I wrote some additonal details here Slip printer


(5 replies, posted in Reporting)

Actually you have to define the size of the PDF file from the


. You can see there are few already defined its size.

Based on that, you have to customize certain things in


. When you change the view port size, you have to change the header informations as of the slip size.

After that finally, you have to edit the files of rep (107 - for invoice, 112 - for the payment Receipts).

Hope it helps a bit more.

@boxygen, So far it applies to the system average cost method. Because if we go with batchwise, We have to apply LIFO or FIFO method to use it in standard cost calculation.

I am trying to figure out the FIFO or LIFO Costing method with help of Batch system And thinking to include the Landed Cost calculation.

@poncho1234 - Well this can be used. Also I programmed the batch tracking system to the Manufacturing module. Especially the advanced manufacturing has full control to select the batch you want to issue for production.

Assembly and Unassembly have the feature of background selection, which works FIFO or LIFO Method to select.  But here I used FIFO.

@boxygen - Thanks for finding a syntax missing issue. By mistake typed an extra character in it. Fixed it now.

I just tried to bring the Batch number system into Frontaccounting. Almost everything is ok now. I am expecting Users feedback to windup the development of Batch number tracking FA.

Batch and Expiry Date System

Waiting to collect feedback and bugs if any to provide it to community.


(10 replies, posted in Setup)

Its simple you can do it like this.
Goto Setup -> Transaction References

Sales Invoice  SI{001}/{YYYY}
Sales Order    SO{001}/{YYYY}

I hope it will work for you.

The problem is directory permission, the files are downloaded from the FA repo. But it happens when the required files doesnt have proper permission, or the required files might have some bugs.

Check your error_log to know exact problem. We can assist better if you come up with error log.

@ Joe I am writing program for batch tracking functionality.  If you change anything in the manufacturing  I have to rework on it.  Do let me know when you make changes.


(6 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

@barbarian I made my own API for FA. Which is very simple and I use it for inserting user accounts. With that we can extend to increase the functionality and also security .

@anoopmb - This is definitely a good feature. But if you go with separate table instead of gl_trans and audit_trail to save them in a separate tables and when you user moderates and the moderators accept it. You can simply insert them into the gl_trans and audit_Trail table. You can make it as extension.  I feel all users may not need such a features. If someone doesnt understand the system and when they enter an GL entry and tries to check in its inquiry and cant find it means, it will be burden to them.

So its possible to make it as extension and keep the entries in separate table, once the moderator accepts, you can insert into the actual tables.

Yes the Batch number functionality has been programmed  for FA. It works fine for the sales and Purchase modules. But in Manufacturing I have a problem to implement.

From workorder the Advanced Manufacture will work fine, because I can bring the batch number on the Issuing Stock page. But for Assembly and Unassemble I could not get any idea to program the batch number without adding an intermediate form.  If I add an intermediate form, it will be look like the Advanced Manufacturing.

So I am looking for Real time users feed back to program the manufacturing section.


(37 replies, posted in Installation)

Ok. so the problem is not yet identified. try this program and if the program works to connect. than the database can connect with login credentials you used.

$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","my_user","my_password","my_db");

// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
  echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

you have to know which rep file you want to see sql code and than open the rep file within the rep file you can see some functions and query must be written there.

Just find 'db_query' and  there might be you see the variable like '$sql' before this line just use 'display_error($sql);' it will show all the queries with error mark on the report UI page. than you can get the sql queries,

From the queries you have to replace the table pref with selected company.


(37 replies, posted in Installation)

The hostname you are using it wrong. And Also another possibility the database user account doesn't have right to work on.

I have not tested the code. But it might work for you.

$url = 'https://free.currencyconverterapi.com/api/v5/convert?q=PHP_PKR&compact=y;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query([]));
$response = curl_exec($ch); 

$res = json_decode($response); 


echo $res['PHP_PKR']->val; //this one i am not sure. it may be two dimensional array. So check with it by using print_r


(6 replies, posted in Development)

We are waiting for your next step to organize the developers to start next phase of FA. 

Yes definitely we require a private forum to put up the tasks and tickets.


(20 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Are you using API to insert and directly accessing the database and insert from another application ?

@joe - this would be great piece of code to fix  it for existing programs, i mean older version of FA.


(5 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

It happens when your data is corrupted.  the Work orders are connected with few tables.


Here the work orders are passed among these tables. in the entries are missing in one table and it has in another table, gives you this kind of trouble.

As you said some works, than it has missing data.  You should check the data's manually


(5 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

enable debugging mode and see the error on screen and put it here to advice you clearly.

From work order, under advanced manufacture, you  have the option to issue items to a work order.

There its like sales order form. add many raw items in the cart and issue the items to the particular work order.

I think you can fix it by overriding the cart_class like this.

 function write($policy=0) {

        begin_transaction(); // prevents partial database changes in case of direct delivery/invoice
        if ($this->reference != 'auto' && $this->trans_no == 0 && !is_new_reference($this->reference, $this->trans_type))
            $this->reference = $Refs->get_next($this->trans_type, null, array('date' => Today()));
if ($this->reference != 'auto' && $this->trans_no == 0 && !is_new_reference($this->reference, $this->trans_type))
            return -1;

I have not tested. But you can give it a try to get next reference while processing it.

The journal voucher customization I did it for a company. There it used. It won't be applied to core feature

This is created to use in edit journal. But unfortunately it's not used , but I am using it for editing the journal vouchers.