(13 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

My initial problem of installing the "Inventory Items CSV Import" extension has been solved.  It was a problem with the web host I was using.  I switched to Inmotionhosting (for other reason also), re-installed FrontAccounting and the extension and everything worked as stated in the doc.

My apologies for wasting everyone's time, but thanks for your assistance.


(13 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Still looking for some help with this.  Has anyone else had this problem?



(13 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Thanks Tom,

I read the readme files several times; not much there about installing the ext.  I've read the "Install/Activate Extensions" info at https://frontaccounting.com/fawiki/index.php?n=Help.InstallActivateExtensions and still no joy.  I'm unclear about what must be done in Setup > Access setup.  As stated above, the "Import CSV Items:" element is now at the bottom of the list, but I'm unclear if it needs to be associated to a particular role or just any role.  The instructions at the fawiki are not clear to me.  I did not do any of the steps in the section "Files required for a new extension module" as that requires some code manipulation that I would rather not get into if possible.  Thanks for your help.


(13 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I'm having no joy installing this extension (Inventory Items CSV Import).  I'm at 2.3.7 on a hosted server.  Setup > Install/Activate extensions shows 2.3.0-1 of this extension as Installed and Available.  When in Setup > Access setup, the "Import CSV Item" item displays, but when I click its checkbox, log out and log back in, there is no new element added to the Items and Inventory tab.  I think that is what should happen, though I can't find any doc that actually states how to import a csv file once this extension has been installed.

Please help, I just want to use the software without having to learn PHP and dig into the code.
