Sounds interesting, however shouldn't the batch be decided when dispatching instead of when ordering ? I mean at a Customer level ? Otherwise it's more a variation than a batch (even though I would be more interested in variations that batches as such).



(18 replies, posted in Announcements)

That works now :-(at least there is a button)



(18 replies, posted in Announcements)

I don't see anything either ...


Probably because FA developers prefer to spend their time to add new features to FA (or fix bug or answer question on the forum)  instead of fixing something which is not broken ... And if they were, they'll probably start by something else ;-)


I know that's not the question, but how can you get a different price on the invoice that what you actually paid ?
Is there no way you can get a 'correct' invoice from your supplier ?
I'm asking because I can't see any good reason why you can't get a correct invoice , except if one of you is trying to avoid tax.
In that case, I don't think FA provides any good way to help tax avoidance.

(Your solution with creating additional invoices/credit notes would be the FA solution. Nothing stop you in FA to enter a invoice which doesn't exist. The problem is : the taxman will probably not be happy with that, except if you can justify it.
If your confident with your justification , then enter the invoice/credit note and explain what happend in the comment field


I remember seeing "weird" stuff in the allocation windows after migrating to 2.3.19 or 2.3.18, which were Credit Notes appearing in the list of invoice to allocate money to. Meaning you could allocate the credit note to itself.

This has been introduced at the same time as the "new" allocation icons.
However it seems to be fixed now.
(To be fair those weird stuff appeard when I upgraded from a non-stable version from the git-repo. I remember also having to unmerge everything 'allocation' related).

@msmith, are you sure you are running the latest stable release ?



(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

thanks Joe ;-)


jlinkels wrote:

1. I go to the hardware store and purchase a box of screws. I pay with debit or credit card. When I enter this in FA, I use a Quick Entry. Debit "Small items and materials" and credit the bank account.

I think this is the correct way, right?
Now the other scenario:


jlinkels wrote:

2. I order at Amazon a computer and a box of screws. What I would like to do it receive the computer into inventory, but not the screws. The screws should go to the cost account. But that seems not to be possible. Right, or is there a workaround?

Yes you can. You can create an "non inventory" item by setting the item type to "Service" when you create the item.
"Non inventory" items doesn't have a concept of stock or quantity but they can be added to an purchase order.
Set the COGS account to your cost account.

jlinkels wrote:

An alternative is that I receive the screws into inventory, and make a negative inventory adjustment. Unfortunately inventory adjustments are booked to an inventory adjustment account (costs of inventory variations in English I assume). But I cannot book this adjustment to an alternative account. Or can't I? Should I change this setup depending whether I want to make an ordinary adjustment or a transfer to small materials?


You could do that by setting the 'inventory adjustment account' to your cost account. However, I would still recommend the "Service" solution.


Have you tried the 'General Ledger/Audit Trail' report ? It should answer your problem.



(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

You can't just insert data directly in the database, as GRN as an impact on standard cost and posting delayed post due to negative inventory.
However you can use textcart and copy paste your csv into the UI.



This default setting about search supplier list is bitting absolutely every body coming to FA, don't you think it should be disabled by default ? 

When you start FA or evaluate it, you don't have enough customers or suppliers to need the search facilities.
Also, for every person asking on the forum there is probably 10 which don't bother and just give up FA.


select the supplier list box and press space.



(4 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

You can use Git or Mercurial (Hg). With both, once you created a branch with your customization to upgrade each version
you only need to "pull" the change from either the git repository or the mercurial one and your changes will be merged automatically.


Dependind how this appears on your official bank statement you have to way.
If nothing appears on it then just cancel the payment in FA.
If both transaction (the payment  and the bouncing) appear on your statement ,
the solution is to make a payment to this user. The steps are :

- Make a payment (General Ledger/Payment) and chose customer (in 'Pay to') (1s trick)
- enter the date of when the check was bounced.
You'll probably use your normal Debtor account.

Now, You need to deallocate the bounced payment from the invoice and reallocate it to your payment.
- Go to 'Customer allocatoin'
- tick the 'show settle allocation'  box. You should see the bounced payment (2nd trick)
- reallocate it (press the bank notes icon).
- change the amount allocated to the invoice to 0 (or press None) 
- allocate it to YOUR payment (your payment should appear as allocatable as other invoices) 3rd trick.
- Press Ok 

Bob's your uncle.


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

You can also create the company without demo data by not selecting  'Company with demo data' but the other one.


Is this url correct ? when I try it I got the following error

git clone git:// frontaccounting
Cloning into 'frontaccounting'...
fatal: remote error: access denied or repository not exported: /fa-stable


(17 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

I think FA is supposed to work with PHP 4. I might be wrong but I think mysqli comes only with PHP 5.
Also, why rewrites something which work fine if there are no real benefit?

If one was rewriting it, which choosing  msqli against PDO or even a proper ORM (like doctrine or equivalent ?)



(21 replies, posted in Announcements)

I understand the code is the same, but depending how you import them to git and if you add some file, the commit object would be different and so have a different SHA than the official version. This mean I'll probably have some conflict if I pull you version and then pull the official one. Which is why it's better that everybody pulll from the same git repo instead of creating it's own one.


I've made a report which display customer statement in a similar way as a bank statement (just showing the balance by time) and ignore the payment allocation. That way, you can just allocate on payment on the fly and don't need to know which payment correspond to which invoice. (This is what I usually do).



(21 replies, posted in Announcements)

I'm speaking of the official Git repo. Does your own repo share the same SHA than the official one ?
Otherwise, I'll just wait for Janusz to update it.



(21 replies, posted in Announcements)

I can't see anything on the git repo, has it been updated ?


Could you try remote the & in specified line :


    $textcart_mgr->tab_display('', &$_SESSION['PO'], "display_order_in_tab");


    $textcart_mgr->tab_display('', $_SESSION['PO'], "display_order_in_tab");


MarkAndrew wrote:

All the points discussed are valid.  However, FA would have better security if it were not possible for multiple logins using the same password.  (I'm not a programmer and have no clue how to make the changes needed to prevent multiple log in using same password)

You keep saying FA would have better security but not really explain why or give a scenario where this feature will improve anything .

As far I understand, your problem is that multiple user use the same account, meaning they are sharing password.
Now, if you telling them to not share password is not enough, do you think your solution will stop them to share password anyway ?

What will probably happen is all of your users will have  a common pool of logins and use the first available (if they work in the same room they'll just shout and ask which logins are used or which are available, if they don't work in the same room, then should have shared the password initially).

What I mean here, is if your users wants to share accounts, because that's the way they work, what ever you do, they'll find a way to carry on sharing user.  If they don't naturally log with their account but feel need to share them, there is probably a reason :
- maybe there is not enough computer per user
- maybe they don't have enough memory to remember their password
- maybe they share computers because for example one is more convenient than other (near the printer, near the packing area etc ...) etc ...

Until you find this reason(s), you won't be able to solve the problem.
They don't share login, just because they can, but because it's better for them and suit their workflow.
Stopping them to do so, won't make change their workflow to what you want, but only annoy them and slow down their  own workflow. So you need to convince them that your workflow is better.
Believe me, I have enough experience in in-house software to know that when users don't use the system as designed for, it's really hard to make them change.  As I said, they usually have a good (or valid) reason for it, and as they know their are not using the system as it should be , they usually lie when you ask them what they do : they answer what they think you want to ear not what they are effectively doing, which makes the problem really hard to track.

Moreover as apmuth said, if the first logged session as the priority, what do you  do when you moved to another computer and didn't logout from the previous one ? (The answer is simple, you ask your workmate is login and password ;-))
Other solution : new session kills all opened session, what happen when you spent 30mn entering an order and when you press the submit button,  you get a nice error message telling you that your session got killed because someone logged using your login ( after all everybody knows everybody password in your company, what should it changes ? especially since FA implements this new killer feature giving "better security").


I think this is out of the scope of FA and that you'll have to calculate the interest manually, then enter the invoice in FA.


If people work on different computers, then there is no reason each one can use its own user.
If people are sharing computers and doesn't lock or switch user, then authorizing only one user to log at the same time won't solve the problem anyway.

I think it's just a question of educating people : they are responsible of their user and what's done under it. If they allow other people to use their account, then they take the responsibility of  it. That's it.

However, adding the IP address in the audit_trail table wouldn't hurt.
