
(6 replies, posted in Setup)

You decide how things should start. Please either try it out on the Training Co. or the demo company.
But if you start with SO-000001 the next will be SO-000002 and so on.


When you crated the new company you were able to enter an admin password. Use this password to login to your new company and on the Setup tab, User accounts setup and add new users.
If you have lost your admin password on the new company, then use phpMyAdmin and copy the admin password from the demo user to the new company. You can later change this password if you want.


You cannot create a cash invoice without having it paid.


You can do the correction in Journal Entries. Just figure out how much is gone into the wrong account and then debit the wrong account and credit the correct account. And remember to fix the right accounts on the items.


Please talk to a local accountant. He can better tell you how things are bound together. Or better, go to a bookkeeping course. There are some on the web too. On the Feeds page on our website there are links to at least one.


No, this is not possible. It will require a special kind of extension / module. I don't think there is an available module at present.


Due to a bug in sprintf replacing the if statement solves the problem:

    if ($dec > 0)
        $divisor = pow(10, $dec);
        $frac = round2($amount - floor($amount), $dec) * $divisor;
        $frac = sprintf("%0{$dec}d", round2($frac, 0));
        $and = _("and");
        $frac = " $and $frac/$divisor";

The HG repository will be updated.


Thanks for this patch. But for the amount of 845.14 your algorithm prints Eight hundred and Fourty_five and 13/100.
With the old algorithm it was printed ok. So we will have to improve the algorithm a bit.



(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

Your tax registration date will set the date where you start taxing your customers. You just prepare the new tax type and group and put them on your customers/branches.
There is no retroactive taxing. Otherwise it is a good idea to discuss this with a local accountant.


No, I am afraid not. But you could create a custom balance sheet that eliminate certain accounts.


The New Page shift should be done automatically, but maybe something needs to be adjusted in header2.inc.
Remember you are on your own here. We normally do not give support about changing FA.


Hello Tom,

For understanding the year closure, I guess it is a good idea to talk to a local accountant.
You can do the final balancing yourself and if the balance type accounts are in balance FA will do no further operation.

But if you havent't balanced the balance type accounts, then FA will do these operations automatic for you. This is quite normal procedure for accounting systems to do that. The only requirements are that you have setup these accounts in the System and GL setup.


FA is not supporting A5 size, but you add the following in pdf_report.inc line 98:

          case 'A5':
              // Portrait
                if ($orientation == 'P')
                  if (!isset($margins))
              // Landscape
                  if (!isset($margins))

And then set this 'A5' size in all the coduments constructor. Look at rep107.php line 67:

        $rep = new FrontReport(_('INVOICE'), "InvoiceBulk", user_pagesize());

Change user_pagesize() to "A5"

I cannot garuantee that this is all you need to change. If you need more adjustment, you can look into /reporting/includes/heading2.inc.


Let us see if we can trap some more details.
Please set the $go_debug flag in config.php to 1 . This should trap some more warnings/errors.



(7 replies, posted in Wish List)

Ok, thanks elax. I will update the Wiki.


If you look under Setup, Fiscal Year ( where the content is built as the menu strings ) you will find something at the very end.



(29 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

omeng, I guess you have to import an SQL script that is maybe in the module Asset Register folder. Please look here and import the script file to your FA database.


Hello tom,

The retained earnings is the accumulated earnings during the years. This is yours or the shareholders money and can be destributed to you or the shareholders. Then this account will be debited and some of the bank accounts will be credited.

Yes maybe we should improve the Wiki a bit here, although some information about this is already there.
Will you check that, tom?



(7 replies, posted in Wish List)

As I recall, FA first checks if there are Branch emails (with the right contact type). If so it use this/these contacts, else FA search in the Customer contacts.
Janusz might correct me here, he wrote the one to many contacts.
And the wiki needs updating, phew! Maybe someone can help us with the update. We are out of resources sad.


Set the $go_debug flag in config.php to 1 and see what is reporting when you make a backup.



(7 replies, posted in Wish List)

You should be able to send to multiple email addresses by setting ujp more than one contacts. Remember to select the right type.
Also check that you use the Branch contact.



(7 replies, posted in Setup)

The PayPal implementation is very simple. A PayPal link is put on the Sales Invoice. This is done by a selection when printing the Sales Invoice. If the customer do not have a PayPal account, they can pay be Credit/Debit Card.
You can then establish PayPal as a Bank Account in FrontAccounting. This way it is very easy to take the Bank Deposit.

I am not sure if this is what you want, Other implementations have to be written as a module.


I am not familiar with the module Asset Type Entries.
But it seems that you must run an SQL script first. Look inside the /module and look for the asset type module. There may be an SQL script here.
With phpMyAdmin, try to import this script. Then I guess and hope you should be up and running.



(4 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

No, there were no particular answers to this topic, but there were other answers to the topic. However you were on the right way of doing it.
Simply follow my suggestion in the first answer here.


There is no Integration with shipping software, other than they can be setup insice FA. Please look at the demo how this works.
