(3 replies, posted in Announcements)


This is a 2.4.15 release, which is mainly a bugfix release, but also contains an improvement and additional security fixes.

A couple of php 8 problems has been fixed. This release should now be PHP 8 compatible. The following versions has been tested: 8.0.0, 8.0.7, 8.0.12 and 8.1.6.

Please report any bugs/problems found via our Mantis Bugtracker at http://mantis.frontaccounting.com.


FrontAccounting should NOT be used via unsecure http protocol. If you really need this - change SECURE_ONLY constant in /includes/session.inc to false (comment in the file added). Unfortunately this option cannot be added in sysprefs/config.php because the settings are not available before session is started.

Download instructions

In Sourceforge FrontAccounting (http://sourceforge.net/projects/frontaccounting), select
Files -> FrontAccounting 2.4 ->2.4.15.

For Windows users select the zip file. For all other users select the tar.gz file.


  • Bug. Not translatable string in Print Statements Report. Fixed.

  • Feature. Added company switch for placing company logo on certain views.

  • Bug. Call to Function add_access_extension was missing in Dropdown theme. Fixed.

  • Feature. Install/Activate Extensions: displays more sensible information for modules available/installed.

  • Feature. Implemented automatic greater fonts in default themes, when higher screen resolutions.

  • Feature. Clean up in function get_attachment_string() in attachments_db.inc

  • Bug. php 8. call to function db_set_charset, maintenance_db.inc can not have second parameter (encoding) to null. Used utf8 instead.


  • Bug. GL Dimensions should also be included on balance accounts in sales order delivery and Inventory adjustments. Fixed.

  • Bug. Dimensions on credit note should also be set on balance accounts. Fixed.

  • Bug 5660: php8. Unable to create customer credit note. Fixed.

  • Bug. Can't void customer payment if there is an invoice with same number that has been credited. Fixed.

  • Feature. Customer Transactions, Allocations and Supplier Transactions, Allocations has got another selection type, Journal Entries.

  • Feature. Added Customer Payment Attachments menu option after operation.

  • Bug. php 8. nl2br with null parameter in view_sales_order. Fixed.


  • Bug in purchasing/includes/db/invoice_db.inc gives error. Wrong document src. Fixed.

  • Bug. Credit note bug in suppliers. Result in errors. Fixed.

  • Bug. Cannot add received items to invoice if there are empty prev. items. Fixed.

  • Feature. Added Supplier Payment Attachments menu option after operation.

Item and Inventory

  • Bug. Dimensions in cost update should also be set on balance accounts. Fixed.

  • Bug. Cost Update - Second parameter in memo was not showing decimals. Fixed.

  • Bug. Inventory valuation report. Unit decimal -1 issue. Fixed.


  • Bug. When booking costs on workorders the set dimension on the item wasn't booked on the balance account. Fixed.

Fixed Assets

  • Bug. Presenting a fixed asset attachment (was presenting the Purchase Delivery, should be the Supplier Invoice).


  • Bug. GL Dimensions should also be included on balance accounts in sales order delivery and Inventory adjustments. Fixed.

  • Bug. Dimensions in cost update should also be set on balance accounts. Fixed.

  • Bug. Dimensions on credit note should also be set on balance accounts. Fixed.

  • Bug. When booking costs on workorders the set dimension on the item wasn't booked on the balance account. Fixed.

Bank and General Ledger

  • Bug. Reconcile Bank Account added filter up to reconcile data.

  • Bug. Audit trail is showing double entries for Payment and Deposit. Fixed.

  • Bug. GL Account in Company Defaults missing for test. Fixed

  • Feature. Moved years in default COAs one year forward.

Thanks @kvvaradha.

We just got this included in the new minor 2.4.15 that is releasing today.



(10 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

FYI, itronics has updated the Fiscal Years in the Repo COAs (not included in core). He has found a smart way to automatically always use the current year and previous year for Fiscal Years.


The topics are inside the Sections. The archive forum is the parent forum for all the sections. There are no topics here.
The sections are accessible by the links.

After some initial statical problems while converting to Archives, it seems to work now.



(6 replies, posted in Wish List)

Yes, a first go is established, look at the sticky Topic in Announcement Forum.


A new Archive Forum has been established with sections related to our normal Forums.

All Topics that are created for more than 2 years ago are transfered to the Archive, Section.
The Archive is Read Only. You cannot post here. If needed you must create a new Topic in the original Forums.

I will run an Archive script now and then to update the Archive.


You become a Member after you as a New Member have made 10 posts. This is now the limit for uploading attachments.



(6 replies, posted in Wish List)

Yes, I will have a look into this. Maybe we can create a Forum, called Archive or something like that and move all topics older than 2 year into this. Or do you have any better ideas?


Of course your name is @MacKenzie. Sorry. Thanks for your contributions.



Please avoid all these technical descriptions when reporting. It will make most users confused.

1. Set the $go_debug variable in file config.php to 2. It will then report if there are php errors in the code.

2. If you want to make entries in all non closed fiscal years, then check that you are 'Super administrator' and set the 'Allow entry on non closed fiscal years' in 'Banking & GL configuration', 'Access Setup', 'Setup' tab.

3. Use the 'Help' menu if you need information and tips on your current operations. The Help is Context Sensitive.

As I told before, we can't reproduce your reported error and during the years with these operations noone has reported any errors.



Did you forget to set the current fiscal year as @rafat advised?

I cannot reproduce this error with the correct fiscal year set on the company.



Please have a look at Posts 16 and 18, where I try to explain how we are implementing the Year Closure.

You can still do the year closing yourself and get it as you like. But if the transactions are not in balance we have to do it.

We are doing it this way in FA, by keeping the P/L transactions and only debit the year result as explained above.
This way we can perform multi year p/l and balance reports for dimensions (projects).


Hello Sir,

I guess you are referring to an external COA. In the FA core there are 2 COAs, en_US_demo.sql and en_US_new.sql. These 2 COAs only contains two fiscal years, Currently these are 2020 and 2021.

In the next minor release these will be updated to 2021 and 2022.

All the COAs in the Extension repository are maintained by various users and some are probably not updated.



Thank you for observing this. It has been fixed and committed to stable repo.



(6 replies, posted in Setup)


Thanks for finding this. Fixed and Committed to stable repo.


Thanks for finding this.

This has been fixed and committed to stable repo.


Thanks for observing this and fix.
Committed to stable repo.
The fix can be downloaded here and replaced on server.


Willdo. Thanks @apmuthu.



Committed to stable repo.



I have now implemented the company logo/or name if no logo/ on views, if a checkbox in company setup is marked. I have for a start implemented it in the views you suggested.

I have not yet committed it to stable repo, but will soon. I hope it will be appreciated. It is possible to easily change the content of the header, but I think it should be as small as possible to give space for the subject to be shown.


Is this the way you want all the Views to look like.


I've moved this topic to FA Modifications.

I think this will be an options for Company Setup.


I will look into this asap.


Yes, now I see it. In this specific case the line was not there. Thanks for observing this.

To retrieve the user unit dec, the function user_qty_dec() is uset, not user_price_dec() smile.

This has now been committed to stable repo. A fixed file can be downloaded here and replaced on your server.
