Thanks joe, have been troublesome


Helo FA

How do I enter the "down payment" of the purchase order to the supplier, and after the goods recieved on how to remaining payment on the purchase invoice

Thanks & Best Regard


Hello Again

I tried the web demo version 2.3.3 can not because of the fiscal year was set in 2010, I tried the version 2.4 web demo went well. Can the web demo version 2.3.3 for the fox into the fiscal year 2011 to examine the possibility that my computer problems.

Thank & Best Regard


Helo FA

for version 2.3.4 I still find the same problem and it seems there has been not improvement, I try to enter invoices in "direct invoice" dated 1 Feb 2011 with Options Due Date 1 March 2011, but in the "Customer Transaction Inquiry" Due Date recorded 7 June 2011

Best Regard


In Warehouse Management System (WMS), we are familiar with the term FIFO (First In First Out) / FEFO (first expired first out), so any item Input output (I/O) in the warehouse  has a register of goods/items making it easier to track items that have expired, how do I handle this ? whether in needing the addition of modules to support it?

Thanks & Best Regard

I have a repair / update the price of goods in January, with the purpose of journalizing GL there in January, how do I do in Menu the standard cost no choice date / month

Thanks and Regards


Setahu saya untuk terjemahan ke bahasa indonesia di repositori FA udah menggunakan id_ID, mungkin kita bisa sharing.


As far as I know for translation to indonesia in repository FA already use id_ID, maybe we can share.


(1 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

I also think about the adding of payroll module, how to recapitalize employee wages, then there is how many incoming employees and for tasks that have been made in working order. So that per period we can track expenses for employee wages and be specified by work orders that have been road.

Thanks and Best Regards

Increasing number of data which we have entered into the FA, sometimes we need a correction / emptying of the transaction.
Adding a search on the menu void a transaction :

1. Open the file .. / admin / void_transaction.php
2. Find the line
    systypes_list_cells(_("Transaction Type:"), 'filterType', null, true, $not_implemented);
    if (list_updated('filterType'))
        $selected_id = -1;
    $trans_ref = false;
    $sql = get_sql_for_view_transactions($_POST['filterType'], null, null, $trans_ref);

3. Change to
    systypes_list_cells(_("Type:"), 'filterType', null, true);

    if (!isset($_POST['FromTransNo']))
        $_POST['FromTransNo'] = "1";
    if (!isset($_POST['ToTransNo']))
        $_POST['ToTransNo'] = "999999";

    ref_cells(_("from #:"), 'FromTransNo');

    ref_cells(_("to #:"), 'ToTransNo');

    submit_cells('ProcessSearch', _("Search"), '', '', 'default');

    $trans_ref = false;

    $sql = get_sql_for_view_transactions($_POST['filterType'], $_POST['FromTransNo'], $_POST['ToTransNo'], $trans_ref);


Hopefully helpful
/ Jujuk

I have to input the payment of that invoice. After checking the wrong invoice so I void a the invoice.
I would ask: Do I also need to clear the payment of these invoices?
What about the invoice in cash?


1. I do work orders for Goods A with Quantity 1 on date 03/01/2011
2. After I print "Inventory Valuation Report" of Goods A = Qty 1, Unit Cost $ 220,  Value $ 220
3. I do more work orders for goods A with Qty 1 at date 03/15/2011
4. I Print again the "Inventory Valuation Report" of Goods A = Qty 2, Unit Cost $ 320, $ Value 640
5. I enter the GRN to Customer on the date 03/14/2011. Goods A with Qty 1.
6. I check in the "Journal Inquiry" on "Banking and General Ledger" menu with a choice of Delivery Note, View GL Trans, COGS Debit Inventory Credit account is $ 320.
7. It is correct or my lack of understanding of accounting.



I have the goods A Production, work order entry on the date 03/01/2011 with the result Unit Cost of Goods $220 and on the date 03/15/2011 with the result Unit Cost of Goods $360.
There GRN Sales of date 03/14/2011 have not yet been entered into the system, after I input and look into GL why transaction account "Inventory" of "COGS" is the latest price of $360.
I ask, it is wrong because it should be the old price $220 or I less understand about accounting.
/Happens also to goods from suppliers.

Thanks & Best Regard

Thanks Joe
How to remove "Purchse Order Delivery" in the supplier, because the bug is to post journals in account  'GRN Cliring Goods' in the GL and Stock Inventory, it changed the opening balance, I've opened to the Void Menu but did not find an option for deletion.


My yesterday entry purchase goods "Direct Invoice" and there is an fault in the date, it should 03/27/2011 to input the date 03/27/2010, and able to record,
I want to ask, whether the FA can entry on the previous fiscal year despite being closed, it is fatal if done for financial transactions.?

Thanks & Best Regard

Hello /Joe

What if determining the suggestion order using forecasting techniques "Exponential Smoothing"

This is more suitable because it uses relevant approach over the prior period forecast.


Thanks /Joe for the explanation

Should not the determination of demand goods BoM = Shortage of goods in a sales order / manufactured goods.

So that we can determine effective measures / right in ordering items for material manufactured goods to the supplier.


In details are as follows:

1. I have the Goods "A " with BOM items "B, C, D," each quantity 1, my entry in "Bill Of Material" on "Menu Manufacturing".
2. I buy items "B, C, D" each quantity 3, I use for production of A by 2
3. QOH A = 2, B = 1, C = 1, D = 1.
4. There are orders from customers goods "A" as much as 5 to be sent Date 03/30/2011, I entry in the Sales Order Entry in the Sales menu.
5. From is information order customer, I entry "Work Order"  in menu "Manufacturing" with type menu "Advanced Manufacture" Date: "03/26/2011" Date Required By: "03/30/2011"
6. I want to check the need / how many items "B,C,D" should I message to the supplier to fulfill the order customer.
7. on the "Stock Check Sheets" Report I select Show Shortages.
8. But the information that produced failed, or I can not read it. Written there shortages for items "B, C, D" as much as -4. Should be  -2.
9. Can I send a print report results from the process..

For "Allow Negative Inventory" I did not checkbox, I make a work order with option "Advanced Manufacture" has be my release but to BOM item B,C,D demand = 5 suggestion = - 4, no change.

What is the FA can't count the shortage item classified in BOM / Advanced Manufactured in the process?



I have item "A" type Manufactured with BOM items "B, C, D" type Purchased, requirement respectively 1.  QOH item A = 2 and QOH for item B, C, D respectively 1, when there are sales orders item A, amount 5. Why the shortages in Stock Check Report Sheet for items B, C, D quantity -4 ?

Should be shortages for items B, C, D = -2, because shortage for item A = -3.

Thanks & Best Regard

Thank you Joe, for quick response my post ,

Perhaps if I send output the "Inventory Planning Report" & "Stock Check Sheets" may be adjustment of the results of the this report.



Thanks to the all teams FA
There are few who would I ask about the Inventory Planning Report, because I am a layman in terms of the theory of business / industry,
I would ask, What is the basis in determining the 3*M and determination suggestions Order in Inventory Planning Report, How the theory and formula




How do I edit to items in Inventory Location Transfers, sometimes I do wrong on dates, quantity and items.

Best Regard


I've been implementation FA and greatly assist the process of my business, but I'm looking for Cash Flow Report, in accordance with this  Cash Flow @ Wikipedia and this Cash Flow Statement @Wikipedia. It would be perfect if the FA next version is equipped with Cash Flow. or already exist that make the module / extension / report, please share with me.

Thanks & Best Regard

I've tried due date Fa. Version 2.3.1 worked well, but for FA.2.3.2 unable to to work (bug)

Thanks & Best Regard

I was sure entry due date already 15-Feb-2011, but when I check at the Customer Transaction Inquiry due date everything 02-Apr-2011.
Thanks and Best Regard