1 (edited by boxygen 07/24/2016 04:46:44 pm)

Topic: Sending document by email failed

I am unable to send Invoice through email


Username: aeronvista
pass: usayed2005

click email invoice and you will find the error message. This is the fresh installation of FA2.3.25

Can anyone help me with the solution of this? How can I find the reason of this error?

I then checked my server whether it is limiting emails or not but I found that emails are going perfectly from my server


The above is the email testing.


2 (edited by apmuthu 07/22/2016 01:18:21 pm)

Re: Sending document by email failed

Lines 1029-1040 of the the function End() in reporting/includes/pdf_reports.inc:

     if ($mail->send()) $sent++;
 } // foreach contact
if (!$try) {
    display_warning(sprintf(_("You have no email contact defined for this type of document for '%s'."), $this->formData['recipient_name']));
} elseif (!$sent)
    display_warning($this->title . " " . $this->formData['document_number'] . ". "
        . _("Sending document by email failed") . ". " . _("Email:") . $emails);
    display_notification($this->title . " " . $this->formData['document_number'] . " " 
        . _("has been sent by email to destination.") . " " . _("Email:") . $emails);

The variable $sent is false or 0. This is because the first line above failed, ie., $mail->send() failed. It is clear that the value of $contact['email'] is okay as the error clearly displays it as: INVOICE 3. Sending document by email failed. Email: faisalayub1980@gmail.com

Inspect the values of the variables: $msg and the object properties of $mail at this point and see what is missing.

Re: Sending document by email failed

This might be your host requires smtp authentication to send e-mails

Subscription service based on FA
HRM CRM POS batch Themes

Re: Sending document by email failed

boxygen wrote:

I then checked my server whether it is limiting emails or not but I found that emails are going perfectly from my server


The above is the email testing.

With the above small script it is checked that server is not limiting emails due to smtp authentication. It is a simple email program with php mail function and going through perfectly on the same server and domain.


Re: Sending document by email failed

I found that my server is limiting all emails if the email address defined in the company setup is not from the domain hosted on the same server.

I did one modification in the line 47 of /reporting/includes/class.mail.inc and my problem got solved

boxygen wrote:

//        $this->header = "From: $name <$mail>\n"; Modified by Faisal to enable sending email by domain boxygen.biz
        $this->header = "From: $name <mail@boxygen.biz>\n";
        $this->header .= "Reply-To: <$mail>"."\n";

I replaced the Line 47 with next two lines.


6 (edited by apmuthu 07/29/2016 06:09:14 am)

Re: Sending document by email failed

This mod needs to be used with caution on a case by case basis as you do not want the mail recipients to get confused with mail appearing from some third party hosted FA which might point to a different domain than desired.

Anyway, thanks to your attention  to detail for sharing the fruits of your perseverance , we have one more issue "solved".