We are aware of this problem. We had to escape all the input database fields in FrontAccounting to eliminate spammer injections. Spammers could add html code into the fields and thereby inject the script.
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FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
We are aware of this problem. We had to escape all the input database fields in FrontAccounting to eliminate spammer injections. Spammers could add html code into the fields and thereby inject the script.
Instead of using the class-member TextCol, you can use TextColLines. This will wrap the column. But you must keep track of the row counter yourself to get a nice layout. Ex.
$rep->TextCol(0, 1, $myrow2['stock_id'], -2);
$rep->TextCol(1, 2, $myrow2['StockDescription'], -2);
$rep->TextCol(2, 3, $DisplayQty, -2);
$rep->TextCol(3, 4, $myrow2['units'], -2);
$rep->TextCol(4, 5, $DisplayPrice, -2);
$rep->TextCol(5, 6, $DisplayDiscount, -2);
$rep->TextCol(6, 7, $DisplayNet, -2);
$rep->TextCol(0, 1, $myrow2['stock_id'], -2);
$row = $rep->row;
$rep->TextColLines(1, 2, $myrow2['StockDescription'], -2);
$next_row = $rep->row;
$rep->row = $row;
$rep->TextCol(2, 3, $DisplayQty, -2);
$rep->TextCol(3, 4, $myrow2['units'], -2);
$rep->TextCol(4, 5, $DisplayPrice, -2);
$rep->TextCol(5, 6, $DisplayDiscount, -2);
$rep->TextCol(6, 7, $DisplayNet, -2);
$rep->row = $next_row;
This will wrap the description nicely.
If you want to use the long description from the stock_master, you have to change the function get_customer_trans_details in the file /sales/includes/db/cust_trans_details_db.inc, line 5. You have to add the field long_description from stock_master table.
Well, Alvin, when we are in a catch 22 situation, it is good to be able to do this . We can then use the order for another occation, maybe use it as a template
The sales orders can be deleted by edit - cancel order, in sales order inquiry.
Is Javascript disabled?
But all the critical transactions are voided, right? GL Postings and Item movements and corresponding sales invoices and delivery notes?
This has something to do with the spam injection avoidance we did a while ago. We had to escape all the database entry fields for html to avoid injections from spammers. Maybe Janusz can comment more on that.
The search functions only works for items, customers and suppliers lists.
But when you enter account characters/digits the account list will try to follow your entrance where there is a fit for your entry.
It is often practically to use just one database and use table prefixes when creating new clients. Then you avoid these problems.
Another approach is to first create the database with phpMyAdmin before using the 'Install New Company'. This way you avoid the install break down.
I am not sure if it works, but probably it does. I haven't tried. Try to do a test.
If you don't use the tax, just create a tax group called 'Not Used' or something like that. and select none of the taxes (just like tax-free).
If you only have this one tax group, it will always be default when creating customers/suppliers. Do a similar thing for the Item Tax Types, and you are free of the tax. It will not be written on any documents and no tax transactions are done.
The reason for the backward numbering in document printing is that you normally will print the latest ones, and therefore it is easier to find them this way. But as you found out, they have to be select in ascending order
No it is not possible to only select invoices from one customer.
The best and safest thing to do, is to void the sales transactions. You do that in Setup tab, Void transactions. First look in the inquiries to pick up the numbers first. Remember to void both sales invoice, delivery notes and sales orders. If there are GL postings and Inventory movements they will automatically be voided as well.
There are so many links between the tables that is is almost impossible to remember them all by doing this in phpMyAdmin.
BTW, if you try to void a sales order, that is also a template, it will not be voided, but this has no influence over the critical postings.
FA2 uses the PHP built-in mail function to send mail so you should be able to use it transparently. The messages are in doctext.inc and doctext2.inc, that are included by pdf_report.inc in /reporting/includes folder.
You do that in Sales - Sales Order Inquiry. Mark the Tmpl checkbox for the items you want to be templates. Then they will show up when selecting Template Delivery/Invoice.
Those company extra fields are not used by FA, but more to extra info for yourself.
In the company setup, you place your VAT no in Tax Authority Reference field
In the customer setup, you place the customers VAT no in th GSTno field. Sorry for the different words.
If these fields are filled then the info will come on the documents.
You should see, that if this is a bank account, this bank account is updated as well, right?
This is on our priority list
It looks like your files are out of sync.
Inside the file /gl/includes/db/gl_trans_db.inc there is a function, add_journal_entries. This function inserts the bank account transactions as well if the GL account is also a bank account. Look for yourself in the function.
Anyhow, when investigating this, I found another minor update bug. The Bank Account Title wasn't updated on screen.
You should be able to see them in the Bank Account Inquiry. If the Bank Accounts are created correctly, the GL entries will always be posted to Bank Accounts as well.
Are you sure the bank account is created?
I think this was implemented way back in release 1.xx something, so if you are using release 2.0 it should definitely work.
BTW, the entry of Bank Accounts in Journal Entry was implemented mostly so administrators could enter an initial balance.
Try to give full privilegies on /es_MX/LC_MESSAGES folder (write enable). If gettext is not installed, then PHP will create a .php file to use for the language.
Look in the user table for your company with phpMyAdmin. See if admin has correct Administrator priviligies.
Are you sure that both the .mo and .po file is in the language folder on the server? The .po file is used by PHP to create a .php file, when gettext is not installed on the server.
You must login as an Administrator to create new companies.
Yes, you should probably set the character set to the right one in MySql. Maybe the default en_US-demo.sql is not adequate to start a Chinese client. You should probably create your own script file for this.
If you do, please share it with us
FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
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