Under Supplier and Purchasing reports, there is no selection for the print of supplier invoices. Is that deliberatly or a mistake?
Kind regards
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FrontAccounting forum → Posts by seahawk
Under Supplier and Purchasing reports, there is no selection for the print of supplier invoices. Is that deliberatly or a mistake?
Kind regards
The Purchases/ Inquiries and reports/ supplier transaction inquiry/
It only shows Purchase Order Delivery and nothing else for the supplier.
Why does the Journal Entry Report no longer show the account name? It only shows the reference number.
How can one get the account name to show as well, just makes it easier to link the two if both is displayed.
Had the same issue with Supplier Tax Invoices that did not show, but this fixed it.
This option send 350 old invoices to the client.
When I created the Recurring Invoices, (Transactions/Create and print recurrent tax invoices) select the invoice, modify and submit the invoice, the option screen then gives you option to Prit, email etc. I then click email Invoice, It does nothing.
When I go to (Inquiries and Reports/Customer transaction enquiry/) and select the invoice to edit the invoice, save and then click email invoice, it sends the email invoice just fine.
I cannot get it figured out, why a it is not sending the email under recurring invoices. Will this be two separate functions, that the one is working and the other one not.
Not the case. It does not even indicate that it is sent after creation via recurring invoices.
When redone through either reports or change of invoice and submit and then emailed it goes through in both cases.
If the SMTP was blocked then no emails will be received or send outside of the recurring invoices either.
Hi nortinos
The system is on online server, and the customer's contacts are correct.
It worked on the 2.3 system before upgrade to 2.4. When the email invoice is selected, it does not show that the email was sent. It just remains blank. I just assumed that the email was send, but even I did not receive a copy.
On normal direct invoice, it sends the email as well as on reports, Invoices, email invoice.
There must e something else wrong with the recurrent invoices?
I am struggling on 2.4.4 recurring invoice to email the invoice. It creates the invoice and print the invoice correctly, but when I click email invoice, nothing happens. I have to then go to invoices in reports and select the invoice to email or I must edit the invoice and emal again.
Cannot figure out why the invoice is not emailing after the repeating invoices was created.
Banking and GL / Maintenance / Quick Entries
When setting up these quick entries it requires the following information:
Entry Type:
Base Amount Description:
Default Base Amount:
Normally with 2.3 the Base amount description would transfer to the transaction line memo when the quick entry is used.
For example when you setup Banking fee you will use the following:
Description: Bank Costs - Monthly Fee
Usage: Monthly Fee
Entry Type: Bank Payment
Base Amount Description: Account Fees (This would normaly transfer to the GL account posting in FA2.3) Does not transfer in FA2.4.4
Default Base Amount: Value of the transaction
You also setup an account to post the transaction against:
Posted: You choose various options
Account: The GL account that must be used.
Part: If you want to allocate part to the chosen account and then setup a second account that must get part you will enter amount here as %, depending on which posting option you have chaosen
Line memo: This is new in FA2.4, and I have check if this line now pull through to the GL description when you post the item. Have Was not in FA 2.3
If you upgraded from 2.3.26 to 2.4.4 you wil have to edit all your quick entries to change the Base amount description and add it in the Line memo.
I have tested this now, and then it will display in the line transaction. This means after upgrade you have to edit all your Quick Entry Lines
Thank you all. It is working now.
In the quick entry setup, Banking and Geberal ledger / Payments/ the base amount description is not transferring to the Memo after the go button is clicked to go.
In 2.3 the description would pull through to the ledger account entry memo in the line item. In 2.4.4 It leaves any of the payments ledger lines memo blank. Also blank description in Recon.
Payments to suppliers and deposit (Customer Payments) show in Recon correct.
Reports/Suppliers/ Aged Supplier analysis, with the following settings:
Show alocated = No
Summary = No or Yes
Suppress Zero's = Yes or no
Graphics = No Graphics.
Reports deos not display.
With Show alocated = Yes, Report displays
Please provide solution.
Using latest Firefox, other reports do display.
Not working. It activates the theme, but no links on the lefthand side at all. To change to another theme I have to go via preferences.
I upgraded my FA to 2.4.4 in order to be able to set my PHP to 7.0 or higher for latest Joomla installations in preparation of Joomla 4.0
On php5.6 I use to use the Exclusive theme, just worked easier with the main links on the left hand side.
After upgrading to 2.4.4 and changing the php to 7.1 the theme is no linger functional.
Must I activate a particular extension or must the theme be updated to function with php7.
Thanks for you feedback.
Thanks everyone for your input. Much appreciated @poncho1234 and @apmuthu.
Maybe we should be able to create a VAT with dates attached to it.
Lets say that we have a start date and end date for 14% VAT and then create new VAT for 15% with new Start date and end date some date in future untill new VAT rate is created.
I think that people with line item vat per stock item would have a nightmare. Depending on the number of suppliers and clients could also be time consuming.
I will make a copy as a training database and then play around with it to find the best solution for each client.
RSA is increasing VAT from 01/04/2018 from 14% to 15% VAT.
I have seen only one suggestion to:
1. Complete all transactions by 31 March 2018
2. Change the Input and Output Vat % on the 01/04/2018 to 15%
This creates a problem when you have to do credit notes. If the invoice was issued at 14%, the credit note should also be done with 14% VAT.
I there any other workable solution or is this the only way to deal with the increase in VAT.
Report rep707.php does not render any return. Something must be wrong with it. Do not know if this report 707 is for 2.4 or 2.3?
The Balancesheet report works, but when you select Profit and Loss Statement with Period Y-1 instead of accumulated, the report does not render
Is there a way that we could add the options for the pay now to client pdf invoice, for example pay pal or other simular payment systems.
IN RSA we have SagePay and Payfast as option ad even SnapScan etc.
Thanks Joe. Not able to download
If I could submit picture of the reports then I can show the difference in the reports for Period-1 and what the problem is.
Banking and General ledger / Inquiries and reports / General Ledger Reports / Profit and Loss Statement:
Select the current financial year Start Date: 01/03/2016 - Select the Current finacial year end date: 28/02/2017; Select compare to: Period Y-1 - Display report.
The amounts on the Profit and Loss Statement for Period Y-1 [Leap Year] is wrong.
If you compare the reports for Period Y-1 tot the 2016 Fin year report: Draw report for Period 01/03/2015 to 29/02/2016 [Leap year] the amounts will differ to the period Y-1 [Leap year] for period 01/03/2016 to 28/02/2017 as above. The period Y-1 for the period 01/03/2014 to 28/02/2014 is calculated correctly.
They should be the same which they are not. All amounts processed on the 29th are not calcultaed in the Period Y-1
Id you do Banking and General ledger / Inquiries and reports / Profit and Loss Drill Down and your select period Start Date: 01/03/2016 - Select the Current financial year end date: 28/02/2017; Select compare to: Period Y-1 - Display report it displays correctly.
In South Africa, most small businesses and individuals finacial and Income Tax year end is at the end of February. When you do period 01/03/yyyy to 28/02/yyyy the folliwng year, the then there is no issue. If you do the report for 01/03/yyyy to 29/02/yyyy the following year, it also shows correct.
The problem arises when you select on the report to show Period y-1 and the current finaicl year ends on 28/02 it does not include the correct figures for the previous year on the report since it will only add previous years figure up to 28/02 instead of 29/02. If the 29/02 is the current year and the period y-1 ended on 28/02 the previous year, everything is fine.
I do not know how one will be able to deal with this. Maybe period y-1 should always read 29/02 for february.
Is there a way to print barcode lables and stock item names from Inventory
On finalising my February 2017 financials at year end 28/02/2017, I found that the Period Y-1 does not add up for the 2016 leap year. All transactions that was posted by means of Journals on the 29/02/2016 was not included in the Profit and Loss comparison for the Period y-1.
This means I am supplying my auditors with the wrong information. If I draw the report on any other period than 28 February 2017, for example 01/04/2016 to 31/03/2017, then the transactions is included in the Profit and Loss and the transaction that was done on the 29/02/2016 is included.
Please advice how we can fix this issue when the leap year falls in Period Y-1.
Staring to receive the following warning on my Joomla installations that will affect Front accounting.
Your PHP version, 5.6.30, is only receiving security fixes at this time from the PHP project. This means your PHP version will soon no longer be supported. We recommend planning to upgrade to a newer PHP version before it reaches end of support on 2018-12-31. Joomla will be faster and more secure if you upgrade to a newer PHP version (PHP 7.x is recommended).
I have PHP 7 on the servers of various websites from where I run different companies FA, but FA 2.3.25 does not work on php 7. My latest Joomla installtion runs fine.
What is the future plans for this?
If you do quick entry you have to create supplier invoice first. Then from quick entry you have to make payment to supplier. Then you have to go to supplier tab and allocate the payment.
What we talk about is similar to the template invoice or recurring transaction is needed for suppliers. Similar to customers, their is suppliers from whom you order the same stuff every month with a bit of variation on the volume or price changes.
Would help a lot if we could have template supplier invoice.
FrontAccounting forum → Posts by seahawk
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