(3 replies, posted in Reporting)

Hi Joe,
Thanks for your reply.
I've checked the stock_movements.php and identified the required changes to show all the item opening and closing balance on a custom report that would be like the stock movement one. However,  I'm not being able to find the custom reports you've mentioned. Can you please help me?


I'm trying to create a new custom report. When i tried to access the Setup->Install/Activate Extensions, XAMPP crashed. I've tried the same for multiple times, every time i click on the Install/Activate Extension, Themes, Chart of Accounts menu, the apache server on XAMPP crashes and I've to restart it again. I'm using FA 2.3.9 on localhost, MySQL 5.5.8 and XAMPP Version 1.7.7 (portable). Is there any resolution available to this problem?



(3 replies, posted in Reporting)

I'm new to frontaccounting and many thanks for the wonderful software. I need to generate datewise opening and closing stock report, can you please suggest how I can do this?
