(5 replies, posted in Setup)

You have entered date in invalid format, thats all.

The credit displayed on Purchase Order Page is not total balance on suppliers transactions. On PO page your current purchasing limit is displayed (i.e. Credit Limit form Suppliers page less current balance).

This workaround has its price. Generated pdf report files will be quite heavy. Another solution is just to generate pt_BR.iso-8859-2 on your box as described in another thread on forum.

I guess you have not encountered Search options under company setup. Use them.
More over, there is popup window available under F2-F4 hot keys (as announced in page footer) - see Wiki description too.

What you mean? This is free software, you can didtribute it freely respecting GPL license.


(11 replies, posted in Translations)

Yes, exactly. I'm not sure it is enough to properly store all utf-8 characters in non-utf-8 tables, but at least you can try how it works.


(11 replies, posted in Translations)

In English case the easiest way is just manually change the encoding declared in installed_langauges.inc to 'utf-8'. English alphabet have the same charcodes in utf and iso. I'm not sure it is enough to store chinese characters in database, but you can try.

First you should void all example transactions, or better just start from new setup using *-new schme instead of *-demo.

Yes, seems it was fixed, but anyway it is quick & dirty implementation. I guess you should set $go_debug=1 in your config.php file to be able to see what a real problem is hmm.


(9 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

erwindebruin wrote:

hi farhaj
i'm interested in the theme, looks great! Please can you share it with us??

Yes, this is definitely issue which should be addressed in FA long time ago, unfortunately the development in this subject is still not started.


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Probably you have bad email setup on your server. This highly depend on system used, more information you can find in php manual to mail() function on php.net site.



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Have you set email address in company setup?


(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

I'm not sure what problem you have encountered, but anyway we cannot make such a naming change.
*.inc are library files which should never be considered as executable by www server.  Renaming them to *.php will make them vulnerable to RFI attack. Another countermeasure  would require including ugly security check in every file (like the one at the top of language.php file).



(2 replies, posted in Setup)

When auto_update field is set for currency, exchange rate is retrieved automatically from remote service and stored in exchange_rates table. Otherwise user have to set the rate manualy before first transaction using the currency on date.
Currently only rate_buy is used in FA, rate_sell is obsolete (may be used in future).

I'm not sure why some fields are named 'date_' instead of simply 'date'. Looks weird, but do not hurt.
There is no documentation to sys_prefs, but of them are set in  admin/gl_setup.php and admin/company_preferences.php, so you can guess their usage looking into legends on Company Setup and System and GL Setup pages.


(25 replies, posted in Installation)

Ok, thank you apmuthu. Seems the case is yet another unexplained mystery smile.


(45 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

There is also a couple of other implementations for SOAP and REST API available on our download page. None of them has full FA db scheme support though.



(11 replies, posted in Translations)

Unfortunatelly  FA does not support utf well in this version. This is fixed in forthcoming 2.4 version.
You can eventually change encoding for English to utf-8 in installed_languages.inc: surely iso-8859-1 does not support chinese language.


(25 replies, posted in Installation)

FA is responsible for upgrade procedures from one major version to the next. There is no way to support any random changes made in db scheme outside FA control. So, my question is: which exactly queries has failed in upgrade scripts?

Without clear answer to this question I don't know whether was this upgrade procedure failure or just unsupported case.



(25 replies, posted in Installation)

Ok guys, so what was the real reason of popsicles12's problem ? Why he couldn't upgrade just with upgrade routine provided in 2.3?


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

No patch is needed. Just set utf-8 encoding in Russian section at lang/installed_languages.inc. When you have translation file ready, please share it with FA community. You can  send it to contributions mailbox.


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

Thanks, interesting article. Still I see no sensible explanation how html rendering in browser can depend on whether SSL compression is used or not. Have you tried to use Firebug or something similar  to debug the problem?


(1 replies, posted in Wish List)

Yes, good idea. Some time ago items of type Manufactured were excluded from purchase. This has changed some time ago in 2.3. The option will be added in 2.4.


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

Wird, I have no idea. Just curious, what is unsafe in using compression?


(15 replies, posted in Installation)

There is nothing weird in the htaccess file, so I really dont know why apache has problems with it. The most important part is the one on the top of the file, which blocks unauthorized access to some files, but also this one is not crucial for security.

Please try test (by commenting out) which part of the file is source of the failure, then report the result back, then we will fix the problem in next FA release.
