We would like to track Item Inventory by Item, Purchase Price. Why?
- this allows sales people to choose lowest cost (purchase price) items first to sell
- profit realization is faster
Any ideas?

If there are more than one customer, Is it working fine for all the customer ?
   One customer can see his own order or can see the orders of other customers ?


        Is there any processes in frontaccounting where a Customer can place his own order details and can see his order status ?


Our sales price is not equal to MRP price. How can i calculate tax on MRP price of a item ?

How to manage tire use in different vehicle in different branches.

I am want to add a truck.

and manage the different part are use in by that truck. how can i manage it.

I cant understand the use of reference in  Journal Entries / Deposits / Payments entry.

when i am importing Deposits / Payments from CSV file data go to one table(bank_trans)
and the gl_trans table is unchanged. but if i enter a payment or deposits one record go to bank_trans table and two record go to gl_trans table. so in the gl_trans table the entry is balance. in case of importing data from csv the gl_trans table is unchange.

please help me for importing.

I did not find the option for import GL Chart of Accounts from csv. There are no option in the Install/Activate extensions session for Import GL Chart of account. Then how can i import Chart account from csv file.

I am using FA 2.3.7.  My challenge is importing multiple journal entries.

There exists an extension for multiple journal entry import.

When I click on the link to the module name in Install/Activate Extension for this module, it shows a version of - "Available version     2.3.0-1". And, the code has a top line comment of "Import Multiple Journal Entries/Deposits/Payments v2.3"

The module has a function call to add_bank_transaction() which does not exist. How do I get to the new version of code which has since been fixed (what I learned from the Forum)? Or, how do I import Multiple Journal Entries using the most up to date module? Thanks.

I am try to import data from excel. But there are no option for importing journal entries/deposits/payments from excel. Then how can i import data from excel.