
(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I want to implement templated references. When it will be done we could have series of documents parametrized e.g. one invoice serie per location like xxx/DEF/2010.


(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Javascript files are compressed and cached in company/x/js_cache directory, but this should be cleaned and restored on every login. Nice it works now for you, but still we do not know the exact source of problems.


(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Well, I don't know where the problem can be as I cannot reproduce it. Seems the first displayed customer in customers list has empty currency set in debtors_master? Is this message displayed for every selected customer? Do you have this problem when 'Search customers list' option is on or off?



(9 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Another option is to add transportation as service item to inventory and include it on supplier invoice entry as additional item line. This works at least for me, although some problems may appear when transport cost is not known at the purchase order phase.


(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Passing null as currency shoulbe considered as a bug. Where and when you see the error message?


(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

For your information: we have just implemented Sysem Diagnostics screen under Setup, where you can check overall system sanity. The set of tests on this page is open for further improvements, so if you will find something worth of adding here, give us a note.



(4 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Prompt payments are not automatically allocated to new invoices. You have to do it via Allocate Customer Payments or via CustomerAllocations Inquiry.


(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

You can set error logging in config.php. What was your FA version before upgrade?

Enable Sales Quotation access in Access Setup for your role.

Try enable error logging to file (settings are explained in config.php file). Retry the purchase invoice step with javascript off in your browser.


You have to change a couple of files: cart_class.inc, sales_order_ui.inc,sales_order_entry.php, sales_order_db.inc. Perhaps also sales_credit_ui.inc, sales_credit_db.inc. If the field have to be used during delivery or invoice  also other files have to be changed. Big task, to big to effectively I  explain it on the forum. I would advice  looking after another item line field (e.g. units or quantity), how it  is used in sales document entry/edition/storage throughout sales module files.



(38 replies, posted in Wish List)

Yes, I think we should anyway try to move the work a little forward. I have still not too much spare time, but if we will not start recognize our needs and possibilities we will never finish the task. I will contact Dave and Alvin directly to workout some road map optimal for all us.



(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

No, but you can make direct delivery (sales order is generated in background), and issue sales invoice later in second step. This way you will also have 2 step sales process.


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

Should work as so far (nothing was changed here), although access keys are highly browser dependent.


(11 replies, posted in Setup)

I have just tested FA after restarting apache2 on two my servers with change of listening port to 8082. Both systems work without problems, changes on Company Setup page are updated, no update timeouts.

I have Debian installed on both systems. As a browser I use Iceweasel (Firefox) and 3.0.6. Could you check another browser like Konqueror? Maybe FF 3.5.7 has some flow regarding ajax updates on non-standard ports.



(11 replies, posted in Setup)

Thank you very much. Your investigation is very helpful smile.
For ajax calls we use JsHttpRequest library which is very good piece of code, but from the box it has not supported urls containing port number. I have fixed it long time ago, but surely I have missed something. I think it is related to file upload field on company setup page. JsHttpRequest have 3 internal transports, but not all capable for file upload. I will check it later today and will inform you about the effects.

BTW FrontAccounting uses relative urls only, so you can install it were you wish with the same effect.



(11 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes, of course it is not right. The problem is that I cannot reproduce this error.
The exclamation mark means there was no data returned from server and 3-ply timeout occured. This happens when some fatal error interrupts response on ajax call.
Have you checked all is right at System Diagnostics page? Have you error logging switched on? Maybe you will find something in FA error log or in www server's log.


So we have problem. I will add it to mantis.


(4 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

You can give any name you wish. Don't forget go through users records to update relation to this just created POS.


(3 replies, posted in Installation)

Try newest 2.2.4 release, there was a couple of important bugfixes in mean time.
Use only plain english letters/digits/special chars in password. Do not use local alphabetic characters in password. You can also try to set password using phpmyadmin to this found in
en_US-demo.sql, you should have access granted logging with admin:password.


I can't help as long as I don't know what exactly is wrong here i.e. what kind of transaction is not voided cleanly.

The 3 calls is result of retry after failure in ajax mode. To have some info what went wrong you can try call Direct Invoice page with javascript switched off in your browser. Also release 2.2.4 has improved error handling in this point.


(4 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Probably you have removed default POS. Restore it, then enter every user and Edit/Update it. After this operation all should work right.
Default POS should not be deleted, but due to bug in 2.2.3 this was possible.

See into rep709.php file to know how the records are selected. When transaction is voided all related  tax records have amounts set to 0, and therefore are not displayed in tax report. If you have some of them displayed seems for some transaction tax records are not cleared during voiding. Where have you found this problem?


(11 replies, posted in Setup)

Sometimes happens that error messages are hidden after fatal error during ajax update, although t was fixed in last 2.2.4 version.To have more messages displayed  login into FA with javascript off in your browser, and reply tests..
