Hello friends, need support on this

I have successfully implemented this jquery solution for column and header freeze.

But I am stuck that once a page is reloaded due to Ajax Call then the following Jquery Function at the bottom of the page is not called.

$(document).ready(function() {

    'scrollable': true,
        'columnNum' : 5,


$refline_placeholders = array(
    'MM' => 'date',
    'YY' => 'date',
    'YYYY' => 'date',
    'FF' => 'date', // fiscal year
    'FFFF' => 'date',
    'UU' => 'user',
     'P' => 'pos',
//     FIXME:  for placeholders below all the code should work, but as the ref length is variable,
//       length specification in placeholder format should be implemented.
    'C' => 'customer',
    'B' => 'branch',
    'S' => 'supplier',
    'L' => 'location'

I uncommented the last four placeholders. should {C} shall bring the Customer's ShortCode in Reference. It is bringing 0. Any idea?

If you agree with my post#5 then

This condition

            if (in_array($type, $types))
                $unit_cost = $row["price"];
                $unit_cost = $row["standard_cost"];

in function void_stock_move in includes/db/inventory_db.inc will be changed to

$unit_cost = $row["price"];

Because now this will work for all transaction types to fetch the unit_cost affecting avg_cost.

@itronics I have once again gone through your post#1. If I am not mistaken you are planning to use

1. avg_cost (old standard_cost) as storage for material cost before transaction and
2. unit_cost (old price) as storage for material_cost after transaction


If yes, then this would not be OK. Although we can retrieve price from related tables for Sale and Purchase transactions but this is not true for Stock Adjustment Transactions.

So whether or not you change the name of price column, it shall contain the unit_cost that is affecting the avg_cost. So If an Item A is purchase @ $20 then supp_invoice_items.unit_price will contain $20 as well as unit_cost column in stock_moves will also contain $20.

I hope I have clarified my view point.

on includes/db/inventory_db.inc at line # 475 we shall add this condition

if ($type!=ST_LOCTRANSFER) 

before the following function call

update_average_material_cost($row["supplier_id"], $row["stock_id"],
                    $unit_cost, -$row["qty"], sql2date($row["tran_date"]), false, "Void Stock Move # $type_no and type = $type_no");


There is no reason for updating average cost while Voiding Stock Move due to Location Transfer. The inventory is neither gaining not loosing here.

If we don't do this then Avg Unit Cost is adversely affected. Because the stock_moves table doesn't contain any price for Location Transfer hence $unit_cost parameter passed to update_average_material_cost is ZERO so the resulting weighted average is not correct at the end of transaction.

function update_stock_move($type, $trans_no, $stock_id, $cost)
    $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."stock_moves SET standard_cost=".db_escape($cost)
            ." WHERE type=".db_escape($type)
            ."    AND trans_no=".db_escape($trans_no)
            ."    AND stock_id=".db_escape($stock_id);
    db_query($sql, "The stock movement standard_cost cannot be updated");

This function on includes/db/inventory_db.inc is not called from anywhere

`standard_cost` changed to `avg_cost` - store for item average cost (stock_master.material_cost)  before transaction

I think is the store of average cost after transaction. the resulting average cost of the item due the unit_cost being used in the transaction.

@itronics,  yes database consistency requires some update queries to run.

I agree with you. I will check in detail later

Hello, is it possible in FA to get first few columns freezed in db_pager_view?


(10 replies, posted in Development)

I want to suggest that in 2.5 we shall include this modification done by @anoopmb


This is very useful approval system. It requires some database changes that we can do in 2.5. Currently it is applied only to GL module but later on we can gradually shift its application to all other modules.

I think I didn't sleep well last night. All is working now smile

Hello, I am unable to access system global variables on reports. While they are accessible on any other page. Any Idea?

For example I tried calling on rep501.php the global variable $bank_account_types even exclusively including includes/sysnames.inc like below code

$page_security = 'SA_DIMENSIONREP';
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// $ Revision:    2.0 $
// Creator:    Joe Hunt
// date_:    2005-05-19
// Title:    Dimension Summary
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/date_functions.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/data_checks.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/gl/includes/gl_db.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/sysnames.inc");


write_sql_to_file("Dimension Inquiry control_cols".print_r($bank_account_types,true));

but it gives following error and the global variable is not read

Undefined variable: bank_account_types in file: /home/pakerp/web/pakerp.net/public_html/reporting/rep501.php at line 30

While these variables are accessible from all other UI pages. Why?

Yes waiting for all good news

Attendance with time in and time out.
Csv import for time in and time out

@joe, not for this topic now. But I have few suggestions for 2.5. This post https://frontaccounting.com/punbb/viewtopic.php?id=8137 doesn't allow us to post. Where can we post for suggestions for 2.5.


(7 replies, posted in Reporting)

@barbarian, great work. I will test it. I really needed a good reporting from HTML to PDF.


Should we change back to the former functions, get_domestic_price, in rep301 and rep308, but wich these changed rows?

You can do either, or but I think better keep the one in post # 11. I have tested it. It has changed conditions as well as some removal of logical bugs and

And post #8 should be changed? and the wrongly calculated domestic price?

Post #8 should be committed otherwise domestic_price will not calculate correctly.

With my finally suggested codes in post#8 and post#11 domestic_price is calculating correctly the average cost.



function get_domestic_price needs some more adjustments. But it requires changes in post#8 to be committed first.

function get_domestic_price($myrow, $stock_id)
    if ($myrow['type'] == ST_SUPPRECEIVE || $myrow['type'] == ST_SUPPCREDIT || $myrow['type'] == ST_INVADJUST)
        $price = $myrow['price'];
        if ($myrow['person_id'] > 0)
            // Do we have foreign currency?
            $supp = get_supplier($myrow['person_id']);
            $currency = $supp['curr_code'];
            $ex_rate = $myrow['ex_rate'];
            $price *= $ex_rate;
        $price = $myrow['standard_cost']; //pick standard_cost for sales deliveries

    return $price;


1. We need price Value only for ST_SUPPRECEIVE, ST_SUPPCREDIT AND ST_INVADUST. For Sales Deliveries we need the standard_cost for Average cost calculation in rep301, rep308.

2. $price *= $ex_rate is currently $price /= $ex_rate which is a logical mistake.

3. We can pick Exchange Rate directly from Supplier Transaction for GRN and Supplier Credit Note. For this we need some more changes in rep301 and rep308

Following partial code in the SQL Query shall be replaced with

IF(ISNULL(supplier.supplier_id), debtor.debtor_no, supplier.supplier_id) person_id

This code

supplier.supplier_id person_id, IF(ISNULL(grn.rate), credit.rate, grn.rate) ex_rate

1. We need person_id only for suppliers to get exchange rate of the transaction in get_domestic_price function
2. ex_rate is directly picked from either GRN or Supplier Credit

I have tested all this after creating a fresh item and executing all type of transactions on it as in this image

There is one understanding that ST_CUSTCREDIT transactions will always pick the prevailing unit_cost.


Thanks for your endorsement. I agree with your plan

This commit needs one more commit in the function add_stock_adjustment_item on /inventory/includes/db/items_adjust_db.inc as follows

function add_stock_adjustment_item($adj_id, $stock_id, $location, $date_, $reference,
    $quantity, $price, $memo_)
    $mb_flag = get_mb_flag($stock_id);
    if (is_service($mb_flag))
        display_db_error("Cannot do inventory adjustment for Service item : $stock_id", "");
    update_average_material_cost(null, $stock_id, $price, $quantity, $date_);
    if (is_fixed_asset($mb_flag)) {
        $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."stock_master SET inactive=1
            WHERE stock_id=".db_escape($stock_id);
        db_query($sql,"The inactive flag for the fixed asset could not be updated");
  $standard_cost = get_unit_cost($stock_id); //added by faisal
    add_stock_move(ST_INVADJUST, $stock_id, $adj_id, $location,
        $date_, $reference, $quantity, $standard_cost, $price);
    $inv_value = $price * $quantity;
    $adj_value = $price * -($quantity);
    if (is_fixed_asset($mb_flag)) {
        // get the initial value of the fixed assset.
        $row = get_fixed_asset_move($stock_id, ST_SUPPRECEIVE);
        $inv_value = $row['price'] * $quantity;
        $adj_value = (-($row['price']) + $price) * $quantity;
    if ($price > 0 || is_fixed_asset($mb_flag))
        $stock_gl_codes = get_stock_gl_code($stock_id);
        add_gl_trans_std_cost(ST_INVADJUST, $adj_id, $date_,
            $stock_gl_codes['adjustment_account'], $stock_gl_codes['dimension_id'], $stock_gl_codes['dimension2_id'], $memo_, $adj_value  );
        add_gl_trans_std_cost(ST_INVADJUST, $adj_id, $date_, $stock_gl_codes['inventory_account'], 0, 0, $memo_, $inv_value);
    if (is_fixed_asset($mb_flag)) {
        // Additional gl entry for fixed asset.
        $grn_act = get_company_pref('default_loss_on_asset_disposal_act');
        add_gl_trans_std_cost(ST_INVADJUST, $adj_id, $date_, $grn_act, 0, 0, $memo_, ($price * -($quantity)));


In order to keep rep301 and rep308 workable with older data than this commit one update query needs to be executed to bring standard_cost values in the price field for all transactions through inventory_adjustment.

UPDATE stock_moves SET price=standard_cost WHERE type=17


@itronics for logging Cost Update tracking in stock_moves I have a workaround solution. May be you endorse it. Just sharing the idea. If approved I can work on code.

We can execute 2 Inventory Adjustments per location for that particular item when cost update is executed.

#1. This will bring the QOH to ZERO even for -ve inventory on the prevailing cost price in the system.
#2. This will bring the QOH on the same position either +ve or -ve at the New Cost give through Cost Update.

With this workaround we will be able to bring correct results in rep301 and rep308 as well.


In this function get_domestic_price the exchange rate factor is applied when person_id > 0. But for Inventory Adjustments person_id is always 0

However you are right that there shall be a column to record Exchange Rate of that transaction so that any change in exchange_rates shall not affect the transaction.

Thanks @itronics, I had some more observations but I held them because of no feedback.

In stock_moves table we have 2 fields price and standard_cost.

Ideally price is the factor affecting the resulting standard_cost. But this is not happening for transactions done through Inventory Adjustment.

Ideally Inventory Adjustment shall always be done at Prevailing Avg Cost of the Item but since the Input Field is open for Unit Cost on this page /inventory/adjustments.php?NewAdjustment=1 and if user input different Unit Cost then Prevailing then it affects the Avg Cost.

For e.g Item A's Avg Cost in the system is 20 with QOH=40 and while recording Adjustment the User Inputs 30 for +10 quantity then Price Affecting the Avg Cost is 30 while Resulting Avg Cost is 22

In this scenario currently in FA the standard_cost field is updated with 30 instead of 22 while price field is updated with 1 instead of 30.

I think this should be Fixed.


In rep301 and rep308 the following function

function get_domestic_price($myrow, $stock_id)
    if ($myrow['type'] == ST_SUPPRECEIVE || $myrow['type'] == ST_SUPPCREDIT)
        $price = $myrow['price'];
        if ($myrow['person_id'] > 0)
            // Do we have foreign currency?
            $supp = get_supplier($myrow['person_id']);
            $currency = $supp['curr_code'];
            $ex_rate = get_exchange_rate_to_home_currency($currency, sql2date($myrow['tran_date']));
            $price /= $ex_rate;
        $price = $myrow['standard_cost']; // Item Adjustments just have the real cost
    return $price;

returns standard_cost for inventory adjustment transactions.

This can be changed as follows

function get_domestic_price($myrow, $stock_id)
        $price = $myrow['price'];
        if ($myrow['person_id'] > 0)
            // Do we have foreign currency?
            $supp = get_supplier($myrow['person_id']);
            $currency = $supp['curr_code'];
            $ex_rate = get_exchange_rate_to_home_currency($currency, sql2date($myrow['tran_date']));
            $price /= $ex_rate;
    return $price;

In both reports this function returns the Price Affecting the Avg Cost.

If we do this than these two fields will become a Log of Changing Avg Cost with Price Affecting it.

Hello @BarryHavenga, check post # 90 by @BraathWaate

I have added this to my portal. Thanks @poncho1234


(2 replies, posted in Installation)

@ewwecwcc, yes this software can be used for services only too.