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Hi guys,
With the army of Magento users out there looking to integrate their Magento with an ERP, with the increasing popularity of Frontaccounting it certainly is worth it to consider putting a team together to look into an integration module for FA and Magento.
Will be more than happy to make a donation to it.
Hello there,
I got this error message during installation:
Error: The language files folder ../lang is not writable. Change its permissions so it is, then re-run the operation.
All other parameters appeared to be ok.
I have no idea where to find this folder. I have looked in the frontaccounting installation folder fa2 and the web sever folder and couldn't find it there.
The installation directory was:
Can anybody help?
I wonder if it will be possible to design it such that in the reporting module I can find out all sales transactions made by a specific staff during a specific shift. Mine is a cybercafe business and run 24Hr service. The main problem is the night night shift which obviously spans two dates.
Will it be possible to filter all sales either by shift number or staff, start date, start time and end date, end time.
This is most important for us as all sales are purely cash transactions so we will have to check cash in hand with transactions during the shift. And more so when most of the time the cash handovers are made to the incoming staff.
Hello there,
I have a small cybercafe business and run a 24 hr service. I am a trying to use FA for recording sales both service and inventory items. I cant however work out how to check all sales made by a particular staff during a shift.
Can anybody help?
Thanks once again for the update. I am not an IT person so all these issues about CVS and uncomment etc honestly do make my head go round. I guess I am going to have to wait until such time I can download the zip file, unzip and install and have everything working ok.
Otherwise I will still be looking for help on getting it going.
Thanks for the update.
Will check it out.
Thanks for the reply.
I have been to the repository and found a few CHANGELOG.txt files there. Downloaded them. But uploading them to the installation did not resolve the problem so I guess it was not the right thing to do.
I really need some help with the updates. Can anybody help?
Thanks for the update.
I have reinstalled FA from a fresh download at the sourceforge link
But the problem persists. I had a look at the changlog.txt file and it appears the last update is from 06 April 2008.
I am not sure what you meant by the CVS repository (Not an IT man). Could you pls provide the link to download the updated file.
Hello there,
Sorry for the very late response. Lost my account details and hence became inactive.
Actually what I have in mind is much more comprehensive based on my experience with Quickbooks online edition which I have been using for nearly two years now. Based on that even the minutest change like adding a comma or a period will be recorded and the change highlighted in red text to make it easier to spot. All records for an individual user are laid out in a tree form to start with. Admin User can then select whichever raises concern.
Another area which could be improved is access control list. Applications like sql-ledger do present a table for all the modules showing the various rights to assgn to user. This provides a more granular security control. I would go a step further to include ability to create a security template to be applied to staffs.
Lastly, again an idea borrowed from Nola Pro: IP security. This allows the admin to specify specific IP addresses from which users can access the application or from which they are prohibited from accessing the application. I do appreciate it may pose a challenge for companies not using static IP but hei! you are the IT guys, you are solution finders!
You can call me paranoid about security but dont call me ordinary
Thanks for the prompt response. Will be looking forward to it. I hope it will be posted under news when done.
Hello there,
I have just installed FA 2.0. I appreciate the improved functionality in many areas of the application.
I am however having no luck raising invoices / sales orders.
When I select an item and hit the Tab Key the code updates automatically but the price doesnt change. I was therefore forced to reinstall FA 1.16 to help troubleshoot. The above problem does not occur in FA 1.16
Same problem occurs with the PO as well.
Pls advise.
Thanks joe for the reply. I am not too sure where that (10_) came from but I have actually taken the trouble to delete the database, deleted the installation directory and recreated everything from scratch, I even changed the database admin details and tried several times to reinstall FA.
Unfortunately this hasn't helped.
Anymore ideas?
Hello there,
I have installed frontaccounting on my server before without any problems at all. I have had to reinstall simply due to silly mistakes by users.
Surprisingly on attempt to reinstall, actually to a subdomain, I get an error message:
Error: Import error, try to import ../sql/en_US-demo.sql manually via phpMyAdmin
I did import the database from a working installation. But on attempt to login using the admin details i get sql database error:
DATABASE ERROR : could not get validate user login for admin
error code : 1046
error message : No database selected
sql that failed was : SELECT * FROM 10_users WHERE user_id = 'admin' AND password='a0ea68djopiop5478fvdlfgplpoi09iu89676pfg'
Please advice.
hello guys,
You have already done a great job. However there is one feature, Full Audit Trail, that seems to be missing from frontaccounting. I think it will be most helpful if you could consider it for future realease since being a web based software unscrupulus staff can mess about with things especially when not on duty and there will be no way of telling who made what changes.
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