
(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

No, we have no universal report engine in FA. Reports are hardcoded, so some minimal php knowledge and a lot of spare time is needed to customize it. Sorry.

You can send my the db files by email, but once again the date of broken records entry in relation to version upgrade date is important

You have found that the source of error is empty sales_orders.stock_from_loc in some records. Can you find whether those records were added to database BEFORE upgrade, or AFTER? You certainly have db dump made before version upgrade, so it should be easy to find.

When the empty stock_from_loc were in original database, we should deal with bad data during upgrade. Otherwise we have some bug in new code resulting with incorrect sales_order records.



(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Currently only mangling in source code. We will think about some solution in 2.2.

Were the fatal records with empty from_stk_loc added after upgrade, or before? Anyway it is not good, but we should know this to decide how to deal with this problem.



(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Yes, the ECB data is retrieved when today exchange rate is not set for the currency in local database.



(38 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

We have no implemented remote API like RPC/SOAP/Hessian as for now.
If you would like to make some connector to e.g. OSCommerce you will find some local API documentation in download section. Keep in mind that FA is all the time under construction so documentation can be a somewhat outdated.

Anyway you are welcome smile.


(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I f it is temporary error you can set exchange rate manually to stop the warning. If you have no inet connection or really the currency is not noted by ECB you can play with source of get_ecb_rate() in gl_db_rates.inc

No, they are not. It is subject to change in pending 2.2.


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Please check your db consistency after version upgrade. This case was considered here:

Unfortunately original thread author went away without comments.



(2 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

You will find cheque module on download section.


(7 replies, posted in Reporting)

The end date is here used to limit printout to old, not allocated transactions. This is not for retrieval of customer balances status on given date. For me this is right, as usefulness of historical balances is disputable, while selecting only very old unallocated transactions is not.



(3 replies, posted in Installation)

You must have spanish locales installed on the server with the same encoding as declared on install language page. Without properly configured locales gettext will display english messages.


No. All bugfixes to current version are merged to unstable branch after stable minor release. This is because development changes can conflict with bugfixes.

Of course you can try to merge the branches locally for your private use. In this actual case only inserts.js file was changed.


I cannot reproduce first issue. All works right for me. Also nothing was changed since 2.1 beside adding CtrlEnter hotkey.
Regarding problem with AltTab this is related to 2.1 hotkeys system. Fixed, main CVS updated. Thank you.



(4 replies, posted in Wish List)

Ok guys,

The idea just has been implemented. The changes are in unstable CVS.
New option in preferences 'Remember last document date' decides whether to use last date during new document entry, or current day is used as so far. When  transaction date on new document is not the current one, it is displayed in red as a warning. Enjoy.



(7 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Fixes for both issues in main CVS.
Thanks again.


(7 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Bingo. This is a bug.
Thanks Alvin.


Could you explain me how have you fixed the problem? I still cannot find the source of the trouble nor reproduce it.


Well, which one error you have? Database error from post #1 or the problem described in post #7? Both seems to be result of some fails during db upgrade. The first problem cannot be solved without access to local database (see advice in post #6).


Fix in CVS main trunk. For inpatient: change line 19 of gl/includes/ui/gl_journal_ui.inc to:

    global $table_style2, $Ajax;


Yes, the base amount  should update with quick entry selector change. This is a bug.

I had expected the situation to function like this...

Are you clairvoiant?! wink



(10 replies, posted in Installation)

I have found the reason, I think. This error is raised also when php is running in CGI mode (not  APache module). So you can delete .htaccess file and eventually add respective lines to php.ini file:

magic_quotes_gpc = 0
register_globals = 0

Thanks for pointing out this problem.



(11 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Probably you are using old database on new source tree, where per company subtree is deleted on made unwritable for www server. The subdirectories should have sequential integer numbers beginning from 0 (this has nothing to do with database prefix!). So if you have 5 entries in db_connections (config_db.php) you should have 5 subdirectories from company/0 to company/4. After restoring check if all files have 777 access rights set then delete unneeded company in Create/Update Company page.


(10 replies, posted in Installation)

I am happy that all works now for you, although I would be much more happy if I  know the exact source of the problems.
The .htaccess file has now two directives which set php parameters to secure values: magic_quotes_gpc=off and register_globals=off. This can also (and should) be set in php.ini file. Without them any application is potentially vulnerable to RFI/LFI attacks. If you run your server in trusted closed environment it does not matter. Otherwise it is a must.

Could you list me your exact configuration where the problem arose (operating system version, www server type/version etc)? I feel this is some issue in your local setup, but anyway this should never end with blocking FA use at all.


Beta releases could involve minor db structure changes if it would be necessary.
No database changes (beside bug fixes) after RC release. During following 2.1.x bugfix releases no new feature will be adopted which would need database structure changes.
