We are currently about to implement Cash sale/POS functionality and want to know FA community members opinions about proposed solution. The POS model is as follows:

. Company can have multiply points of sale in different locations.
. Every POS can perform direct cash sale, distance selling, or both. Every POS has assigned location and cash account for cash sales purposes.
. Every FA user (salesman) has related POS.

If user's POS allow both cash and distance selling there is an additional selector on Direct Invoice page to switch between normal and cash sale. In cash sale mode he entry page does not contain delivery details, and all needed postings related to cash receive and allocations will be done automatically (without AR account use) when processing the invoice. Otherwise all delivery details must be entered and all goes as before.

All needed changes to user interface reflecting this model are currently uploaded on unstable fa2 demo at http://fa2.iron.from.pl , although no  needed automatic allocations etc is implemented yet.
The changes in UI are:
. POS table editor in Miscellaneous section of Setup module (finally it will be
available only for admins of course).
. Additional POS selector in admin's user setup
. Cash/Delayed payment selector in Direct Invoice.

All comments - bad or good - are welcome.


Now I understand what you mean. You have 280+  received items for the same supplier? Well, this is not usual situation and in fact it can be a problem. It cannot be resolved in an easy way, I'm affraid. The rendering time depends on size of displayed page and if you have some tousands of html elements(this is the case!) it simply must be slow.



(12 replies, posted in Reporting)

Maybe the limit is set also somewhere else. Anyway changing this php setting is the cure as for now.
In unstable CVS branch reporting module has been slightly rewritten, so for future FA 2.1 version this error should not appear at all.


This is absolutely unacceptable behaviour, but in fact I cannot reproduce it. This issue must have to do with your exact configuration, I think. First please test how invoicing works with javascript switched off in browser. If the lags are off this is ajax related issue on your configuration. Also you can set $go_debug in config.php to on to have warning messages displayed if there are any.



(12 replies, posted in Reporting)

The reason can be too low memory constraint set in php_ini. Printing in utf-8 is very memory consuming. Try set $go_debug=1 in config.php to  have more info on it.]


(12 replies, posted in Reporting)

What FA version do you test ? If you are testing unstable CVS source there was intensive changes in report module in last days. Nevertheless 2.0.x release should work properly. If you use 2.0.x seems you have something broken with acrobat/browser settings. Maybe browser cannot find acrobat executable or so.


(12 replies, posted in Reporting)

If you can see reports menu but nothing happens after press on Display:xxx button seems you have something wrong with pdf viewer plugin. Maybe new Acrobat needs some installation process in your browser settings.


(12 replies, posted in Installation)

Hello Jean,

The feature is not well documented I'm afraid, but the 3 mentioned pages are available only for admin of first registered company. You can consider him as superadmin. To have access to those pages please login as admin of the first company on the login page. The constraint is made due to security risk related to some operations (especially installing additional modules).

Item types are hard coded in FA source. For your product the best choice is type Service which simply mean that there is no inventory processing done for it. If you want to classify the product in some functional way you can use Item Category property.



(6 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Ajax indicator has been implemented in CVS unstable branch. You can test the code on http://fa2.iron.from.pl under aqua, cool or default theme.


(12 replies, posted in Reporting)

Strange. The reports are not available without javascript, but if your browser does not support it (or you have js switched off) appropriate message should be displayed.


(6 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

OK, I will try to add the indicator when I have some time this week.


(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Have you tried the demo?


(6 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

I do not see easy way to supersede geometrically different ui controls with any one standard ajax indicator. I would like to avoid unpleasant display flicker when ajax request starts, so the best for me would be to add one central indicator, maybe in the bar under main menu, or changing some common attribute of waiting control (color? border?).

Regarding jQuery I was looking into it and some other js libs when FA ajaxification started, but decided to use JsHttpRequest for some reasons (e.g. suerb foreign encoding support, less code weight, php integration - all what we needed).



(6 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

You are absolutely right. This feature is implemented, but not used yet. This is right moment to make it run, but in fact I couldn't decide about the form and where to put it in different themes.
Ajax update indicator should be reasonably small, but yet noticeable. I would like to avoid fade out all the page as in fact the user interface is not blocked during ajax call and user can continue data entry in other fields (when appropriate). Also progress bar displayed in message box (like this one implemented in FA FoxPro import module) seems to be too annoying regarding to small selector updates cus opening/closing msgbox moves all the page layout up and down.
Have you got any idea how it should look like?



(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Not before next release involving db structure update. In mean time you can fill sales order comments fill with some description about . Not very comfortable, but...

https://frontaccounting.cvs.sourceforge … vision=1.8

There was side effect bug introduced some time ago to items.php and it just have been fixed. Please upload latest version of this file from CVS.



(9 replies, posted in Reporting)

In debug mode the generated pdf file is displayed in browser. Switch the $go_debug off.


1. Hotkey mechanism
One of problems addressed during the implementation was big count of options in some modules which make unique access letters assignement difficult. We resolved this allowing use of duplicated hot keys in following way:
When user press and hold Alt key pressing letter key moves focus  in order between menu options with the letter assigned. Then when Alt key is released, currently focused option link is selected.

2. Hotkey map
Current letter to option assignment has been done intuitively rather than systematically, but I've kept i mind following rules:
. Every menu option has access key. If key is used by more than one option user
can select any of them in circle keeping Alt key pressed and touching access
key some times.
. The letter for options should be as unique as possible, yet intuitive.
. Primary use of first word letters.
. Less used group of options like inquires has common access key.
. Options available in more than one module should have the same access key (eg R for reports)
. Arrow keys can be used in menus to navigate between options (since v.2.2) 

3.Hotkeys in forms (since v.2.2)
Most forms in FA have default values in fields set on interaction start. To bust form data entry performance default submit button has CtrlEnter hotkey assigned in most pages. If there is some non-destructive cancel button available on given form, Escape hotkey can be also assigned to it. Both active buttons are easily recognized by additional confirm/cancel icon.

4. Compatibility
This mechanism seems to work at all browsers but FireFox 3.0 for Win. At this one case user have to press Enter key to run selected option because of internal bug in this FF version.
The implemented hot keys mechanism is available only in full interface mode, although for non-javascript enabled browsers native access key mechanism (with related flaws) should be available.

The system as for now is available for testing at 3 basic themes (default, aqua and cool). We want to know your opinion about the used implementation and assigned hot letters before going further. We would like to have access key map accepted by FA community before CVS update, because introduced system will force corrections to all language modules, and nobody want to do it more than once. The needed changes in gettextized strings are very simple, and not time consuming, but necessary. This is the price for having independent keymap for any supported language.


You should define it as Service to have no qoh checks on it. But item type can be set only when adding new item to Items register. You have to fix stock_master.mb_flag to 'D' e.g. in phpmyadmin.


Oh, I see, here is the problem. This should be considered as a bug. I do not remember why here is 'silent' crediting done instead of changing of item quantities, maybe there was some problem with tracking of source delivery quantities related to changed invoice. I must check this.
I'm a little busy now so please report this issue on mantis, I will take care of it.


Invoice edition should be used if the invoice was not send to customer yet. This is to fix errors after confirm of invoice entry but before sending invoice to customer. There is no additional documents produced in this process. When customer complains about prices or quantities on received invoice you should issue credit note. Fiscal authorities does not like the first method in this case smile. If customer withdraw the order in whole before items are send you can use the third way and void invoice.

Regarding allocation of credit note issued against invoice you are probably right. To be fixed in near future.



(11 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

The reason for these problems is not MySQL version but  you have strict sql mode enabled. FA takes care over data integrity so strict mode should be off currently. See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/ … -mode.html


(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

You should change field name you just have added to debtors_master to avoid the name conflict.


(8 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

To have customer list searchable you should check Search Customer List in Ocmpany Setup.Then when you press space tab you can entry exact customer number or pattern to search. If you want to have direct access to customer database via F4 key use the code related to context calls you will find e.g. in sales_order_entry.php
