(5 replies, posted in Translations)

Yes you are right.

Maybe these settings are for Ubunto but I am using Windows
and Apache server is Xampp.

Can I sent Local form: setlocale(LC_ALL, 'ar_EG.UTF8');
but I have tried and not working.

what I need to do? have to make a file "local.inc" in ar_EG directory?

or any thing else?

Please guide me still I can't.



(5 replies, posted in Translations)

Thank you for reply,
it is help full for me,

Yes in System Diagnostics page message as under:
Language configuration consistency | Required | ar_EG | en_GB |Missing system locale: ar_EG.utf-8

Please can u tell me how can I install Missing system locale: ar_EG.utf-8 ??

What I need to do? Is I need to install Locales in Apache server?



(5 replies, posted in Translations)


I have installed Arabic code (ar_EG) and loaded .po and .mo files.
But when I am selecting Arabic Language from Preferences then directions was changed but Translations not showing..

Please can u tell me right process of languages installation?