@notrinos, Well

Look at my explanation in my former post. We are only interested in produced items (minus ev. disassemblies).
All deliveries and credits are of no interest for us. Isn't that right?

$sql .= "AND s.mb_flag='M' AND m.type <> ".ST_CUSTDELIVERY." AND m.type <> ".ST_CUSTCREDIT." ";

I have double checked this and it works.

I will rerun a commit  now.


No, I guess it should just be:

$sql .= "AND s.mb_flag='M' AND m.type <> ".ST_CUSTDELIVERY." AND m.type <> ".ST_CUSTCREDIT." ";

Right? We are only interested in the produced numbers.


No, I guess not. We will have to replace the line with:

$sql .= "AND s.mb_flag='M' AND m.qty > 0 AND m.type <> ".CUSTCREDIT." ";



Fixed. Committed to Repo.


Of course it should. Will fix this later. Thanks for detecting this.


Yes, that looks much prettier. Committed to Stable Repo.


It is now called Transaction References and the menu item is at the same place in Setup.


I am not at office now but I think you can use tags in profit and loss statement.


Just to clarify. You can have 2 levels of dimensions. F.i. You can have divisions as no. 1 and regions as no 2. This way you can create profit and loss statements per division and region. Ad a further selector you can create account/dimension tags.


I am having a discussion with Janusz if there are sideeffects (Ajax etc).


I guess php 5.6.32 is the last php version before php 7, right?

We have discovered other issues with the 5.6.X versions, that we are trying to fix too.


We are aware of this error. It is fixed but not yet committed. This is a problem in newer php versions.

We are about to ship the next minor, that will be php 7 compatible.

In the meantime you can fix this in file /includes/current_user.inc, in function number_format2 line 310

if ($number == '')
    $number = 0;
if ($decimals === 'max') 


No, I am afraid not. Only batch deliveries into a single invoice.


Yes there is.

If you have several deliveries you can batch invoice them all at once, if you like.

Have you tried?


Ah, now I understand what you mean. I didn't know that it was also in the extension library.

Of course it should be removed from there. Thanks for investigating.

I will ask Janusz to remove it asap. And thanks again.


No it is not. I looks like an early Alpha or Beta of 2.4.


I see no problem with the theme, Dropdown, if you are using the right one that ships with FA 2.4.2.

This is, and has been, included in core since 2.4.1.

And please don't use unofficial themes in this forum, but instead use the module forum for those.

It will only confuse people if we try to make unofficial themes the right ones.


There are three built-in themes in the core. Default, Canvas and Dropdown. I am referring to the official Dropdown that is shipped with release 2.4.2.

If we concentrate on this Dropdown. Are there any access problems, then please tell, and I will try to fix this asap.


I don't know what you guys have been doing. I hope we are talking about 2.4.

The official 'dropdown' theme is using the built-in dashboard.php from /admin folder.

I see no reference to this in your posts.

Please use the correct theme, and I will respond to this asap.

It is difficult for me to follow other builts and only misuse my time.


I haven't followed this discussion. I am very busy fixing php 7.X compabitily at present. We are there now so the next minor will contain php 7.X compability.

I have to study this closer about what shall be done.


Fixed. Repo updated.


Janusz is working on this.


This is now fixed and Repo is updated.


I am working on this.

The reason for rewrite is the new option for adding AR/AP transactions direct into Journal Entry.


This has been committed to Repo (the Tax Type inactive under investigation).
