It looks like you have FA source files infected, or this is simply alergic response of Kaspersky  on any javascript code fragment looking like virus code. Please compare your FA sources against released version.



(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Hi sushil,

Fixed, CVS updated.

Thanks a lot



(19 replies, posted in Setup)

You can add/edit companies using Create/Update Companies option of Setup tab.



(2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Fixed typo in tax_types.php. New version in CVS.

Thanks a lot for your contribution.


BTW to know more about source of error when you see blank screen you can set $go_debug=1 in config.php temporary. This turns error reporting on making bug hunting much easier, but makes pdf reports unavailable.



(8 replies, posted in Wish List)

Hello wildkactus,

In current database structure we cannot implement this, as transaction currency is stored only in customer settings, not transaction table. We could treat this as db architecture fault, but as for today we do not want to enter more db changes before final 2.0 release. Currently source is in frozen state and version 2.0 beta will be available on soon.

The second matter (multi currency payments) is worth of think over and needs a little less effort, but it must wait a while for the same reason.



(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Hi Jan,

This issue has been fixed today by Joe along with some other corections in reporting module.

We still have some problems with backward compatibility to v. 1.xx, but Joe is working hard to make release 2.0-beta available on sourceforge this weekend, so be tuned.

Thanks again for your contributions


This depends how deeply you changed FA sources. You can use diff3 + patch to move changes between FA 1.12 and your version onto version 2.0, then resolve any possible conflicts manually. If your changes does not involve sales or tax system this should be quite straightforward.


Where did you encounter this problem?
You can enter customer payments and costs in any time, there is no need to issue invoice/delivery first.

BTW Current stable version is 1.16. This week Joe will release version 2.0 beta. If you want to start using FA we advice to install the new version so you will avoid troubles with moving data. The new version is under constant maintenance, so you can be sure any issues will be removed quickly.



(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

This is question addressed to accountant then developer, but AFAIK you should post it on opposite sides on accounts 1700 (bank account) and perhaps 2000 shared capital or any liability account.

This functionality is already implemented in current development version. You can test it on our unstable demo site at or upload from CVS 'unstable' branch. Beta version of FA 2.0 will be released in some next days.


This functionality is implemented already and is to be released with version 2.0 of FA. You can test it on our demo of unstable version at You can also  get latest development  version form CVS server. Development version is stored in CVS in branch named 'unstable'.



(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Do you still have the problem? I have checked out the unstable CVS source for testing and all seems to work OK.



(7 replies, posted in Installation)

If you would not use InnoDB you can end with unconsistent database after any error while including document. I think You should make some experiments with InnoDB settings to make it right , if you wish to use FA safely. May be your real path for db files is not the same as the default one in standard settings.
I still do not understand the source of problem as the mentioned error message is related to config_db.php settings, not MySQL.



(1 replies, posted in Installation)

After upload the source into www document directory you should call install/index.php. If nothing is displayed you have error messages set to off. Look into config.php and set  $go_debug = 1, so you will know more about the problem.



(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

The Sales Order is unnecessary to keep all the data consistent. But yes, you can use in this place sales system ability to automatic sales order generation. This is used in Direct Invoice/DirectDelivery. Have a look into sales_order_entry.php file which is used also in direct invoicing/delivery. If you would call write_sales_invoice() with cart class object corectly initialized with your data you will end with both sales order and sales invoice imported into database.


(2 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

We haven't script for importing BOM's yet, but if you know php a little you can try to  help yourself by modification of existing script for import items csv file. This is only one file of about 170 lines so it should be relatively simple matter.

BTW. What is ASK system?

You can find both extensions in download section:


Hi Ricard

[Disclaimer: this is my personal point of view]
Our latest effort is to make user inteface as fast and comfotable as possible. Productivity is essentaily in conflict with extensive mouse usage. In ideal case the user should be able to operate FA without pointing device at all. Additional control elements slows kbd navigation down at least in some browsers.
[howgh wink]

User can entry duplicate document lines in current FA version. Anyway in average case duplicate lines are result of user mistake so we should display warning note on this.



(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Hi Alex,
Fixed in CVS unstable. I've overlooked conflict between field autoformatting and entry data checks you found.
Anyway entered data is presented in traditional way with one site empty which makes checking easier.



Hi Jan,

Found. This was related to tax structure changes. Demo and CVS updated.

Thanks a lot for your testing effort


I still cannot find it. In what cicumstances you have this issue?
For which supplier it have appeared, for what items? I need some more info to find and repair this, I'm afraid.



(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

I have had similar problem with polish letters and I've give up. Now I am using another fpdf class with wrapper script. If you want I can send you all needed files (but without korean fonts for obvious reason wink ), so you can try if it works also for you.



(5 replies, posted in Setup)

I've noticed a little misunderstanding.
The attached text in my previousd post was patch to apply with standard 'patch' utility, not to insert as it was smile.

Anyway I'm glad all works right for You.



(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

This feature can be added easily, but I'm not sure this is right from fiscal authorities point of view. If your customer requires duplicate of sales invoice this should be exactly the same as original one. This of course does not affect document copies for internal use.

In FA 1.16 release the sql files where not updated after latest db structure changes, I'm afraid.

You can fix this via phpmyadmin by executing those 3 commands:

ALTER TABLE `0_company` ADD `no_item_list` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `f_year`;
ALTER TABLE `0_company` ADD `no_customer_list` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `no_item_list`;
ALTER TABLE `0_company` ADD `no_supplier_list` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `no_customer_list`;

Shame on us.  Stable CVS updated.
Thanks for pointing out.