Hg unstable branch has been updated. Thank you Apmuthu.


(15 replies, posted in Installation)

Me too, however if you would find any problems despite all start tests has been passed successfully, do not forget to report found issue to FA Mantis bugtracker. This help us make FA better.


(25 replies, posted in Installation)

I'm not sure why it has happened, but seems the databse scheme version has not been updated during upgrade procedure. This should never happen if the upgradewas successfull. Anyway you can try to fix database scheme version tag manually. Open phpmyadmin on your database, find record in *_sys_prefs table with name=='version_id', and set value field to '2.3rc'. If all previous upgrade steps where performed sucessfully, you should be able to login and work on just upgraded application.



(15 replies, posted in Installation)

On first page of FA installer you will find system diagnostics info. When all tests are printed in green you can go ahead and your FA should be instalaed properly. Otherwise make described corrections and try again. There is no special need to tune your php.ini nor other server side configuration files, unless you encounter problems.


(25 replies, posted in Installation)

Application upgrade procedures for switching to version 2.3 are coded in file alter2.3.php and two sql files: alter2.3sql and alter2.3rc.sql. You will find them all in sql folder. As you can see all the procedure is rather complex, so you should rather:

0. run FA backup, install new sources in separate folder and restore backup file in the new database;
1. run upgrade procedure available under Software Upgrade menu option;
2. note any errors displayed during upgrade;
3. fix the errors in your database manually using phpmyadmin and retry again from p.1, until no errors appears.

Upgrade procedure tries to restore database in case of failure, but this not always is possible (depends on errors encountered), thus the best method is starting starting from database restore from scratch using backup file.


(66 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Payroll functionality is quite complex piece of code. Additionally it should be flexible enough to accomodate most local legal requirements. Due complexity of the matter and  lack of time resources the project is stalled now, but if you are interested in continuation, you are welcome to join developers list. We really need your help smile.



(5 replies, posted in Setup)

FA has only one, not user-customizable invoice layout. If you know php language a little, you can customize the layout changing files header2.inc and doctext.inc under reporting/includes folder. Otherwise just ignore spare info in invoice header.


(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

Version 2.4 is not ready yet, so no tarball is released. You can fetch the sources in current development state (no guarantee it works in any part) from unstable branch of Mercurial repo on sourceforge.
Tables will change in next version (as on any major release), but upgrade procedure will make all the work to move old data to new structure.
No change in database support is planned in 2.4. There is too much changes in database overall scheme to mix them with db interface change. Last but not least mysql works good enough, and switch would require overall application rewrite - many work with no evident advantage.

Defaults: yes, this is important. Maybe we will afford to add sort order or default value on those selectors in 2.4.

Regarding Sales Quotation, I understand the problem, however implementation is not obvious in current database structure. We should consider this problem anyway.



(17 replies, posted in Reporting)

You have to define some generic item in stock with  'Service' item type, with 'Editable description' box checked. USing this item you can entry any serivce with description wish during sales invoice entry.
There is only one common layout for invoices in FA, so maybe some not especially usefull information will be printed also for service invoices, but this should not be a problem.



(20 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Regarding main issue (focus on the only found item) - yes, list selector behaviour is defined in common function, so fixing the issue for customers will fix it for suppliers, items etc.

We would like to avoid complicating user interface here, so I believe including more fields in search (instead of adding another screen for search criteria selection) is better solution.



(20 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Yes, the issue with unselected item after unambiguous search is annoying. Will be fixed.

I guess the best place for posts related to future release is Wish List (no irony intended), but if you feel any new section in FA forum would be handy, we can start it on demand.

Regarding Mantis registration, I have tested it a couple of times and all seems to be right. I would advice to check your spam filter, probably this is source of problem. I have looked into mantis users list, and I can see multiply accounts open on your mailbix indeed. I will send you new password to 'ed10' account by PM and will remove the duplicate accounts. Sorry for inconvenience.


You are welcome. I cannot guarantee your accountant will be fully satisfied (people doing this business are mostly very conservative), but I'm pretty sure that per tax rate GL subaccounts are at least acceptable.

Yes, I think so. In fact often single account is used for all sales tax posting, but using more than one account for this purpose is not uncommon and depends on local accounting habits.


(20 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I think you are right, the search should be expanded somehow. I guess the best you can do now is just to set wishlist report on FA mantis. This way such small but very useful ideas has a chance to find their place in developers timetable wink.  NB Mantis unfortunately seems to be underrated in FA users community.

Regarding function keys - those are displayed at the footer of any page where they can be used. For now those are F2-F4 for suppliers/customers, customer branches and stock items  respectively.


You should create subaccounts for every tax rate. In FA subaccounts are just GL accounts grouped under the common account group. This requirement can looks weird, but this is really needed in current FA internal design.

Thank you for pointing out this blogpost. Very inspiring.
Looking into mentioned article, seems following section added to .htaccess file in FA folder should fix the problem:

<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off

Please test the fix and report results here.

Additionally, I have just fixed the problem with truncated posts on FA forum. Thank you for press on me to fix this issue wink.



(5 replies, posted in Setup)

I can't remember why this is implemented this way, but I'm nearly sure this was long considered and finaly right decision.  This is really no fun from writing code more complex than needed. Now there is too late for this change - keep in mind we have to provide minimal backward compatibilty with older FA versions. Having spare time I would like to spent it on implementing full backup/restore feature including also attachment files instead of improving maybe not ideal folder numbering scheme wink.


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

I see. No, the folder numbers are related to company index in $db_connections in company_db.php, so if you delete any company the folders are shifted. You can't rely on the company/X folder name. If you want to have completely independent companies you should install one source tree per company under separate www folders.


Yes, sure. You can try install the  application again form scratch. Most easiest way is just to delete created database and application folder, then unpack the FA distribution tarball again and go through install process (there is no builtin uninstaller in FA).



(4 replies, posted in Installation)

I'm not sure you are talking about, probably you have overlooked some options presented during FA installation. On the page with database settings you have also two checkboxes, which you have to  select if you want to use non-US languages/COAs. Then you can select any available packages which are suitable for you, and use any installed COA for ccompany 0 creation.


(22 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

POS defined in FA is just set of sales settings, which is later assigned to FA users.

You can try just comment out the three calls to putenv adding '//' at the form of the line.
setlocale is anyway called later in this function. But anyway this error should not block your login, so the original problem is in some other place.


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

Attachments are not stored in database but in company/x/attachments folder. This is done this way due to the size of document files. Single pdf file attached easily can have several MB. Storing them in database would render the backup files unusable in short time.
When you delete company, all the company/x folder is deleted, together with all attachments file. In fact deleting company means you do not want to use the company data anymore. If this is not the case you have to do both database and attachments folder backup. before company deletion.



(3 replies, posted in Installation)

Version 2.1 is no longer supported. Please load current 2.3.12 version and install it using web installer included. All the mentioned files are created during installation, so you will not find them in tarball.


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes, this is possible (all the sales documents from order to invoice are linked in database), but the requirements for the implementation can vary. We do not want to overload invoice printout with all the information available (customer and local refs to every involved delivery, order etc), but you can modify the report for your local use including all info you need on the report.
