(3 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Is it possible to make Item Type and Units of Measure editable without going into phpMyAdmin?

So it is much more involved than a simple checkbox to enable this. It requires changing the algorithms in the code.

joe wrote:

Please be patient. this should work.

Thanks Joe for the response. So by this, will this calculation be implemented soon? Or will it have to be implemented through modification of FrontAccounting?

Let's say item X had item Y in its BoM with quantity of 1 of X.

If there is a sales order for 2 of item X, it shows a demand of:  X 2 and Y  2

Shouldn't it show a demand of Y 1 because there is already 1 of item X made, therefore not requiring another of item Y.


Hi. I have inputted all of our parts inventory and bill of materials into Front Accounting and expected that I would easily extract which parts I need to order to replenish parts but it seems that both sales orders and work orders are not properly propagating through the bill of materials. For example,

Product A's bill of materials:
  item B, qty 1
  item C, qty 2
  item D, qty 3

Product A, has quantity on hand of 5, demand of 8, therefore availability is -3.

Front Accounting shows that Item B has quantity on hand of 16, demand of 8, therefore availability of 8.

Shouldn't it show that Item B has demand of 3 because there are already 5 Product A's on hand?

If not, how can I show this? Because it would be convenient to see how many of item B, C and D we would need to purchase (based on what is in stock) to create 50 Product As.

Thank you.