Topic: Cost Estimation Sheet

I felt that the Manufacturing Module in FA starting with the basics of BOM and the Assembly / De-Assembling but the starting point of ESTIMATION part is missing before quoting one company.

Re: Cost Estimation Sheet

Yes, you are right. There is no Estimation System in FA right now.

Re: Cost Estimation Sheet

Is there a way to import a cost estimation spreadsheet?

Re: Cost Estimation Sheet

Provide sample cost estimation sheet and what fields from it need to go into what fields in the which form in FA.

Re: Cost Estimation Sheet

I don't have a cost estimation sheet. I am just exploring. If someone has one already to go I would happily try it out.

Re: Cost Estimation Sheet

There is no cost estimation  module available. But you can use the sales quote as estimation.

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Re: Cost Estimation Sheet

Will the information flow into the database to be used by the work order module?

Re: Cost Estimation Sheet

Actually it will the other way around. When a form is filled in, it acquires the cost data from the tables and outputs it.

Re: Cost Estimation Sheet

When you do a sales estimate or manufacturing quote you must enter information pertaining to the project in question. This data should flow into the database and subsequently be available for future reports and consideration. All data cannot come from the database as not all information regarding a new project can be in the database before the project is started.

Re: Cost Estimation Sheet

What I meant was for on-the-fly cost estimation. In your case, you would create a separate manufacturing work order and then zero the output and treat it as fulfilled and keep it like a template for future use.