
(9 replies, posted in Setup)

You have detailed instruction on this  in FA Wiki


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

You have to set rupee as your home currency in Company Setup.

FA is designed rather for b2b or wholesale than as a waiter POS. But yes, you can use it for cash sale in your company unless you are Walmart owner smile.


What you mean by POS?

There is no internal limit on number of customers.
No tests in such high load circumstances were documented so far though.


The problem is not in FA. When you  will do what application is asking for all will go seemlessly. Just provide sql file which is necessary to create database. This is the same on Win and Linux as well. If you ignore database script input field - you will never create working company.
In password input you can put what you wish, and the input will be used later as your password for login.



(1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Better security? Why and how? I see no reason to care about Oracle. Some people say it is more efficient with high volume transactions, but MySQL probably is faster on smaller databases. But of course anybody who wishes to spend money on Oracle is reach enough to pay for customizing FA to use it.

Java code is precompiled to bytecode and run on virtual machine. But you can also use precompilers for php with teh same or better effect. Php application deployment and maintenance is far faster and easier.


Still not sure - there is surprisingly not many bug reports on RC release. We want to be sure it is free form serious bugs before release.

Yes, it is so simple. Beginning balance is calculated on the fly as a sum of all reconciled transactions with older date (see get_max_reconciled()).

No, it is not possible in current FA database scheme. Users credentials are stored in separate per company database, so you have to select company database first, then the login:password can be checked and access granted.


Ok, maybe we should consider this in next release for non-inventory items (i.e. service type items). In mean time you can try to fix input checks in sales_order_entry.php (in 2.3RC1 about line 462-465 remove the price check). I'm not sure about side effects in GL, so no warranty on this advice though.


(14 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Hi Gareth,

I have no experience with soap, but some time ago I have implemented Hessian protocol interface for FA, however the code was never bundled with core FA sources.



(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Thanks gobrien. Is '' instead of 0 in queries forbidden for  MySQL in strict mode?


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

No, currently the salesman role is not related to user account. The salesman selected in customer branch so far is only informative setting for staff. This all still is TBD.



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes, for example when your customer want to return goods for some reason after the invoice was paid.


(8 replies, posted in Installation)

See openssl extension information in php manual:

Normally Credit Note is issued for negative sales and invoice is issued by the seller to a buyer.
I'm not sure negative invoice is valid at all from accounting point of view (it is not at least in Poland). Even zero priced items often are treated by auditors as donations and are tax deductible.



(8 replies, posted in Setup)

This message means the credentials you have entered in install process have no permission  to create database. You have to use right credentials, or simply create database manually, and then run FA company creation  process.



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Credit note can be issued only for invoices which are not fully credited yet. This is the only constraint. Your customer can claim the quality of products you have sold, so if you accept the claim you can receive goods back or write them off regardless the invoice was already allocated or not.

One problem here is crediting freight costs which cannot be done after all invoice items are credited. In this case you can issue separate credit note  via Customer Credit Notes menu option. Credit notes issued this way are not related to any invoice



(1 replies, posted in Setup)

This is id of related source document line (i.e. SO line for DN)


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

Well, database scripts are only those with .sql extension.
Yes, when you install 2.3RC1 you have at least the two COA's installed, so you can select empty (new) or demo version simply with list selector on Install Company page (or during install process for the first company).


I will contact you directly.


(2 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Well, it depends on transaction type. In some cases you can store partially entered transaction, then reedit it. But not all transactions are editable, and e.g. for journal entry you can't do it any moment (stored transaction have be valid i.e. Db=Cr).



(1 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes, it is. Thanks for pointing this out.


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

They are stored in sql folder. Up to FA 2.2 version you have to upload it anyway from yor desktop. When you install 2.3RC1, it supports online selection of database scripts (COAs).