2 periods back
51 01/10/2021 08:29:59 pm
Re: There are no fixed assets that could be depreciated. (19 replies, posted in Fixed Assets)
52 01/10/2021 07:56:01 pm
Re: There are no fixed assets that could be depreciated. (19 replies, posted in Fixed Assets)
I have created new assets, never had them before.
process the purchase, then later get this error when i want to process depreciation
53 01/10/2021 07:42:19 am
Re: There are no fixed assets that could be depreciated. (19 replies, posted in Fixed Assets)
Didn't get any PM from you.
why don't you post here for everyone .
54 01/10/2021 07:40:00 am
Re: Bank Account Payment Entry / gl/gl_bank.php?NewPayment=Yes (54 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
okay, how do I do that?
55 01/07/2021 08:44:06 am
Re: Bank Account Payment Entry / gl/gl_bank.php?NewPayment=Yes (54 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Hello @apmuthu hope this finds you well.
I have alter my payment table to add 2 extra column, check_no, source_ref to process my bank payments as all my bank payment require a checks, and cash payment voucher(source_ref). Now when I want to process a payment I get this error below:
What I understand is that the number of data being sent in the database does not correspond to the field required. Would you please tell me where I should add the 2 columns from UI? I also wanted to put validation to check if a check no is already inserted to refuse duplicates.
Great Thanks!
array_combine(): Both parameters should have an equal number of elements in file: /var/www/html/fms/gl/includes/db/gl_db_banking.inc at line 394DATABASE ERROR : Cannot insert a source bank transaction
error code : 1064
error message : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'for computer services, 1, '2021-01-07', '-10500', '0', 'Cedrick ')' at line 2
sql that failed was : INSERT INTO bank_trans (type, trans_no, bank_act, ref,check_no, source_ref, trans_date, amount, person_type_id, person_id) VALUES (1, 130, '3', '001/2021', payment for computer services, 1, '2021-01-07', '-10500', '0', 'Cedrick ')
56 01/07/2021 06:07:01 am
Re: There are no fixed assets that could be depreciated. (19 replies, posted in Fixed Assets)
I didn't get anything of what you just said. How were you able to process depreciation? what did you do?
57 01/05/2021 09:03:54 pm
Re: There are no fixed assets that could be depreciated. (19 replies, posted in Fixed Assets)
@apmuthu I have followed all steps, I have even set the fiscal year to the same year of the depreciation beginning date, nothing still.
same message. I am using a straight line depreciation methods.
58 01/02/2021 07:18:01 pm
Re: There are no fixed assets that could be depreciated. (19 replies, posted in Fixed Assets)
I did that, but nothing worked still same error
59 12/30/2020 01:28:41 pm
Re: There are no fixed assets that could be depreciated. (19 replies, posted in Fixed Assets)
Sorry what do you mean by depreciation entries?
I follow the procedures:
1. create fixed asset class
2. create fixed asset category
3. fixed asset location
4. Create Fixed Asset Item with straight line depreciation
5. chose depreciation beginning date, then purchased Asset
But when I click depreciation i get that message
60 12/29/2020 01:25:14 pm
Topic: There are no fixed assets that could be depreciated. (19 replies, posted in Fixed Assets)
Hello everyone, I am getting this error whenever I want to process asset depreciation, I am getting this error saying "THERE ARE NO FIXED ASSET THAT COULD BE DEPRECIATED" yet I have created my fixed asset class, category, then inserted fixed asset, purchased it. but when I click process depreciation I get that error. what could be the problem? Maybe I am not doing it the right way!
Any help please!!!
61 11/23/2020 08:48:40 am
Re: Fixed Asset Category cannot be added (3 replies, posted in Fixed Assets)
@kvvaradha millions thanks.
When I checked my database even though I didn't make any changes to the database I downloaded from the Official Repo,
In the table stock_category , category_id was not set to auto-increment.
I have just amended that, now I can create fixed asset category.
62 11/22/2020 10:57:20 am
Topic: Fixed Asset Category cannot be added (3 replies, posted in Fixed Assets)
DATABASE ERROR : an item category could not be added
error code : 1364
error message : Field 'category_id' doesn't have a default value
sql that failed was : INSERT INTO stock_category (description, dflt_tax_type, dflt_units, dflt_mb_flag, dflt_sales_act, dflt_cogs_act, dflt_inventory_act, dflt_adjustment_act, dflt_wip_act, dflt_dim1, dflt_dim2, dflt_no_sale, dflt_no_purchase) VALUES ('ii','1','each','F','4010','5010','1510','5040','1530','0','0','0','0')
63 11/22/2020 09:49:30 am
Re: ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN NOT ACCEPTING (2 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
If I change the field trans_date to null and remove the default As define format 0000-00-00, I can ALTER the table, but It wont allow me to redefine the format to 0000-00-00
Same error again #Invalid format will appear
64 11/22/2020 09:34:13 am
Topic: ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN NOT ACCEPTING (2 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Dear @joe
I was trying to update a table by adding 2 extra column using phpmyadmin.
but I am getting this error "#1067 invalid default value for 'trans_date'"
The table I am trying to ALTER IS bank_trans.
ALTER TABLE `bank_trans` ADD `cheque_no` VARCHAR(60) NULL AFTER `ref`;
This is the error I am getting "#1067 invalid default value for 'trans_date'"
What how can one add an extra column in a table to retrieve and save?
I wanted to add a check no to the payment, under reference, because, when you make payment from the bank you need a check or transfer letter(Reference)
How do I modify that?
65 11/08/2020 03:30:47 pm
Topic: Cash Flow Statement Bank Filter (4 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Hi @joe
I was wondering if there is a way to edit the cash flow statement extension to give report about a specific bank rather than all at once
66 10/14/2020 05:56:54 pm
Re: Bank Account Payment Entry / gl/gl_bank.php?NewPayment=Yes (54 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Alright @apmuthu , until the release of 2.5. Meanwhile how can I put validation on the reference field and change the datatype to accept varchar?
67 10/14/2020 07:24:07 am
Topic: Bank Account Payment Entry / gl/gl_bank.php?NewPayment=Yes (54 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Hello guys,
I was wondering since FA does not have check process in Banking & General Ledger.
What if a extra field was added after reference, something like check no, if we are using checking account a validation can rule(required) can be added to the text box so that the user is forced to insert either a check number or at-least a reference number.
That's idea number one
My second idea is to reuse the reference number to allow text other than the preset data type.
Change Reference to Check no, add validation rule to not process a bank payment if the field is empty.
The same can also be done for journal entry where the source ref must be required.
@joe @ap.muthu
68 09/29/2020 06:53:35 pm
Topic: Normal Accounts Balances (Balance Sheet, Trial Balance) (1 replies, posted in Reporting)
Dear all, hope this find you well.
I have noticed that when, the trial balance report and balance sheet report are not giving the right account balances, when it comes to the side.
As we know each account must display the running balance has either credit or debit, but not both right?
How can we prevent this way of displaying the report!! @joe @rafat
I have given an example below to support my idea.
Accounting Element Normal Balance To Increase To Decrease
1. Assets Debit Debit Credit
2. Liabilities Credit Credit Debit
3. Capital Credit Credit Debit
4. Withdrawal Debit Debit Credit
5. Income Credit Credit Debit
6. Expense Debit Debit Credit
69 09/07/2020 07:14:38 am
Re: Journal Inquiry Dates (35 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Field Pay To is empty
Also in Bank statement Person/Item not showing
Is it happening for everyone?
70 07/27/2020 09:58:18 am
Topic: Bank Account Payment Entry / gl_payment_view.php (1 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Hello guys,
I was wondering if it is possible or necessary to add extra fields, textboxes in bank_payments, that can allow the any autorized person insert his name when a transaction is being processed? And also display more company information on the heading part when you print the ledger.
Company logo, company name, address , Contact number etc....
echo "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>" . "<h2>" . $db_connections[user_company()]["name"] . "</h1>" . "</td></tr></table>";
echo "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>" . "<h2>" . $db_connections[user_company()]["name"] . "</h1>" . "</td></tr></table>";
$logo = company_path() . "/images/" . $this->company['coy_logo'];
Pay To:
To the Order of:
From: Bank Account
Authorized by:
Approved By:
Received By: (Name & Signature)
OR Second option: Just to add extra labels in gl_payment_view.php after the block
display_heading2(_("Items for this Payment"));
echo " Authorized By : _______________________"; echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
echo " Approved By : _______________________<span align='right'> Received by :_________________</span>" ;
71 06/24/2020 12:59:33 pm
Re: What does Table Pref refer to in Company Setup? (4 replies, posted in Installation)
@scendraw of course database field are Auto-incremental, especially if the field is a primary key. It doesn't matter whether you delete a record or not, the space is already taken, the next record will be auto-increment. So what you can do is update the structure of your table.
ALTER TABLE table_name AUTO_INCREMENT = start_value;
For Example:
Hope this help
72 06/21/2020 06:13:50 pm
Re: Trial Balance drilldown (11 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
@apmuthu I have seen the pictures you put in the attachment, that is what I was talking about.
You may have several accounts under current assets (for example ) but do not need to display all of them, you just need a summary amount, whether debit or credit.
@joe should think about it, if He finds it useful, it can be added to the FA Core.
By the way we have to keep in mind that there many Accounting software today, to become number one choice, we have to contribute not only with programming part, but also providing ideas whererever Senior Programmer have not noticed some things that are lacking.
Regards to all
73 06/21/2020 06:02:18 pm
Re: Trial Balance drilldown (11 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
@joe You're 100% right, actually the FA trial balance has no problem at all.
But a filter could be added to reduce the long list of all accounts, imagine if you have 2000 asset accounts, 1000 liabilities, Income and Expenses,
I doubt you will be able to read and understand your own trial balance. a filter can be added just like No Zero Balance and Balance Only check-boxes. Usually this is solved with subsidiary Ledger which I think is also missing in FA.
A subsidiary ledger contains the details to support a general ledger control account. For instance, the subsidiary ledger for accounts receivable contains the information for each of the company's credit sales to customers, each customer's remittance, return of merchandise, discounts, and so on. With these details in the subsidiary ledger, the Accounts Receivable account in the general ledger can report summary amounts for the accounts receivable activity.
This make it easy to read a trial balance. By the way it is there in FA for Balance Sheet & Profit Loss report. But not for Trial Balance if you noticed. @apmuthu
74 06/20/2020 04:07:48 pm
Re: Reports For Class: General Ledger -> Trial Balance (2 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Sorry What I mean is that, there is no total calculation under each account group.
This is how the Trial Balance is displaying :
Class - 1 - Assets Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
Group - 1 - Current Assets
1060 Checking Account 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1065 Petty Cash 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1200 Accounts Receivables 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1205 Allowance for doubtful accounts 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total - Current Assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 //This line is missing in the report
Group - 2 - Inventory Assets
1510 Inventory 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1520 Stocks of Raw Materials 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1530 Stocks of Work In Progress 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1540 Stocks of Finished Goods 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1550 Goods Received Clearing account 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total - Inventory Assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 //This line is missing in the report when you print
75 06/20/2020 03:23:20 pm
Re: Trial Balance drilldown (11 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Total Assets 0.00
Total Liabilities 0.00
Calculated Return 0.00
Total Liabilities and Equities 0.00