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This is documented in the wiki
But where you are now, maybe a fresh install and follow the instructions in the wiki is the easiest way to go.
Or as apmuthu states in post 4 above
apmuthu wrote:The sequence of the ids must match the sort order of the fiscal year start field.
Your 2019 - 2020 comes before your 2018 - 2019
so delete 2019 - 2020 and then enter it again
How have you installed it manually?...list the steps you did please
??? the ext folder in '/modules/' that you want to delete and then install manually
@joe, @apmuthu, This is already in core - click the 'Update' button in 'Preferences'
The above mod just lets you do it in one click and stays on current page instead of three clicks (->Preferences click Update) and changing page to Preferences, then at least one click to return to the page you were on.
If you're making changes to css it saves a few clicks and time everytime you update
Its the reverse of installation - Deactivate it for all companies - then delete it using the red cross - then delete the folder.
Then upload the ext.
Your question 'How to delete fiscal Year?' is well documented in this forum, please use the search function.
'a error' There are hundreds of error code strings in FA, 'a error' does not help us help you resolve the issue you have, also the error codes usually contain sufficient info for you to work out the solution yourself.
General help - please read carefully
FA takes a little time to learn, you need to read - to learn how to use the program and get the best out of the program. This investment in time will be repaid when you see how much time FA can actually save you
Clicking help in the top right corner of any page of the program will take you to the relevant wiki page.
The wiki contains most of the info you will need to know, most of the rest you can find in this forum.
New users are encouraged to setup a 'Training Company' where you can 'experiment' and try new functions for the 1st time, before you do your actual company accounts
Not for production
Whilst looking for something else I discovered there were already a few functions in FA that clear the cache
So added to renderer.php
If you want an icon:-
File: \themes\default\renderer.php
87: $dimg = "<img src='$path_to_root/themes/".user_theme()."/images/remove.png' style='width:14px;height:14px;border:0;vertical-align:middle;' alt='"._('Delete Cache')."'> ";
Then add:-
File: \themes\default\renderer.php
097: function delete_company_cache(){
098: flush_dir(company_path().'/js_cache');
099: }
100: echo "<a class='shortcut' href='?delete_company_cache=true'>$dimg" . _("Delete Cache") . "</a> \n";
102: if(isset($_GET['delete_company_cache'])){
103: delete_company_cache();
104: }
It does not disable cache, just clears cache just for the company you are logged on to when you want from any page
Check the dates of the purchases?
Did you use 'Direct Supplier Invoice'?
Have you created a sales order thats due to be delivered?
Check all your sales/purchases for that item and match with dates
Rebuilt hooks.php to use a different method to replace existing menu items stolen from sgw_sales ext.
Added custom field labeling for custom fields in customers, suppliers and items, this resolves the issue of using translations to rename custom fields and multiple companies requiring different custom field names. Demo updated
@notrinos - done... thank you
@notrinos, thank you so much for that, added for all tabs in cust. supp. and items
This is still an issue ref here
I think this is connected to this bug here
The FA errorss.log logs all errors
I have down graded from PHP 7.2.4 to 7.1.16 - this has resolved the error, @cleal can you confim please?
I've just installed 2.4.4 on wamp 3.1.3 and getting a similar error:-
ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time in file: E:\wamp64\www\FA_ATESTV44\includes\ at line 432
E:\wamp64\www\FA_ATESTV44\includes\ ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime','36000')
E:\wamp64\www\FA_ATESTV44\index.php:18: include_once('E:\wamp64\www\FA_ATESTV44\includes\')
The part I do not understand is it was working last week?
No errors in PHP, apache and mysql error logs
Do a clean install, still have bug?
If not it's probably a change you have made.
Are you using any extensions?
What FA version?
Type of Server?
PHP version?
You need to discuss this with him
To clarify on MySQL version: You are running MariaDB not MySQL, MariaDB 10.0 is compatible with MySQL 5.6, and MariaDB 10.2 is compatible with MySQL 5.7.
So it depends on what your last digit is?
Read about it here
Added 'delete item additional field info' functionality
user @anoopmb seems to be developing this, search his posts
Updated so that an extra tab 'Additional Fields' is included, with all the maintenance functions.
@kvvaradha can you be more specific as far as 'custom types' and 'setting roles' please
Those few cents will add up
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