
(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Well, it seems obvious,  but if it is not for you,  forgive ironic example above.

If you have 0 (zero) decimal places set for uom named 'pcs' it means you can sell only 1, 2, 3... pcs, and not 1.23 or 0.7 pcs, right?
If you have 1 decimal place for 'kg' you can sell items using this uom in quantity  e.g. 1.2 or 50.5kg., but not 50.50006 kg. et cetera, et cetera...


(20 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes, this is a bug. There is no big sense in creating company without creating database based on provided script at the same time. Will be fixed n next minor release. Thank you for pointing this out.


(20 replies, posted in Setup)

spott wrote:

My first company has prefix 0 and all other company's, when I am creating them - FrontAccounting letting to chose 1 or none for prefix.

System offers both prefixed and non-prefixed tables in selector, but the selected option is checked on save and usage of both prefixed and non-prefixed tables in the same database is forbidden (check error is displayed in this case and company is not created).

Now I switched on the debug mode and checked out all setup check messages. Everywhere I get OK - except installed_extensions.php file. File is chomd 777 with all write permissions - but it still shows this error.

No idea why the file is not writable on your system, but surely it have to be writable for www server process to perform company creation without errors.

And now, when I try add new company, I am getting fallowing errors (debug is switched on)
Undefined index: tbpref in file: /home/portal/domains/portalinvest.com/public_html/intra/admin/create_coy.php at line 150
Undefined index: tbpref in file: /home/portal/domains/portalinvest.com/public_html/intra/admin/db/maintenance_db.inc at line 92
Cannot open the extension setup file '../company/1/installed_extensions.php' for writing.
Undefined index: tbpref in file: /home/portal/domains/portalinvest.com/public_html/intra/admin/create_coy.php at line 281

It mean that company/1 folder is not writable for server (or cannot be created), or the file is readonly.



(12 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Well, when you have 'Tax included' set in your price list, the prices you entry are considered to contain taxes. So when you provide price 263$/item (tax included) your net price is net price 245.79 plus 17.21 tax (i.e just 7% from 245.79). And final total on invoice is also stated with tax included.

If you want to have tax added printed for every line on invoices you have to use price list with unchecked 'Tax included' option.



(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

This decides about resolution which you can use when you sell goods.
Let's assume you sell cars. Then you can set uom 'pcs' and decimal places set to 1, and your clever salesman can sell one and half of a car at a time wink.


(12 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

This was explained a couple of times already.
You should create Tax Groups containing _all_ tax rates  applicable to some group of customers. So if you have tax exempt (e.g. foreign) customers, no tax rate should be in one group, while another group should contain all rates applicable to domestic customers. The final tax rates selected on invoice are those, which exists both for item sold and customer. In other words set of tax rates used on invoice is intersection  of Item Tax (depend on item) and Tax Group (depend on customer)


(17 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

The two additional postings are result of foreign currency bank account revaluation. This is done on first transaction involving currency account, after the currency rate has changed. So on every later transaction on the same date, the revaluation will not be posted. Joe can explain more about it.


(20 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes, if you use one database for more than one company you _have_to_ use prefixes for all of them. Thank you for pointing this out, I have not found it on first glance. I will inspect checking procedures in Create Company screen and eventually fix this in sources.


(5 replies, posted in Reporting)

You have to append something like 'AND NOT".TB_PREF."stock_master.inactive' in where clause of the query used in repxxx.php file. I'm not sure, but probably this should be considered as a bug and changed in FA sources as well.

Thank you. I will look into this.

Seems that document you want to look into has no line defined, which should not appear normally.


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

1) Main currency can be set after installation in company setup before you start transaction entry. Or can be set in setup COA file.
2) Base currency is used for all postings to general ledger. You can setup it as you wish, only issue can be related with finding source of rates for automatic update, but this can be also switched of.
3) Yes
4) All rates are stored in transaction record as of date of transaction, and GL postings are made in home currency using this rate. There is no need for later recalculations.

I agree the documentation lacks a lot of FA functionality. Wiki is open for changes for all registered forum users, so if you want to help document FA you are welcome smile.



(20 replies, posted in Setup)

If you fixed the wrong permissions on company folders, the situation has changed, so what is the error message now? Surely when you have note that some file cannot be  written this is permissions problem.

zenx, seems subdomain folder is not writable. FA does not need to know exact place of installation as it use only relative urls, so thihave to be local site setup problem.



(20 replies, posted in Setup)

No, they are not. At least company directory and all its subdirs should be writable. Probably you have ignored problems signalized during FA install, so when you try add new company the related company folder cannot be created.



(20 replies, posted in Setup)

You have invalid permissions set on some parts of your installation. Look into System Diagnostics screen to find what is wrong.


(3 replies, posted in Translations)

Oh, yes, now I understand. You want to fix ambiguous phrases in source. Good idea, fixing them in german will should remove most problems for any other language.

BTW Gettext introduced domain concept to avoid this kind of problems. It is more comfortable to have all translated strings in one po file, but sometimes better choice would be to have single po file per module (sales, purchase etc). Unfortunately gettext runtime library can use only one domain at a time, so it would require to copy the common string translations over all module's po files, so this approach is not practical. Better is to care about it fixing the source strings to avoid ambiguity  using slightly different spelling (e.g. additional spaces in strings).



(3 replies, posted in Translations)

I will send you the up to date po.file directly. Do you want translate FA 2.2.7 or  CVS (unstable) version?


(8 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Sorry, I can't understand what you want to do. Maybe you should look into source code and try get it yourself, or consult some programmer in your location.


(4 replies, posted in Translations)

Yes, this is no fun, but any complains should be sent probably to apache team, this issue is just not related to FA.
Thanks in advance for the translation.


(8 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Which parameters you mean? Customer discount? It is stored in debtors_master table.


(4 replies, posted in Translations)

I'm not sure it is so called 'well known' apache+gettext issue, but at least it is well known to me smile. Really annoying bug as normally nobody but admin can restart www server. I have not found workaround to refresh gettext support without restart.


(8 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Yes. All parameters adequate for sales order (eg discount) should be automatically updated after the customer is selected. This is done by updating customer input with selected customer id, and performing ajax call related to customer selector change. If you anyway want to know how it works exactly you should look into functions passBack and callEditor in inserts.js.


(8 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I can't understand what exactly is the problem here?

Branch address is textarea, and this is printed as multiline text in reports, so only thing you have to do is adding the hours line to MAiling Address in Sales/Customer Branches for every branch you need it.


(12 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

You should also set Tax Group containing both tax types and apply it to your customer.