(16 replies, posted in Reporting)


Let me start by thanking you for your input.

Have replaced the files. The report does give the info required, but there are two issues that I can pick up:

1. The dimension Name is not displayed anywhere on the Statement
2. The dimension total is the same as the total outstanding for all the dimensions on that particular client and not just for the invoices outstanding for the specific dimension.

For example:

Dimension A and Dimension B is linked to the same customer. Drawing a reports then on the customer with no dimension selected gives you the answer for the total outstanding for A+B.

when selecting Dimension A, the Invoices and amounts listed in the detail matches the dimension, but the total for the Statement is still A+B instead of the total only for A

Hopes this makes sense, but it gives a great platform to work from.



(5 replies, posted in Reporting)

Agree with you.


Sometimes I want to show a service cost on the client invoice and give them a 100% discount, but I need the discount% to display as well as the amount of zero(0) on the invoice.

Have searched the forum but cannot find something



(5 replies, posted in Reporting)

Rep 108 Print Statement.

In the block below the customer's address, the Customer's Reference is not displayed on this report. Next to that the Sales Person attached to that company is also not displayed.

where do I upload the snapshot?


(16 replies, posted in Reporting)


I think that the statement report where invoices and payments are listed could work if you can search for a specific dimension attached to that Customer.  The customer balances report can also work.


(16 replies, posted in Reporting)

I will have to try and figure out these tags since there is not a lot of info.

It seems that all the posts regarding tags deals with income statements only, and will not provide me with a list of invoices that the dimension was attached to.

when for example I have a dimension A and dimension B on Level1 and I need to have a list of invoices for list be, it is not possible.

I do not see how using tags will provide me with that information if the only place where tags can be used is in the Income Statement report.


(5 replies, posted in Reporting)

When printing or emailing a customer statement, the Customer reference does not pull through to the report neither does the Sales Person.


(16 replies, posted in Reporting)

It seems that the dimensions reports are fairly limited which limits its usefulness.

Currently it seems that it is only the dimensions report that give you a nett total for each dimension, or Income and expense statement for a particular dimension.

We need to be ably to display a list of invoice for a particular dimension to determine the number of invoices issues for a specific project on a particular client that we work on. Some client we work on multiple projects at the same time, but have to report on each project separately.

Maybe a list of invoices for a particular dimension on the client statement only displaying that particular dimensions invoices relating to that dimension. Indicating which invoices on that particular project has not been paid.

Will make life a lot easier to reconcile.

Thanks. Will the js files recreate itself then again?

It seems to be working now. I think between the php ini and the clearing and closing of the browser seemed to have solved the problem.

Hi Apmuthu, have tried that, to no avail. I will try in PHP5.3 and see what happens.


(4 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Thanks, Much appreciated. Will give it a try. I missed the old post for future dating.

I have a client installation with three companies on FA 2.3.24

The installation worked fine, although it seemed to always had an issue with displaying the sales tab after login. when you refresh then the sales tab would appear, but takes three or four tries sometimes.

At least it saved any new information that was entered. The last two days the system / has a problem to save any information even if done from different browsers and different computers.

I looked through the forum and on the internet but cannot find a workable solution. Tried the php ini file to set different php functions, as well as the htaccess file in FA folder.

Will appreciate the help. Mysql: v 5.5.42-cll PHP version: 5.4.26 ; it is a shared server.

If you add a customer, it seems like the customer was not added, until you refresh the main tab and then it is there.

If you add a supplier, nothing shows and when you refresh the main tab 3 customers with the same name and short name appears.

When trying to add an item, it is not created no matter what I try.

In doing a bank recon, it is not done at all after selecting all the relevant information.

I have my hands in my hair, because time is an issue.




(4 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

In one of my client companies you have to pay membership in advance. When using Recurring invoices after 12 months minus 5 days, the invoice generated indicates that the period for the payment is for the past 12 months and not the future 12 months.

Is there a possibility that we might have some options here? How can one change that to be paying for a future date?


(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Currently when you draw a statement for a customer in the reports section, there is no choice of date. If there is outstanding invoices the statement  will be as is on date when you draw the report.

If a client needs a statement for a specific period for example 28/02/2015, and you are drawing the statement today, then it will include all the invoices and payments over the history of the client especially when you select to include the allocated amounts.

The statement would be as on date of drawing the report and not the date the client requested.

Is it possible to have a start and end date for the statement. That way it will get rid of previous multiple years of information on the statement and only return the data for the specific period.




(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Did you setup the Invoice numbers in the setup tab / Form Setup. This will be the number that will be displayed on the statement.  When you issue or email a new invoice, it shows the system process number as allocated for customer invoices in the database. This will be different to the IN-0003 Invoice number depending on you setup.

When you start an old company on the FA system from another accounting system, you would like to continue with your invoice numbers so that you d not have a break between the last number on the old system and the first number on FA. Let's say that your last number on the old system was 999, then the first new number on FA would be set to 1000.

However the process number in the database for Invoice number 1000 will be #1. when you process the first invoice, FA will indicate that you have processed Invoice #1, but it is actually the first invoice in your new FA database, not Invoice number #1. The invoice number will be 1000.

Hope this makes some sense.




Sales Tab/ Customer and Sales Reports/ Select Invoices and reprint invoices that you have done.

If you have deleted a financial year after you closed it, then those invoices will be deleted.


Has this been resolved?

When you do the discount later, how will it reflect the impact on VAT? This will reduce the amount of Input Vat claimable?

Should this not be done when you do the Purchase invoice?



(4 replies, posted in Wish List)

The problem is with the cost allocation when issuing the Direct Purchase invoice. You cannot allocate it to the cost of a specific project.

The only way to overcome this is to have a line item for each project on the service or items that you use to apply the cost to a dimension or project.

I understand that when you do an order or delivery, that it will not work, but there must be a way that these costs can be link to a dimension at some stage. Maybe when you pay the supplier, unless there is more than one dimension's items that you order from the same supplier.

One could then have different direct tax invoice, orders link to the specific project.



When you email the invoice from FA to the client, the invoice number is displayed in the email topic as well as the attachment with the "Invoice No. IN-00604"

I save the emails if I want to quickly go back and find one, because I can search client name in the to column or I can search in topic for the invoice number.

when you email invoice a copy is send to BCC address that you have entered in the setup.

The tax report has the same problem if you do an inquiry on sales/Customer Transaction Inquiry and you open an invoice or you open a credit note, it will duplicate that as a transaction if you update anything, even if nothing has changed.

That results in the the credit note number and invoice number displaying twice doubling the amount of tax payable for the period.

I have installed the update as recommended above, but the problem still persists. It seems it was fixed only for the purchases not sales. If I did an inquiry on an invoice, it will duplicate the invoice when updated.

I agree that this have serious implications for someone who will claim double deduction or has to pay double the amount especially if they do not print the detail in the report and verify the number of invoices on Output Vat and Input vat.

Any help or fix in this regard will really be appreciated.

seahawk wrote:


I have issued the first invoice, 1 /6/2013. The next invoice would be due again on 1/6/2104. In setting up the repeating invoice I have set the start date as 1/6/2013 and then set 12 months in the month column.
It shows up in the Create and Print recurrent Invoices, but when I create the invoice and print it it reads: Invoice covers period 01/06/2013 to 31/05/2014 instead of 01/06/2014 to 31/05/2015.

Some advice here would be appreciated.

This problem still does not seem to be resolved. I still have to create repeating invoices and then go back to modify tax invoice to set the payment period for the following year in advance. It seems that the system does payments in arrears.

Another problem is that the customer reference is wrong. It uses a different customers reference. There is no place on the modify invoice where one can correct the reference from the customer.

Any dimensions is also not transferred to the new invoice. You have to correct every invoice to the correct dimensions.

Any solution to these issues?


It would be nice if one could have Dimensions that one can enter on the supplier invoice. It is not possible at the moment which results in the expense not allocated to the dimension.

The only work around is to create service item for each dimension and link the dimension there.

I found a way to work around this.

1. Go to Banking and general ledger.
2. Select deposit
3. Select correct bank account receiving the deposit
4. Select customer
5. Use debtors control account
6. Add Deposit details in the memo section with order reference number. Add line and process
7. Process the deposit.

The age analysis as well as the statement will now show that the debtor has a credit.
Once you have completed the invoice, go to SALES and Allocate Customer Payments or Credit Adjustment Notes and allocate the deposit to the specific invoice.

The same can be done for a supplier wher you made a deposit to acquire or reserve something.

Hope this helps.

You need to setup a new fiscal year in SETUP tab and add the new Fiscal Year.

Then go to company setup in SETUP tab and make new Fiscal year active.

You are the able to post to the current or past year. Just remember that your document numbers will increase irrespective of the fiscal year you process in. Just make sure you change the process date to the correct fiscal year.