
(2 replies, posted in Setup)

What was the problem encountered?


(12 replies, posted in Announcements)

Not all the wiki sections are free for edition, but most of them are.

No problem.
I think you need help of skilled php programmer. Look for one on 'Jobs wanted/offered forum'.

No easy way, you have to code it in php.


(7 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

No, you can't. During WO  entry quantityon hand is checked, which can not be done if BOM doesn't exists.


(2 replies, posted in Translations)

Thanks for explanation. The 'type' is still used to provide backward compatibility to very old MySQL versions, but seems it became countereffective ofrthe newer db versions.


(8 replies, posted in Wish List)

I'm afraid no  advance so far.
For every sales transaction currency is stored in related customer data. To change this you will have to add currency in sales transaction (sales_order/debtor_trans record) and use customer setting only as default for new transaction. Beside this you will have to extend upgrade routines and standard sql database script en_US-demo/en_US-new. All the work should not take more han a couple of hours (plus tests). The same have to be done  probably on purchase side.



(18 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I'm not sure what you mean sakeith. Mantis just works - click the link in this forum title on main FA forum screen.

I don't know what is the problem with excel, but if you have pdfsource displayed instead of just pdf report, you have set $pdf_debug=1 in your config.php


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Yes, you are right, discounts are not implemented on purchase side. This is just because having additional information on separate account about received discounts have moderate usefulness, while on sales side it is element of pricing policy.  If it is important probably we should consider adding it in next major FA version.


Give me a  note where the zeroed transactions are still visible, so we can fix the problem in next minor 2.3.x release.
The best place to report bugs is our Mantis bugtracking system.


(1 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Your wish need heavy drilldown page recoding. If you feel competent in php/javascript programming you can try to do it yourself, otherwise you will need hire skilled programmer or just live with this. Sorry, the changes needed to implement folding tables here are to complex to explain them on forum.


(1 replies, posted in Installation)

Well, probably for some reason you have broken application sources. Reinstall them form the latest 2.3.1 tarball and try again.


(1 replies, posted in Installation)

The only more or less complete answer for such general question is: FA is secure.
FA is more secure when used via https connection.
And it is even more secure when used on your personal box not connected to the internet smile.


To have more detailed answer you have to ask about details.


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Just upload chart of accounts without dummy data to your database e.g. using phpmyadmin. This is e.g. en_US-new.sql for US COA.


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Yes, you are right. Thank you for pointing this out. Fix will be included in next minor release.


(3 replies, posted in Wish List)

I think you should claim to pubBB development team, as we are not the authors of forum script. We prefer to spent time on FA improvement, rather than saving the world from such critical issues in third party applications wink.


(13 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Yes, you can now provide access levels via extension hook class method intall_access(). I was missing in previous hooks.inc file, so please upload te newest version form CVS or wait for 2.2.2 to be released.
Sorry for the delay with the info.



(2 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

In previous FA version the button was used for third party modules install. Due to improvements made in extensions system, currently  all needed install parameters are bundled with the extension module, so the button is sparse. Unfortunately it was overlooked and not removed after the extension system changes were made. Thanks for pointing this out - will be fixed in next minor release.


(9 replies, posted in Wish List)


I would like to help but I can't if I know nothing about 'complications and difficulties' you have encountered. I hope 'search' feature on the forum  have solved at least some of them for you already.



(13 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Yes, lack of purchase invoice edition is  annoying. I hope this will be added in some minor 2.3 release.


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes, it could be implemented, however IMHO this make not big sense for everyday business applicationlike FA.  Nevertheless if anybody have the OpenID code for FA implemented and want contribute it to community we can make it available via FA extensions repository or as an option in core source code.


(15 replies, posted in Setup)

You can set any timezone you wish in your config.php file (this is only right place for such type of configuration settings). Look into config.default.php how it is done in case when no default timezone is set in php.ini file.



(15 replies, posted in Setup)

tonyshaus wrote:

This setting works just fine, but I have noted that while DD/MM/YYYY seems fine for the user, the initial log in screen displays as MM/DD/YYYY ... it switches once you log in to the correct format - a bug maybe?

No. As Joe explained it is not a bug - just user date format is unknown before login. But you can select default date format used on login screen in config.php with $dflt_date_fmt variable.

No. And I'm not sure how the assignment should work to be useful.