I'm running FA 2.2 RC. When selecting Recurrent Invoices then the dropdown for template is empty. This is the case on initial company (with FA demo data) and on my own company.

Currently the demo 2.2RC is not working so I cannot double check.

Very often I have recurrent invoices for which the first one is different. The first one includes for setup kosts. With your template driven recurrent invoices I hope to find a way to make recurrent invoices based on templates (so not on exisiting invoices). Then I can make one first invoice and prepare a template for the recurrent ones.

Anyway, still I first need to have the template dropdown filled and as far as I was able to investigate I suspect a bug.

When selling goods like PC's I'd like to have an exchange on the same invoice. I was trying to put a negative quatity for the exchange PC on the invoice however FA doesn't seem to accept negative quantity nor negative price.

I would appreciate to understand how to deal with this.

I'm using my own invoice number format and noticed that this is not shown in the Reference field for the Customer Allocation Inquiry (customer_allocation_inquiry.php) while it;s properly shown on the Customer Transaction Inquiry (customer_inquiry.php).

Instead of the invoice reference it looks like it shows the ID again.


(0 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

We have a computers shop with repair fascility and are currently making work orders to:
- Reinstall PC
- Add component
- Repair PC

We like to differentiate these kind of work orders and prefereable print them directly at the repair fascility. Or at least distinct these from the regular sales orders.

Will FA have possibilities to do this. If I'm right then the manufacturing work orders will not help out here. Will dimensions be of any help here?

OK clear. It's working, thanks.

I'm using 2.2RC.  If I enter a new item, choose category 'services' and item type 'service' then it shows: C.O.G.S. account = 1510 Inventory.

Now I want to change this default. So I go to Item Categories, select services, select 'Services' for Item Type and then I see C.O.G.S. account = 5010 Cost of Goods.

The default C.O.G.S. for an item is NOT taken over correctly from the C.O.G.S. but it's taking over from the Inventory Account.

I hope you do understand my explanation, otherwise let me know.

I'm selling domains and contracts and like to add the name of the domein to the item line. I would expect a free entry per line item. This will allow me to enter the domain name or serial number or other relevant information kept with the line item.

I noticed the description on invoice header level, however not on item level.

Is there any possibility within FA which I didn't thought of / couldn't find?

I discovered strange behaviour when starting the company with nl_NL-default-220 charts of accounts.

With the account classes it reported errors (gl_account_classes.php). I think it's because of the initial values in the table chart_class:

INSERT INTO `0_chart_class` VALUES ('1', 'Assets', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `0_chart_class` VALUES ('2', 'Liabilities', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `0_chart_class` VALUES ('3', 'Income', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `0_chart_class` VALUES ('4', 'Costs', '0', '0');

The USA one shows:

INSERT INTO `0_chart_class` VALUES ('1', 'Assets', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `0_chart_class` VALUES ('2', 'Liabilities', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `0_chart_class` VALUES ('3', 'Income', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO `0_chart_class` VALUES ('4', 'Costs', '6', '0');

And which I changed the values for the field 'ctype' it worked oke and I could also change the descriptions.

Did I change correctly or could this cause other side effects?


I was using IE8.

The behaviour is indeed different for firefox. In firefox there is no activity on pressing enter in the price field. I have to tab to the ADD button and then press enter (or use mouse, however I like to keep my hands on the keyboard in this case).

The nice thing is that I can do the same in IE8, so tab till the ADD button and then press enter.


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I noticed that some of the php files do have the extension .inc

This is often not parsed on webservers and allows to read the php code by the browser. Maybe easier to explain by example: http://fa2.iron.from.pl/reporting/includes/doctext.inc will show me the php code.

I'm glad to see that the config_db.php isn't an .inc.


(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I get a nasty error on my screen including the password hash:

Databasefout : could not get validate user login for admin
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'db1.1_users' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT * FROM 1_users WHERE user_id = 'admin' AND password='rf8b354e1fb8cc2fb87c9cf6b27f6b14'

I also managed to correct, but still not sure about the root cause.

I have two companies setup. One on db1 with prefix 0_ and one on db2 with prefix 1_. Now I have the root admin account durint setup and I made an admin account for the new company. I also changed the default login to be the new company. And I also changed the passwords for both admin accounts.

When I login with admin for the first company THEN I get the error. While the error tries to open db1.1_user it should have opened db1.0_user.

Now when I open the table db2.1_user and rename the admin account into admin2 then I don't get this nasty error anymore when trying to login. So if I don't see other side effects then I will leave it like this. Only 1 admin for the whole application.

On the sales order screen, also in the both demo accounts, I enter the first item 001 en press ENTER. Then I tab to the price field, enter the price en press ENTER to add the first item line. I see the first line item confirmed and the focus on the line item 2. So far so good. Now I repeat for the next item, so 002 and press ENTER then tab to the price field, enter the price en press ENTER.  This results in dissapearing line 2 and setting line 1 in edit again. So I lost my just entered information.

I was really expecting that line 2 was entered and would focus me on line 3.


(8 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I tried your suggestion to setup a 'Retail client' and use brances for my end-user clients. However the side effect is that I see 'Retail client' on my invoice without any reference to the real client name which I then entered as the branch name.

I think I better stick to the customer-branche structure. I just discovered the button to add/edit new branches within the customer form which will also speed up efficiency.

I just have to get used to it that it are two forms. Maybe when all was integrated into one form then the header would be the customer and the detail lines to be the branches.

Oh wait, while I'm typing I tried to enter a billing address at the branche and now I get that billing address on the invoice. This brings me to reconsider you suggestion. Do you know if there are (potential) other side effects so I can anticipate?

The one for the VAT number is ok for me. I don't track the customer VAT number. It does however surprice me that the VAT number is fixed to the customer because even different branches could have different VAT numbers. Especially for international companies.


(8 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

My business is focussed on retailers selling to end-users and small companies.

I'm trying to increase efficiency on the invoicing. Invoicing with frontaccounting requires me to add a customer AND a branche. Why this choice? I would prefer one customer list without having to add branches and link these to the customers.

Or what I'm at least looking for is an easier new customer generation because now I have to go to the Sales menu, add a customer, go back to the sales menu and then add a branch. Would there be a smarter (shorter) way of entering customers?

I hope you can advise as maybe I overlooked something.