
(5 replies, posted in Installation)

It also can be overwritten unless you have your own images here with the same names as examples provided with the release. You can also skip this  folder during update.
To be on safe side you should test update on separate copy of your installation (including database).

This release is third release candidate (RC3), which is still probably not ready for production use, but we are now much more close to final release which is planned at the beginning of December. Thanks to guys from CybSec S.A this version is far more secure against various remote
attacks. If you have run FrontAccounting demo server the application update to current 2.3RC3 version is strongly encouraged.

In this version also some issues in upgrade routines were fixed, so upgrade on multicompany installations should now be flawless. More details on changes done you will find in CHANGELOG.txt file attached to the release as usually.


(12 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Sorry mph, the mailbox is in frontaccounting.net domain.
To avoid problems we will establish the mailbox also at *.com.



(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

Considering 2.2 sources for new development is not right direction: we have now 2.3RC2 released and final 2.3 version is planned at the beginning of December.

Again, please look in the sources - there are only single direct mysq_* calls in files other than connect_db.inc. If you really plan to use other database than MySql with FA, this should be not big problem to fix also those 5 other files.  Especially in comparison with efforts needed to solve problems with differences between SQL dialects used by both db.



(12 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I have used patches for my own stuff, but have never submitted one before.  Other than documenting what I've done and trying to keep the code as fluid as possible with the original style.  Are there any other requirements / guidelines I should / could use?

No, i don't think so. You can send changed files, or patches against selected sources version. We always check the sources before submitting to CVS.

Thanks in advance MPH smile

PS. I also use Suhoshin patch on PHP without any side effects, but I think it can depend on mail content.


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

No, you are wrong. Look int the code and you will find that beside connect_db.inc there is only  a couple of single mysql_* calls in other files, and there are rationale why they are there.

You can start your abstraction layer exercise by fixing current_user.inc, db_pager.inc, system_tests.inc and install/index.php to make them use the functions defined in connect_db.inc wink.



(4 replies, posted in Wish List)

Well, and how you want to select right customer when you have to issue an invoice?


(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

Well, I'm not especially paranoid about the Oracle, so I'm just comfortable with MySQL. Also anybody interested can switch to MariaDB database which is maintained by one of original MySQL designers and in fact it is a fork of MySQL.
But of course if it is still not acceptable for you, you can implement some db engine switching mechanism for FA and we can try to integrate your contribution into core sources smile.



(12 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Would you like to provide the patch you have done as a contribution to FrontAccounting, to be included in next release?



(12 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

You have tested mail() function with clean email address, so try the same in FA: remove company name and brackets leaving just email address. The constraints in form of email address header  depends only on mailer setup and are outside of FA/PHP scope.



(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

I'm sure what you want to do. Anyway in FA  2.2 whether doctext or doctext2 is used depends on  customer currency (is it home currency or not). In 2.3 there is only doctext.inc used, but language of the report depends on setting in customer record.


(12 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Mails in FA are sent using emial class in reporting/includes/class.mail.inc. Make some tests on parameters passed to mail() in email::send() and finding  source of the problem should be easy. Probably this is due to invalid form of $mail parameter.

I don't know mssql specifics, but porting FA to this database should be quite easy. All the low level interface to mysql database is placed in connect_db.inc (the only exceptions are single calls to mysql elated functions in current_user.inc ans install/save.php). Anyway I guess you will have to port also en_US-*.sql scripts, and maybe some other sql statements spread over FA sources. Maybe easier solution would be just to install MySQL server on your box to avoid porting problems? I don't know.

Thanks. I will contact you on email and send the two *.po template files for version 2.3.


(2 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

This issue is fixed in CVS unstable. Please upload affected files or wait on 2.3RC3 available on Monday.


(11 replies, posted in Setup)

He,he, hardly found autocriticism smile.

Good luck with FrontAccounting.


Thanks you very much.
I have to say the 2.2 series will became obsolete when 2.3 final release will be available, which is planned on December. Nevertheless most of the messages will be the same, but some will need further translation. Also in FA 2.3 multilingual installer is available, which use another set of about 100 messages. Would you like to prepare the greek translation for installer to be included in final 2.3 release?



(1 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Closing transactions feature has not been implemented yet.


(7 replies, posted in Installation)

I have just fixed the problem. Unfortunately a couple of files has changed, so maybe the best way to continue testing is to upload them from CVS unstable branch. All the changed files are listed in CHANGELOG.txt.

Thank you again for pointing out this overlooked problem.


When you enter payment from customer you have presented all not allocated invoices on the screen, so you can select sales invoice(s) which the payment is related to.


(7 replies, posted in Installation)

Regarding the first error, seems you have found serious problem in upgrade routine.  I will post to this thread when I find solution to this issue. Thanks for pointing out the problem.


(7 replies, posted in Installation)

Probably you have MySQL running in strict mode. Please change '' to '0' in lines 59 and 86 in file sql/alter2.3.sql. We will fix this issue in final 2.3. Thanks for pointing this out.


(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

To solve problem you have to know at least when the date changes. I see no invalid date behaviour, so unless you give step by step scenario to reproduce the problem we can't help.


Maybe we will find a time to investigate the problem and add this option in 2.3 final.


Yes. This was fixed and will be available with 2.3RC2