
(30 replies, posted in Wish List)

You can download it here.

Download, rename it to rep103.php, and replace in


Well, it seems that I got the resources just now smile

In the files

look up this:

if (@$_GET['popup'])
    hidden('_tabs_sel', get_post('_tabs_sel'));

and change to

if (@$_GET['popup'])
    hidden('_tabs_sel', get_post('_tabs_sel'));
    hidden('popup', @$_GET['popup']);

This should do it.

HG repository updated.


I guess you should revert it again. Later when I get the resources, I will look at you minor item above.


I am terrible sorry guys, and especially you @chris.

It turns out to be a little glitch when changing the Item list box fill a year ago. A parameter was missing in the new one.

The function in ui_lists.inc, line 776:

function stock_items_list_cells($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $all_option=false, 
    $submit_on_change=false, $all=false, $editkey = false)

indicates a final parameter $editkey. If this is true, a f4 key is available to call upp the items form in a popup window.

So in file /purchasing/includes/ui/po_ui.inc line 401:

        stock_items_list_cells(null, 'stock_id', null, false, true, false);
should have a last parameter set to true
        stock_items_list_cells(null, 'stock_id', null, false, true, false, true);

And finally there was a little bug in /inventory/manage/items.php on line 22. Should be:

page(_($help_context = "Items"), @$_REQUEST['popup'], false, "", $js);

Try to change theese lines and it will work with the f4 key. Some times you have to pres this key twice.

So F2 = customer/supplier, F3 = customer branches and F4 = items in forms where this is established.

This will be sent to the HG repository. First I will have a look into other scripts if it need changing.

You can also download the 2 files here. Rename the items.php1 to items.php and replace the files



(30 replies, posted in Wish List)

This has now been sent to HG repository. The Customer Detail Report got a few fixes too.


We don't seem to come any closer to the subject.

I know we have many Belgian users that are satisfied with the setup of FrontAccountang.

Of course we can not satisfy all.

I am closing this topic now.



(30 replies, posted in Wish List)

Ok, I am out of office for a while. I will replace the rep205.php file in above post later
And I will send it to the HG repository later.



(30 replies, posted in Wish List)

Sorry Chris, we overlapped each other.
The addresses in Physical was just to syncronize with the address fields in the Mailing Address.

I have made a dispaly of Website name, Dimension names also in column 2. There were space for that.



(30 replies, posted in Wish List)

Did you set the $go_debug flag in config.php to 1. This will trap any errors. Also look into the error_log in the FA /tmp folder.



(30 replies, posted in Wish List)

I forgot to tell that orientation was first established in release 2.3.14.



(30 replies, posted in Wish List)

Hello again,

I Have tried to compile a 'Supplier Detailed Report'.

Download the attached zip file. Unpact and add/replace these 2 files


And tell me if this is what you want. I have only printed the first contact. Otherwise the report will be huge.

PS. I am awaiting your comments before committing it.

All the GL entries in FA is based on what is setup on the Item/supplier/customer/branch.

The COGS account is first entered when the Dilivery Note to a customer.

The way it is done in FA in the correct way of doing it. Please have a talk to a local accountant.


Which release do you refer to?

I have this gettextized in /gl/gl_bank.php, line 122:

       display_notification_centered(_("Deposit $trans_no has been modified"));



(30 replies, posted in Wish List)

Hello Guys,

This seems to be a great wish, so I will incorporate such a report into the core FA.

Any specific wishes. @Chris, please indicate the SELECT statement and column names.


The normal procedure is first a Purchase Order (PO), then a receival note (GRN) and then a supplier invoice (menu on right side).

If you do a Direct supplier invoice, all these stages will be performed in the background.

If you do a Direct GRN a PO is done in the background. When the supplier invoice is received, you use the supplier invoice (menu on right side).

The purchasing Account is first debited when delivering (Delivery Noote) the product and the Inventory is credited.
The stocks are still in our position until delivering, right?

Try this out on a Training Co or Demo before using it. Look at the underlying GL entry. Read also the Wiki.



(10 replies, posted in Announcements)

Yes, but if you have made some changes for yourself in some files, you should backup these files for later adjustments.


In the purchasing data on Items and Inventory tab, you can setup the suppliers discription of an item.



(4 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)


Which browser are you using?

I have tried IE9, Google Chrome, Opera, FireFox and Safari and cannot see any differences in vertical alignment for the items you indicate when using the Direct Invoice form.


Well if the company is 'internationalized' they will probably use the English language, right?

At least this is my experience.


Your second list item.
All the listboxes (comboboxes) are in the file /includes/ui/ui_lists.inc and the customer list is on line 486 and derivations from that further on.

Your first list item.
Well, I guess it is in one of the javascript files in the /js folder. I must ask Janusz to comment on that. He fixed the Ajax and Js scripts.



Regarding the link to popup windows.

Check that you have these lines at the top of the file where you want the links:
They should be just before the page(...........) function call.

$js = "";
if ($use_popup_windows)
    $js .= get_js_open_window(900, 500);

Use the function

function viewer_link($label, $url='', $class='', $id='',  $icon=null)

on line 219 in file /includes/ui/ui_controls.inc.

Search all the files for viewer_link to get an idea on how to use the parameters.


Included Sales Pricing, Purchasing Prising, Cost update and Reorder Levels in tabs in Items form.

The HG repository is updated.

You can download the file new_tabs.zip that include these files:


Unpack the zip file and replace the files in relevant folders.

Hope you are satisfied with this.


Chris, I guess these items can be added as tabs, like 'Transactions' and 'Status'. Thanks for the idea. I will try to include these tabs. Then I will be back.


Data belonging to a database should be in your natural language.

Simply translate them inside FrontAccounting.

The chart of Accounts script should have been translated from the beginning.


Look in some of the themes. Let is say you look into Default Themes, file renderer.php.

Make a copy of this folder, Default to f.i. MyTheme.

Start editing the renderer.php in MyTheme. You can also change the style sheet (default.css).

When you are satisfied, you can change to this new Theme by clicking 'Preferences' of 'Display Setup' and select your new theme.

Good look, and if you end up with a nice theme, please share it with us.
