Well, it doesn't seem to be an html_entiry_decode problem you have. I don't have this environment as you have. maybe someone else in the community can help here.
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FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
Well, it doesn't seem to be an html_entiry_decode problem you have. I don't have this environment as you have. maybe someone else in the community can help here.
Did you download a new excel_report.inc from /reporting/includes/ the other day?
We did a decode of & (to &) characters.
If you did, you might try to experiment with various decoding functions in PHP. I don't have your environment available here.
The decoding should be placed in the function TextCol on line 524 as the first line in the function:
$txt = html_entity_decode($txt);
and in the function TextCol2 on line 557 as the first line in the function.
Fixed in CVS Main trunk. Affected file /reporting/includes/excel_report.inc.
You can download the fixed file here:
I am afraid that this is not possible by the way FA is designed. What we can do, is to replace the access-code to SA_MULTIFISCALYEARS. We will then create a new access code and you can give the right in the access-level setup.
When you are ready with the fiscal year editing, you can remove this right again.
I am not sure if I understand you correctly.
If you haven't sold anything yet, the inventory GL should match your inventory valuation. When delivering items the inventory account is credited and COGS is debited. The stock moves for the item is also decreased.
This has now been implemented in release 2.3. If you have the same access as creating/modifying fiscal years, you will also have access to enter transactions on non closed years.
The Wiki will later be updated when 2.3 ships.
Strange. I have just tried (US dollar as domestic) and retrieved VND and got 0.0001 (with 4 decimals). I have used both GOOGLE and YAHOO.
Have you tried to use YAHOO.
BTW we found a bug recently in entering double values with more than 5 decimals. Maybe you should download this fil from CVS:
and replace the file in /includes/current_user.inc
Well, I hear you guys.
I will create a special allowance to access non closed fiscal years. This will be implemented in release 2.3. If you have this permission you will be able to create transactions on all years that are not closed.
Hey, man, take it easy
Maybe we can get some input from others here?
Thanks thhui,
I will ask Janusz to fix this, when he returns to office. He is out in no Internet-land at present.
No, when you change the Fiscal Year in Company Setup this is the Global Fiscal Year for the Company.
This was a huge question.
Please look into the Wiki for the next release.
You can also look in the CHANGELOG.txt for CVS unstable here:
This has been restricted to one year due to safety. We had to limit entrance to only one fiscal year at a time. Users forgot to switch fiscal year and entered on the wrong year.
There are 2 reasons for using our own decimal format.
1. to eliminate de declaration of the global variables.
2. a rounding bug in Windows IIS detected a couple of years ago.
I will try to increase the decimals from 6 to 10 for this operation. Hopefully this will help.
The CS Main trunk has been updated. You can download the new file here:
I have created a Menu Item, called 'The SuperAdmin', with the various tasks. Please add your informations here. Thanks.
Havew you tried to follow this Forum for similar problems? There are a lot of things here that may go wrong if handled the wrong way.
You should run a System Diagnostics on the Setup tab (in English) and show this diagnostic to us.
Which version of FA are you running? We had some problems here half a year ago.
It is very important that the Item Type is set to Service. With the current version, I cannot reproduce this error.
No it is not, but you must set the correct COGS account for the service item and, of course, it must be of type Service.
The module is called Revenue / Costs Accruals and is located on the page Download Modules at the very last.
Maybe you should inrease the decimals for exchange rates in Display Setup (Preferences).
This will be a huge task to do. I guess it would be easier to start all over again with the correct home-currency.
The function that handles the exchange rates is called get_extern_rate and is located inside the file /gl/includes/db/gl_db_rates.inc.
The function checks if the function cur_init exists and if so it uses curl to open the url, otherwise fopen is used.
So maybe you can install the curl functions to avoid fopen.
There is no problem entering purchase of (non stock) items in purchase.
Direct delivery and Direct Invoice in purchashing section is implemented in release 2.3. (Shipping soon in beta).
Accrual accounting can be done by installing a simple module from the download section.
The inventory items can be selected by the item selector above in the Inventory and Items tab, Items. Then they can be edited and saved back again.
Something has changed here. There should be no restrictions on the number of days, whatever method you choose.
You should be able to choose End of Month + 60 days, which will give you an approximately correct payment terms.
This has been fixed in CVS Main trunk. Affected file /admin/payment_terms.php
I misunderstood you. I thought you were talking about the report List of Journal Entries.
It has now been fixed so the report GL Transactions prints the line memo also. The comments in the GL Journal belongs to the entire Journal, so if you want these infos, you must print the List of Journal Entries.
CVS Main trunk updated. Affected file /reporting/rep704.php
The memo for the entire GL Journal is printed on the first line, either alone or after Person/Item. It is separated by a /. Have a look.
The memo for the lines are printed in the same field, but for the item lines.
The default printer destinations will be established by a global variable in config.php, $def_printer_destination. With a value of 1 the default destination will be Excel. This will be done for stable release 2.2.10. The last memo field will drop down as default for the next line. This will also be done in 2.2.10. So you can either change it or delete it.
It seems that the customers import module is out of date. Tom Moulton has done some changes, but I haven't checked it lately. I am quite busy at the moment. You could download the module for import items (release 2.2) and see if there is something that you can change in the customer module.
Otherwise wait a couple of weeks, then I can have a look at it.
FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
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