Dear Janusz,
I installed the Asset register as you said. But it shows an Error when ever i try to enter.

For Amortisation Posting It Says -

DATABASE ERROR : could not get year assets
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'erp.0_asset_types' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT *, 0_get_asset_value(a.asset_id, YEAR(now())) as current_value FROM 0_asset_types at INNER JOIN 0_assets a ON at.asset_type_id = a.asset_type_id WHERE (a.inactive = 1) AND (YEAR(a.disposal_date) = 2011)

For Asset Type Entries :-

DATABASE ERROR : could not get all asset types
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'erp.0_asset_types' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT * FROM 0_asset_types WHERE !inactive

For Asset Entries it says :-

DATABASE ERROR : could not get all assets
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'erp.0_asset_types' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT *, 0_get_asset_value(a.asset_id, YEAR(now())) as current_value FROM 0_asset_types at INNER JOIN 0_assets a ON at.asset_type_id = a.asset_type_id WHERE !a.inactive

What is the fix to it?? Please Help..

Thank you

I have Installed the Asset register as you said. But I cant find it. And could you give me an wxplaination on what it does? It would be rather helpful.

Ok. Thank You. Another question I had to ask was is there any way to completely delete a transaction without losing any other data?


Dear Joe,

I am working with all my might but i can't seem to find a way to enter all my workings especially my Fixed assets in the Balance sheet.

What do i do to and how do i do it? Please help me out.