(0 replies, posted in Setup)

I have been working with Front Accounting for a couple of years now and been really happy with it. However, I am now having problems with the backup facility. When I create a backup a new tab is opened and the backup procedure which normally takes a minute at the most goes on for at least five minutes before I have to abort. The latest url for the additional tab was:


I have tried different browsers on different operating systems and the problem is the same. Any ideas of what the problem is?



(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Thanks. I'm clearly still doing somerhing wrong but will check out further as you suggest.


(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

I want to be able to enter sales and purchase items which calculate and show tax on an item by item basis. I have set up taxes, tax groups and item tax types. Yet neither the sales nor the purchase invoices are calculating or showing tax. I am clearly missing something in the set up. Can anyone advise? I have reinstalled the software twice now in case there was an issue there. Thanks.