Yes, we have put in a lot of safety, but there is an easy way of doing this:
Create a dummy year outside the existing fiscal years. F.i. 01 March 2009 to 28 Feb 2010.
In Company Setup, set this new year to be the current year.
Go back to fiscal years again, and delete the year 01-01-2008 to 31-12-2008 (you don't delete anything else, this is only a mark holder for various years and reports). Now Create the year 01 Mar 2008 to 28 Feb 2009.
Go back to Company Setup again, and select this year to be the current year.
Just be sure you have fiscal years for all your transactions. Also remember that you can have shorter or longer fiscal years than the calendar year.



(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

You must execute the alter2.1.sql file that contains these new fields to be inserted in the database.
You can use update_db.php to do that. Otherwise use phpMyAdmin

BTW, do not mix version 2.0.3 and 2.1 at the moment. They are not merged yet. There are a couple of fixed bugs in 2.0.3 that are not merged into 2.1 yet.

The Administrator for the first created company (company 0) is Supreme Administrator. Only he can create new companies. So you will have to log in to this company to create new companies. If you by accident don't have a company 0, then you can reduce the pag_security level on the page /admin/create_coy.php to 15. This is not recommended, but it is a way to go further if there have been troubles during setup of the system.
Regarding Item Types. This is merely a definition of how FrontAccounting handles the internals of the item. It is not a category (there is a special menu for this). The item type indicates if the item is self produced (manufactured), bought from a supplier (Purchased) or a Service (no stock). So these types are hard wired into FA. You should be able to put the item into one of these types. Then you can use category to further index your items.

Best regards and thank you for your nice words smile


Yes, we have put in a lot of safety here. There is, however, an easy solution to this. The fiscal years are only helpers for taking care of the various reports and entries.
You can change this first year in phpMyAdmin to suit your needs. Remember to use the YYYY-MM-DD when correcting it.
If you have entries after the first year end, then you can create this year in FA afterwards.

Happy accounting.
BTW, there is also a fake for this in FA. If you create the next year in FA (can be non calendar year and the year can be shorter or longer than 12 months) and go to company setup and set this new year as current year, then you can delete the original year and create it again with correct values. Just take care that there are no overlaps. And that there are fiscal years for all your transactions. Finally you can set the current fiscal year again in company setup.
To prevent entries in old years you can mark them as closed.


I haven't heard of this installation problem before, but glad that you solved it.
Regarding a new company with the Australian chart of accounts is quite simple. I guess you already have downloaded the chart of accounts to your local harddisk.
Start by creating a new company in the company setup tab, lower right. You must have admin access to do this. Fill in the forms and select the Australian chart of account (unpacked sql file) for upload to your server. Use the recommended table prefix, it is much easier. You can use the same database for several companies this way. Fire the install. After the install, logout and login again on your new company (it is available in the list when logging in).
I hope this goes well for you.



(12 replies, posted in Reporting)

In every tab there is a menu item regarding Reports. In the right pane about the middle. If you press this you come to the report center for this category.



(3 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

You have probably marked the checkbox 'search supplier list' in Customer Setup. This means that you have to search for you suppliers before they show up.
You can do that no by pressing the space key and then search for *, then you get all.
This is implemented for the reason you have hundreds of suppliers in you table.



(3 replies, posted in Reporting)

Thanks for your nice words. The form design of the PO is somewhat a left-over from the time where we used pre-printed forms in the printers and therefore a lot of fields are redundant. We have, however, done some clean-up work in the past, but as you point out, not enough.
I will have a closer look at this, so we can take most of it when we have the next minor release.


This was a problem in the version 1.xx. Please upgrade to 2.0.3.



(6 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

No, I cannot reproduce this. Can you give me an exact entry sequense. We have not heard of this before.


Hello guys,
I'm glad that you have done some research on this. I have no experience in chinese languages. When I prepared the chart of accounts, I used utf-8 from pspad I guess.
Maybe you can change the characters in the chart of accounts to be the right encoding. I have, however, the original charts in the correct characters. So maybe I should use another editor for preparing the charts.
And finally, if any of you can give instructions here to us, so new users can benefit from this, please.
We got the Arabic languages to work smoothly, so we should also solve this smile

BTW, please install the cid0 font for Reporting. It reduces PDF filesize enormously.


(2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Bug fixed. CVS repository updated. Look in the ChANGELOG.txt for involved files.



(6 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

This sounds strange. Which version are you running? Did you do a direct invoice  or did you go all the way with sales order, delivery and invoice?


demouser - password



(2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Yes you are right. If this was the last module you deleted, you get this error. We are currently having trouble updating the CVS repository, but as soon as this is solved the CVS will be updated.

In the meantime you can delete the expression 0 => inside the empty array in /modules/installed_modules.php.
Then you are running again.



(9 replies, posted in Reporting)

You can try either of two things.
On line 37 in repgen_select.php
change require_once("") to require_once($path_to_root . "/modules/") or require_once("./")
The same method for line 38. Tell me if it works.


I'm not sure if I understand your question in full. If you want to include the debt into FA, you could create a service item and invoice your customer with this service item and set the price to the amount. Of cource you will not send him this invoice. This is only for internal use. But this will include a GL posting.
I guess that you should not be able to include a debt into FA without GL postings.



(6 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Remember that we do this on a non commercial base. It is all open source, that is why you should help us reporting these things.

You can download a fresh CVS copy of alter.sql from the CVS repository and see if it helps.



(9 replies, posted in Reporting)

Try to set the $go_debug flag in config.php to 1, to trap ev. messages. If it doesn't help, look in the apache_error.log to see if any errors/messages are here.



(2 replies, posted in Wish List)

You can use the following:
Create a Cash Customer and set him to cash (0 days) in Payment Terms. Creata also a Cash Branch. Use a Bank/Cash account as the AR account.
When creating the Direct Invoice, you can use som fields at the bottom to specify the buyer (address fields, I guess).
In this specific case the payment is done immediately and the invoice is allocated when processing the invoice.
This is much easier.


The -credit this- immediately allocation problem is now solved. Also eventually exchange variances as the other payment/credit notes allocation.
The CVS repository is updated. File /sales/includes/db/



(11 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Yes, in Windows vista, you can set the sql-mode to an empty string in my.ini (inside the MySQL folder). The filename in Linux is my.cnf. Restart the MySQL server and you are done!
However, I have decided to change about 5 to 6 files for 'sloppy' sql and thereby minimize the risk for running into this. I have been through all of FA and not found that many errors in the strict sql. I gues about 5 or 6 files. The biggest 'problem' is the data that is already in the database.
So the best advice is to set the sql-mode in the file to empty and go with that.



(11 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hello marvo,
Seems like we have found the problem. Date values and non string values can not have empty strings.
I'll install the version 5.0.51 of MySQL and try to trap eventually more errors.
The repository will be updated when this has been done.
I see that you reported another error in a different thred.
Please, marvo, if you have the time. Help with further testing.



(11 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Please help us one step further. Instead of $SQLDueDate = date2sql($due_date);, please change into the following:

if ($duedate != "0000-00-00")
    $SQLDueDate = date2sql($due_date);
    $SqlDueDate = $due_date;

so it looks something like this

if ($due_date != "0000-00-00")
    $SQLDueDate = date2sql($due_date);
    $SQLDueDate = $due_date;

and see if this helps.



(11 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Marvo, the payment uses the same table, and therefore is sending an empty value. Will you do me a favor, helping me test this? I think this might be a MySQL version specific issue.
In file /sales/includes/db/, line 79, in function write_customer_trans. The parameter $due_date=null. Will you change that to $due_date="" (empty string) and save and see if this helps? It would be very appriciated if you will help us with this.
