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hey, i am using php v7.2 and after the addition of $path_to_root its giving me white / blank page nothing is showing
and these error are displaying after setting "1" debug mode
ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time in file: /public_html/custom/includes/ at line 432
include_once(../../includes/ui/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in file: /public_html/custom/modules/hello_world/hello_world.php at line 7
include_once(): Failed opening '../../includes/ui/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/alt/php72/usr/share/pear') in file: /public_html/custom/modules/hello_world/hello_world.php at line 7
so what can i do?
getting an error of this
Undefined variable: path_to_root in file: /modules/hello_world/helloworld.php at line 21
@kvvaradha, can you please contact me personally, mailto:
hey, i have already seen this but the problem is i am unable to connect my $account with account name or account code
see your function
function get_balance($account, $dimension, $dimension2, $from, $to, $from_incl=true, $to_incl=true)
$from_date = date2sql($from);
$to_date = date2sql($to);
$sql = "SELECT SUM(IF(amount >= 0, amount, 0)) as debit,
SUM(IF(amount < 0, -amount, 0)) as credit,
SUM(amount) as balance
FROM ".TB_PREF."gl_trans trans,"
.TB_PREF."chart_master coa,"
.TB_PREF."chart_types act_type, "
.TB_PREF."chart_class act_class
WHERE trans.account=coa.account_code
AND act_type.class_id=act_class.cid"
." AND ".($from_incl ? "tran_date >= '$from_date'" : "tran_date > IF(ctype>0 AND ctype<".CL_INCOME.", '0000-00-00', '$from_date')")
." AND ".($to_incl ? "tran_date <= '$to_date'" : "tran_date < '$to_date'")
.($account == null ? '' : " AND account=".db_escape($account))
.($dimension == 0 ? '' : " AND dimension_id = ".($dimension<0 ? 0 : db_escape($dimension)))
.($dimension2 == 0 ? '' : " AND dimension2_id = ".($dimension2<0 ? 0 : db_escape($dimension2)));
$result = db_query($sql,"No general ledger accounts were returned");
return db_fetch($result);
in above $account not linked from my side
here is for same Professional Expenses
$PE = get_balance(1245, 0, 0, begin_fiscalyear(), Today(), true, true)['balance'];
here PR = Professional Expenses and Account code is 1245
Can you please guide me because i am unable to fetch this... hope so you can
hey, help me for this i install this extension but i got an error after installation
Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; helloworld_app has a deprecated constructor in file: public_html/accounting/modules/hello_world/helloworld.php at line 9
Unhandled exception [0]: Call to undefined method helloworld_app::application(). in file: public_html/accounting/modules/hello_world/helloworld.php at line 14
kindly let me know about this error....
i am using this : $AR = get_balance(1065, 0, 0, begin_fiscalyear(), Today(), true, true)['balance'];
here AR is Account Receivable and ID code is 1065
can you please tell me how can i get data without using 1065 because every time 1065 not equal to account receivable
any help
i am trying to create menu tab but not working above followed tutorial...
any guidance
kvvaradha wrote: SELECT SUM(amount), account_name FROM 0_gl_trans, 0_chart_master WHERE 0_gl_trans.account=0_chart_master.account_code GROUP BY account
hope this query satisfy your needs.
not working....
well bro, again i am trying to make a BLOCK that shows only AMOUNT/BALANCES of ACCOUNTS,
see example of image
the balances will be linked with Trial Balance show we can easily grab any amount/balance what we want in future
the main reason is when we grab balances or amounts from TB then afterwards we calculate the RATIO ANALYSIS
so firstly, i want to grab INDIVIDUAL BALANCE that shown in image TB,
see image
kvvaradha wrote:@emiangel839 - Regarding your comment on my site. here I answered you with the query.
$today = Today();
$begin = begin_fiscalyear();
$begin1 = date2sql($begin);
$today1 = date2sql($today);
$sql = "SELECT SUM(amount) AS total, c.class_name, c.ctype FROM
".TB_PREF."gl_trans,".TB_PREF."chart_master AS a, ".TB_PREF."chart_types AS t,
".TB_PREF."chart_class AS c WHERE
account = a.account_code AND a.account_type = AND t.class_id = c.cid AND c.cid=1
AND IF(c.ctype > 3, tran_date >= '$begin1', tran_date >= '0000-00-00')
AND tran_date <= '$today1' ORDER BY c.cid";
$result = db_query($sql, "Transactions could not be calculated");
hope it helps you
thanks but see my image what exactly i want
well bro leave it i think i cant explain clearly,
well, can you please tell how can i make a function to get my total receivables see image like this
see image:
please help me and make one function as example others i will do it by myself
hope you understand now.
its urgent
hey, thanks for reply me well i will look as soon as possible
but kindly take a look this balance sheet
and screenshot is here:
in this bs.php file its grab account_class all to all
can you please tell me or do it can we get only 1 account via giving account_class id e.g 1 or account code 1200 for current assets
please take a look and tell me...
i have already seen it but i think i cant explain clearly;
i make a page of short_tb.php & short_pls.php & short_bs.php
and here i want to show TB in short form like all head total like:
Current assets & LTA = Assets
Current liabilities & LTL = Liabilities
Sales = Sales
Expenses = Expenses
its mean i want to show only main head in different pages.
how can i do that? if i am not clear to you let me know
hey, can you explain me what is the function of Save Report Selection Days
if its saves reports automatically then where and how can we access it?
i have seen this but i want to use grab data in this feilds e.g
$rep->TextCol(4, 5, _("Dated"), - 2);
$rep->TextCol(5, 6, "HERE IS DATE AUTOMATICALLY", - 2);
and all fields must be completed by automatically
how can i do that>
i have upload a image for you to what i want
in this image the red box that i want to grab the amounts in separate page or top of the each page
if you guide me about 1 section then we will grab for anything that we want
because our client dont want to see the long TB / BS they want short report
i mean
help me its urgent
Hey FA,
i am printing receipts for customer, well everything is good in last section:
By Cash / Cheque* / Draft No. ______________________________ Dated __________________
Drawn on Bank ______________________________ Branch __________________
is missed, how the system is generate this lines?
please let me know about that....
i am trying to grab / fetch data of individual account, can you please tell me how can i do it because everytime i am failed!
i want the net total of :
e.g Income , Expenses ,
i have search many thread but nothing found a good post i want to know that how can we consolidate our company
e,g we have a one Head Office and at least 14+ branches and 3+ subsidiaries which is rotated in different country and region.
we manage our individual accounts very well, now its time to consolidate our accounts that we get data immediately.
is there any way to resolve this problem or
is that this thing we can do that, we create a new company with the name of Company-consolidate
and how can we link this company with all HO, Branches and Subsidiaries it means grab data by CC from all HO etc when anything will be done in these..
Hey thanks for reply yo me the both things i know and maybe we can use pop-up. But can we do this thing in this pop-up page like when we press f2 and page is open its auto select one supplier i think its must be directly give me new supplier rather than we select from top drop down button.
can you please tell me is there any option available we can add customers or suppliers directly in direct invoices rather the goto first in Add & Manage Customer / Supplier and the Create Invoices...
Tell me please
Dear FrontAccounting Members,
i have a big wishlist so far, your default theme is good one but we want a New Attractive & Bootstrap Theme which is Free for all users or members, hope so you can do it and provide us. ![smile](
notrinos wrote:This module has undergone a major upgrade with new function:
Changed Payment Advice transaction type to regular Bank Payment type (it was GL Journal type)
Added new feature Employee Advance (Loan)
Added new feature for manage Document Expiration, this can be useful for managing employee's document expiry such as Visa, Contract, Driving Licence....
This package requires completely new installation, means you can't upgrade for new feature without wipe out the old one.
Download here and Demo here
@notrinos how can we wipe out the old version? because replace files did not working at my end
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