(5 replies, posted in Installation)

I've tried to install from 2.2.5 to 2.3CVS.

I've downloaded the unstable version, used the default config.php, entered the superadmin and checked the 2.2 to 2.3 database upgrade. This went all properly.

Now I try to login on the second company (company 1) then I still get "Access to application has been blocked until database upgrade is completed by system administrator."

I did redo the whole thing but with the same message and no clue where to search for. I hope you can give me some hints.
Gr. Bob

Wonderfull to see this progress. I've tested the demo 2.3 and noticed also the direct GRN and direct Invoice for the purchase section.

My feedback:
I'm able to edit the descriptions in the PO once the item is first added to the invoice. It also allows multiple entries of the same product code now! The same applies to the Goods Received Notes, either via the PO or with the new direct GRN.

However for the purchase invoice it's not (yet) possible to edit the description anymore. So it should be done the step before (GRN).  Any reason for this to not allow editting the description at the purchase invoice?

For the multiple items I noticed that with the 5th item you get 4 warning lines. If possible it would be nice to summarize. And for my personal use I would really like a separate comment/serialnumber field which could contain the domainname.

Anyway, it's all very great and usefull already and I'm looking forward to upgrade to 2.3 (any planning available?)
Gr. Bob

Thanks a lot for your fast response and clear confirmation, especially the fact that it will correct in the long run when stock gets positive again!

I will wait for the next release after the current 2.2.5 which I'm running now. Looking forward to upgrade :-)

Please allow multiple entries of the same item on the purchase order.

When I now make a second line with the same item code then I get "The selected item is already on this order."

I'm ordering domein names. The purchase invoice from my domain name provider shows 6 identical item nrs with a kind of serial number for the domain name. All with different prices (1st year is cheaper than next years).

Additional I really like to have a free field per item in which I can enter the serial number. This I will also do on the sales invoice so I can always match. So also for the sales invoice I would need the free field for a serial number. Although on the invoice I can edit the name and add the domain name to it. This I tried on purchase order and is not working simular.

Hi Joe, great to hear you found a solution. I was already digging into it and performed a workaround in the funtion update_average_material_cost() (grn_db.inc) to changes this around line 48:

    elseif ($qoh + $qty <= 0)
        $material_cost = 0;


    elseif ($qoh + $qty <= 0)
        $material_cost = $price_in_home_currency;

What do you think of this?

How do you control people to correctly fill in each initial Standard Cost? As this was your argument not to use the company setup Add Price from Std Cost. I looks to me you better request one field for the company instead of the cost price for each product?

Is it save for me to use the CVS version in production or do you advise to wait for the next release?

From your mail I was thinking how FA could correct the values for deliveries done during the period that the stock is negative.

Problem description:
When stock is <=0 then the calculation of the average material price needs to be estimated. Currently it's set to 0 in FA (v2.2.5).

Calculate the estimate purchase price based on the selling price minus the default margin. This margin is already set with the company setup (Add Price from Std Cost). Use this temporarily for the amount to book debet on C.O.G.S. and credit on a new account "Inventory Shortage" or maybe even the existing one "5040 Purchase Price Variant" (or maybe the regular stock account "1510 Inventory"). So now the C.O.G.S. has the best estimate. At the moment the PO or item adjustment is done it should be reversed and then the the real values can be booked. I'm not sure how you can identify the bookings to be reversed, that's why I though about a new account but maybe there is another way to identify?

Is this something you can have a light on and I hope it will contribute to a stabil solution.

I'm not sure if I completely understand. I will try to summarize and hope you can confirm/deny.

So when the GL inventory amount becomes to zero and another sales invoice will try to move the amount from this GL inventory then this will not take place because it will never go lower than 0.

However I don't understand the wording average material costs. It sounds like you take the average price of all products. So if one product is 1001 euro and the other one 1 euro then you will take 5000 euro?  Or are you refering the the average purchase prices for a particular product? Why don't you use the real material costs?

As a workaround: If I transfer 10000 euro to the GL inventory at the begin of the year. And I return this at the end of the year. Then I make sure it will not go below zero. Am I right that during the year I will not see any negative effects? So I don't need to to check the values and make adjustments in the GL?

Thanks for helping me understanding the situation.

I am looking for a good way to sell products prior to purchase these. In practisch this is often the case (maybe not in B2B, but for retailing I'm sure). 

In the release notes of FrontAccounting v2.2.5 I do see:
•put a heavy warning on marking the checkbox 'allow negative inventory'

Could you please explain what side effects I need to think of?
I've installed the 2.2.5 and indeed in setup with "Allow Negative Inventory" there is the red message "Warning: Checking this will result in incorrect values in General Ledger".

Will it screw up the General Ledger?

I would really appreciate if you can explain the effects and let me know if there are any plans to implement corrective actions?

I was looking for a way to get a BCC of every outgoing mail by frontaccounting which is most of the times the sales invoice.

As a workaround I have set the bcc in the reporting/includes/class.mail.inc like this:

    function email($name, $mail)

        $this->boundary = md5(uniqid(time()));
        $this->header .= "From: $name <$mail>\n";
        $this->bcc[] = 'info@mydomain.tld';

Either I've overlooked this function within FA setup or it would be a nice improvement (for me at least).


(16 replies, posted in Installation)

Ok, clear how to make the dump. However before sending it I'd like to remove my transactions and don't how to perform this. I hope you do understand. Thanks.

Indeed would it be a good idea to increase to 50 characters for the item code.

I use the supplier article codes with a prefix and these are over the 20 characters to which FA is currently limited (version 2.2.5). And I don't suspect a side effect when increasing all the relevant varchar 20 to varchar 50 as a varchar will not actually reserver space in case it's not used.

However I cannot oversee the impact on which tables would need this definition change and whether also php code needs to be changed.


(16 replies, posted in Installation)

Could you refer me to instructions how to prepare the upload? I made a copy of the database with a 0_ and 1_ company. The 1_ is the correct one. However now I need to know which tables to truncate before uploading a dump? I'd like to contribute this however it would speed up if you do have some instructions.


(16 replies, posted in Installation)

In setup -> System and General GL setup I've entered for the Dutch situation:

Retained Earnings = 3590 Winstreserve voorgaande jaren (in English it is Retained Earnings prior years and in your demo shop it's also 3590)

Profit/Loss Year = 9990 Resultaat Boekjaar (winst/verlies)  (in English it is Year Profit / Loss and in your demo shop it's also 9990)

The 3590 is already existing in the dutch chart of acconts. The 9990 needs to be created in the GL group 'General & Administrative Expenses' via General Ledger -> GL accounts.

Joe, if you can provide me instructions how to submit the Dutch chart of accounts then I will contribute mine. So far I found out it's a mysqldump of the company database, however I do already have company info which I then firts need to erase?!


(16 replies, posted in Installation)

Your explanation makes it more clear. I now understand that it are just two different methods.

One remark that I can also see the PL statements on closed years in my previous package. Anyway, I respect your choice.

Now I will need to find the Dutch accounts for this as the default of the Dutch chart of account which I downloaded from frontaccounting.com shows for both Retained Earnings and Profit/Loss Year and entry the BANK account which will be totally wrong.


(16 replies, posted in Installation)

Hi Joe,

Thanks for this explaination, however I do have a question about how frontaccounting will perform the year closure.

I didn't do a year closure yet and need to set the Retained Earnings and Profit/Loss Year. But first I need to understand the working as I was used to another method.

My previous accounting package will do indeed the credit booking on the Retained Earnings account. And it will do a lot of other bookings on the profit / loss accounts to get all to zero.

So I don't understand the meaning to enter a Profit/Loss Year account.

I hope you can explain to me


(24 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Indeed the quick entry is handy for repeating simular bookings although I didn't use it yet (just noticed).

Still I would then like to know why I need to enter the VAT group for a supplier if it cannot be used for incoming supplier invoices? Where is it used?

It's true that various VAT rates are used. In the Netherlands we have also two rates. This is exactly the reason to keep more control on it. I would still love to see  the default calculated TAX value with a possibility to change. And if I may dream more... a checkmark to indicate whether the entered values are including or excluding tax as this will change the tax calculation.  I know an open source package doing this which I used to use since recently.


(24 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

True for invoices with item lines. And I'm only using items for the core activities.

However I was more thinking of the non-core activities, like a printshop invoice, or bank costs, or rental bills, or lunch receipt.

Then it would be great to select the printshop, enter the printshop invoice number and total amount, then let FrontAccounting calculate the VAT and prompt with the default account for this printshop (something like 'promotion costs').

I noticed the quick entry. This still looks to fixed. I would really prefer to have a calculated VAT and a default purchase account. Simular to line item invoices, except then based on the supplier fields: VAT and Purchase Account.


(24 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

I was very surprised that the supplier invoice form doesn't automatically calculate the VAT and set the default account.

When I get an incomming invoice for let's say a Prinshop I do enter it as a supplier with the VAT group and the Purchase Account.  Then I enter the Supplier Invoice form and it doesn't take over the defaults for the Purchase Account, neither the VAT account.  So now I have to remember the purchase account myself and add an extra line with the VAT amount. This decreases efficiency and increases human typo mistakes.

I would really appreciate if the values in the supplier record can be used as the defaults for the supplier invoice to set the VAT and the purchase account.

I just found the void transaction option within the setup menu. Thanks for pointing out, otherwise I wasn't looking for it that deep.

I first tried to reconcile the payment transaction but this seems not to void the payment. When I open the payment I don't see a void button too. In another accounting package I was free to change the payment method when opening the relevant invoice.

Anyway, voiding the transactions seems ok for me.

I received a payment for an invoice and selected CASH instead of BANK.

How to correct a payment from cash to bank? I don't want to do a separate booking from cash to bank. I just want to see that the customer did pay via bank and not cash.

I receive these errors:

Division by zero in file: /.../front/sales/includes/sales_db.inc op lijn74
Division by zero in file: /.../front/sales/includes/sales_db.inc op lijn80

And found out it was caused by the setting 'round to nearest cents' to zero '0' (dont know the real english text).

Better to validate the setting not to be zero.


(2 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

Ok I will do so and will respond the outcome.

Thanks for your advise!

We have a repair shop and like to make work orders for the repair activities.

How to use the manufacturing feature for this?

It would be wonderfull to use the manufacturing work orders to handle our repair activities. So when a customer visits our shop with a product which needs repair then I'd like to make a Sales Order with something on it which triggers a work order.

Then the repair workers will perform the repair and close the work order.

This will allow to invoice the repair when the customer visits the shop again to pick up his products.

So far I noticed that the manufacturing work orders are based on finished products assembling. Any change this can also be used for non-fysical products?

Is it possible to enter a negative quantity on the invoice?

It's not a real credit invoice which I need, I just like to sell a new PC and exchange the old one. This would be nice to see on the same invoice.

Gr. Bob

Thanks for your explanation. It's now clear and working and I'm also recognizing why I would never find that option because it's wrongly translated.

The English column 'Tmpl' is translated to Dutch 'Tijdelijk' which means temporarily.

Thanks anyway, I will play around with the planned invoices to better understand functionality.