(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

This is the content before and after line 66 in the frontaccounting.php file.

function display()
            global $path_to_root;
            include_once($path_to_root . "/themes/".user_theme()."/renderer.php");

            $rend = new renderer();


65            $rend->wa_footer();
66            $this->renderer =& $rend;
67        }

When I refresh the page it goes away. Do not know what is the issue?


(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Has this issue been resolved?

It seems that The warning message I am seeing is related to the use of a feature in PHP called “dynamic properties”. Dynamic properties allow you to set and get object properties by using variable names, like you are doing in the __construct method of your database class. They indicate that this feature has been deprecated in PHP 8.2 and later versions.

How do we fix this in the frontaccounting.php?

I am using FA 2.4.17 and PHP 8.2

See the lines in the comment below.


(38 replies, posted in Reporting)

That happens when I updated FA to 2.4.17. Email an invoice to a client and that is what the client receives.

Then I will replace the standard class.mail.inc with the the one I have changed as indicated. by changing all the \n code in the file to \r\n and it works on both PHP7.4, HP8.0, 8.1 and 8.2.

Then it sends the invoice correctly as a PDF attachment.


(38 replies, posted in Reporting)

This is what I receive in the email if I am lucky enough to get one without my changes to the file above:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

DwAhSgxEldXsVq1moxVJN1kqHvOx/QHBaAMJ8mzHdRBluH04c15UGVugOeHfu2PFwIE8Bxhm    etc.

With the changes implemented as indicated above, a pdf copy is correctly received as an attachment to the email and a proper email.


(38 replies, posted in Reporting)

Just changed it and tested and now it mails to client and to admin in the copy to email address in company setup.

The standard class.mail.inc  sends nothing.

Replaced /n with /r/n and it works again.


(38 replies, posted in Reporting)

With the 2.4.17 this issue is still there. It seems that the reporting/includes/class.mail.inc is still not fixed. With every update the new file is overwritten and we are back to the same issue.

When I replace the core file with the change information as indicated below it will send the emails and attachments as expected.

"I have found the solutions by changing all the \n code in the file to \r\n and it works on both PHP7.4 and PHP8.0

Emails are now sending and displaying correctly when sent from FA.

\r\n is for a new line in windows as for \n in the new line in Linux.

Use \r\n instead of \n for your implode -- explicitly specifies CRLF as the line terminator."

Why are we keep on having the same issue irrespective of the PHP it is set on?

Is no one else have the same issue?


(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

When I set my PHP to 8.2 with FA 2.4.17 the following error shows:

Creation of dynamic property front_accounting::$renderer is deprecated in file: /home/mydomain/public_html/accounts/frontaccounting.php at line 66

When I switch back to php 8.1 it goes away.


(1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

The aged Customer Analysis differs from the customer Balance report.

As can be seen from the two attachments, the Customer balance shows correctly whilst the Aged Customer analysis does not.

The Customer balance sees the journal as a credit, while the Aged Customer Analysis see the same journal as a debit.

I cannot upload the second file.

It still displays the information requested, will the errors on top of the info. Irrespective of the setting for the php.ini file display_errors = Off or On, the info still displays

There is nothing in the error logs.

See something here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74862088/warning-trying-to-access-array-offset-on-value-of-type-bool-error-when-upgrading

It seems something in the customer_inquiry.php is the issue.

When selecting All Customers, there is no error. When selecting any other customer, receive the error. It seems to only throw the error on certain customers. For other customers, there is no problem.

Version 2.4.16 and PHP 8.0

Sorry for omitting that.

As far as I am aware, the cash accounts and savings accounts cannot go into negative. Chequing and credit accounts would. Select the correct type of account


(2 replies, posted in Wish List)

On the setup tab for company setup/ there is a tick box for Search Customers. Switch that on and see if that is what you are looking for.

Just tested it and if you select the search function direct invoice with company address it will display that.

Go to gl reports and save the format that you need in CSV instead of PDF.

You can also install the Transaction import module under Install/Activate Extensions on Setup Tab/ Maintenance.


(38 replies, posted in Reporting)

I found a solution for the reporting/includes/class.mail.inc when I got the issue with the same thing.

I have found the solutions by changing all the \n code in the file to \r\n and it works on both PHP7.4 and PHP8.0

Emails are now sending and displaying correctly when sent from FA.

\r\n is for a new line in windows as for \n in the new line in Linux.

Use \r\n instead of \n for your implode -- explicitly specifies CRLF as the line terminator.


(5 replies, posted in Installation)

You should not delete your database. That will wipe everything.

Should only remove your FA folders inside of your frontaccounting installations.

Hopefully, you have an up-to-date backup of your database.

Change the Theme. Some themes on FA have issues with PHP8

When you go sales/ Inquiries and Reports /  Customer Transaction Inquiry

When I select any client I get the following error although the information is still displaying.

Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in file: /home/mywebsite/public_html/accounts/sales/inquiry/customer_inquiry.php at line 116

Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in file: /home/mywebsite/public_html/accounts/sales/inquiry/customer_inquiry.php at line 131

Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in file: /home/mywebsite/public_html/accounts/sales/inquiry/customer_inquiry.php at line 132

Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in file: /home/mywebsite/public_html/accounts/sales/inquiry/customer_inquiry.php at line 133

Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in file: /home/mywebsite/public_html/accounts/sales/inquiry/customer_inquiry.php at line 134

Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in file: /home/mywebsite/public_html/accounts/sales/inquiry/customer_inquiry.php at line 135

Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in file: /home/mywebsite/public_html/accounts/sales/inquiry/customer_inquiry.php at line 136

Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in file: /home/mywebsite/public_html/accounts/sales/inquiry/customer_inquiry.php at line 137

What would cause this issue?

Here is the screenshot I am talking about for the memo fields not population in the recon and recon report.


(17 replies, posted in Setup)

Once I change the coding on the Rep17, it sends the pdf as an attachment. When emailing an invoice or any document, it creates this code inside the email. Cannot send that to the clients.

It is the emailing function in FA that creates the issue.

Relating to the following post:

I found a solution for the reporting/includes/class.mail.inc

I have found the solutions by changing all the \n code in the file to \r\n and it works on both PHP7.4 and PHP8.0

Emails are now sending and displaying correctly when sent from FA.

\r\n is for a new line in windows as for \n in the new line in Linux.

Use \r\n instead of \n for your implode -- explicitly specifies CRLF as the line terminator.

When I change this in the lass.mail.inc it send correctly on PHP8


(17 replies, posted in Setup)

After updating to FA 2.4.16, found that this email issue raised its head again. When I change the reporting/includes/class.mail.inc file to my changes made as indicated above, it sends correctly to me and the client.

It sends a plain coded email mail that looks like this small extract


Nothing is attached to the email.

In RSA you have to declare Discounts received from a supplier and discounts Given to Clients.

I do not know if it is a language "South African English" issue or what. FA 2.4.14

When you do a Direct sales/ Direct invoice/ your first line item headings Column from left to right are:

1. Item Code
2. Item Description
3. Quantity
4. Unit
5. Price after tax
6. Discount%
7. Total
8. Add item.

On Purchases/ Direct Supplier Invoices/ columns are L2R:

1. Item Code
2. Item Description
3. Quantity
4. Unit
5. Price before tax
6. Line Total
7. Add Item

No discount option.

Why is there no discount option on Supplier or Direct Supplier Invoices global or per line item?

How do we indicate these discounts received?


(21 replies, posted in Reporting)

Don't worry, I copied an old 709 Report back and is now working.

This is a PHP file but cannot upload PHP, so made it txy file


(21 replies, posted in Reporting)

I have upgraded to FA 2.4.14 and found the same issue with VAT Exists.

It is not the bank payment quick entry that is the problem. It does not pull the bank payment transactions containing VAT through to report 709 when processed through Bank payments or the journals.

This leaves me now with a huge issue since I cannot submit client VAT reports to the South African Tax authorities.

I am now between the devil and the big blue sea. I have to submit it tomorrow and have been spending most of the day to resolve the issue.

This is a serious disappointment

Thanks, That means for now just live with it. It still works but is difficult when the TAX/VAT must pull through to the VAT report. That report must be submitted to our tax authorities in RSA with all support documents to indicate how you calculated your sale or value-added tax.