart.account_type=type.id ORDER BY type.id,account_code', 1, ''),
(70, 'SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, chart.inactive, type.id\n FROM 6_chart_master chart,6_chart_types type\n WHERE chart.account_type=type.id ORDER BY type.id,account_code', 1, ''),
(71, 'SELECT id, CONCAT(reference,' ',name) as ref FROM 6_dimensions WHERE (closed=0) ORDER BY reference', 1, ''),
(72, 'SELECT id, CONCAT(reference,' ',name) as ref FROM 6_dimensions WHERE (closed=0) ORDER BY reference', 1, ''),
(73, 'SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, chart.inactive, type.id\n FROM 6_chart_master chart,6_chart_types type\n WHERE chart.account_type=type.id ORDER BY type.id,account_code', 1, ''),
(74, 'SELECT next_reference FROM 6_sys_types WHERE type_id = '0'', 1, 'The last transaction ref for 0 could not be retreived'),
(75, 'SELECT * FROM 6_company WHERE coy_code=1', 1, 'The company preferences could not be retrieved'),
(76, 'SELECT * FROM 6_fiscal_year WHERE id='3'', 1, 'could not get current fiscal year'),
(77, 'SELECT * FROM 6_acct_percent_tool WHERE !inactive ORDER BY account_code_source', 1, 'could not get account percentage entries'),
(78, 'SELECT * FROM 6_dimensions WHERE type_ = 1 ORDER BY reference ASC', 1, 'The dimensions could not be retrieved'),
(79, 'SELECT * FROM 6_dimensions WHERE type_ = 2 ORDER BY reference ASC', 1, 'The dimensions could not be retrieved'),
(80, 'SELECT SUM(amount) FROM 6_gl_trans\r\n WHERE account='41001000' AND tran_date >= '2010-07-01' AND tran_date <= '2010-07-31' AND dimension_id = '1' AND dimension2_id = '0'', 1, 'Transactions for account 41001000 could not be calculated'),
(81, 'SELECT SUM(amount) FROM 6_gl_trans\r\n WHERE account='41001000' AND tran_date >= '2010-07-01' AND tran_date <= '2010-07-31' AND dimension_id = '2' AND dimension2_id = '0'', 1, 'Transactions for account 41001000 could not be calculated'),
(82, 'SELECT id FROM 6_quick_entries WHERE type='3'', 1, 'could not retreive quick entries'),
(83, 'SELECT * FROM 6_company WHERE coy_code=1', 1, 'The company preferences could not be retrieved'),
(84, 'SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, chart.inactive, type.id\n FROM 6_chart_master chart,6_chart_types type\n WHERE chart.account_type=type.id ORDER BY type.id,account_code', 1, ''),
(85, 'SELECT id, CONCAT(reference,' ',name) as ref FROM 6_dimensions WHERE (closed=0 AND type_=1) ORDER BY reference', 1, '');
sorry just check the wiki and edit the config file to enable sql_trail. wait a moment
I don't know if someone else has done the same but I've pack a portable xampplite that incorporate FA 2.2.11. Firstly it's for my learning purpose only but perhaps other's might need it just in case they want to try FA.
It can downloaded here:
it's packed with 7zip (cause the 7z is smaller so it upload faster)
you can get portable 7zip here:
just extract the downloaded file to the root of your drive (ex: drive D: ) then execute xampp-control.exe to start apache & mysql. after that just use your browser to http://localhost/frontaccount
user: admin
pass: admin
there's 3 company I include & it's use the same user&password. some are using Indonesia COA but you can change it later.
for the phpmyadmin on the package
user: root
pass: root
*) I don't make it very secure because for me it's for learning purpose only.
I just want to share
All the credits goes to xampplite developer & FA developer.
So how do I contact Tom Hallman is he in his forum ? Perhaps you could PM me his e-mail Joe.
The behaviour of account percentage module
Hello Joe/Janusz
I have another question about modules.
I have successfully install&activated Account precentage module in 2.2.11.
I want to set so 2,5% of sales account each month will be donated to charity account. So I set it up like this on account percentage editor:
Source Account : Sales
Account to credit: Payables
Account to debit: Donation/charity
And the above setting is saved & i've check in the database with phpmyadmin the value I entered also in 6_acct_percent_tool table
Now lets say that we are on August 18. Is it possible to run the account percentage tool in current month with start date 1-aug-2010 and end date 31-aug-2010 or can we only run it for the previous month with start date 1-jul-2010 and end date 31-jul-2010?
Because when I try to run it in current month it only gives me blank journal entry. I've try to set start date to 1-aug-2010 and end date 17-aug-2010 and it still give me blank journal entry.
Thx for the answer.
Another question about tax
Dear FA developer.
I wonder how to setup FA tax system to fulfill my needs.
Here is the situation
Example I sell to the customer
Tax base amount : 100.000
Income Tax : 4.000
VAT : 10.000
The journal for that transaction is :
For cash payment
Dr Bank 106.000
Dr Prepaid Income tax 4.000
Cr Sales 100.000
Cr VAT Out Payable 10.000
Example I buy from the supplier
Tax base amount : 100.000
Income Tax : 2.500
VAT : 10.000
The journal for that transaction is :
For cash payment
Dr Inventory 100.000
Dr Prepaid VAT In 10.000
Cr Bank 107.500
Cr Income tax payable 2.500
For the VAT I think I can use the tax item no problem with that.
But for the Income tax I think I must use the tax group but I haven't found a way to get what I want. Each customer/supplier will have different percentage of income tax that related to good/service they bought/sell according to our tax law. The income tax is reducing the amount I pay to the supplier or the amount I get from the customer. On the COA I have create the separate tax account for every tax.
So how to setup the tax group to accomplish that?
Thanks for the answer and BTW when is the 2.3 final will release? Cant wait
Hi there.
I'm just trying to use Revenue / Cost Accruals module and I think it's very useful. I have few ideas about it.
1. Is it possible to add custom memo to JE made by Revenue / Cost Accruals module? because the default is just add memo about the amount accrued and I think we need better memo just in case we want to track those JE.
2. If I accidentaly made mistake on making accrued cost/revenue is it possible to abort the accrued process made by Revenue / Cost Accruals module? for now I have to reverse the JE made by that module one by one.
3. Is it possible to use Revenue / Cost Accruals to help counting asset depreciation/amortization on straight line method? My thought is I just put the economical value of the asset on the amount and on the Accrued Balance Account we put the Accumulated Depretiation Account COA and on Cost Account we put Depr. Exp COA then set the period to 12 months
Oh and I think this module should become default on the next release.
I just check it. it seems in journal entry is limited to 12digits only.
D Bank 123.456.789.123
C Equity 123.456.789.123
I tried to enter 13digit :
D Bank 1.234.567.891.234
C Equity 1.234.567.891.234
but it refuses and limited only to 12digit
but if I enter :
D Bank 999.999.999.999
C Equity 999.999.999.999
D Bank 999
C Equity 999
it shows total,00 and successfully posted
so is there a limitation in here and we just have to split into several line if we want to post more than 12digit?
Hi there.
Me & my friends have a question, how many digits that FA can handle in a journal entry and in COA number. Because it seems my friends want to post something like this:
D Bank
C Equity
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