(4 replies, posted in Translations)

Some days ago I did a small research on ERP/accounting software and loved FrontAccounting. Out of excitement I started translating it to Greek, mostly for fun.

I managed to translate about 15% of the empty PO file of version 2.2.5 including many financial terms. Since I do not need and I am not interested in ERP software I cannot continue but I will give my work to help anyone interested in this task. Here you go:

The translation is for version 2.2.5. The file is encoded in UTF-8. I suggest using a program with translation memory. Since I have translated many financial terms (through dictionary and online search) it will help you a lot.

These two sites may also help you:
An online Greek - English Financial Lexicon:
The financial / business section of the Translatum (Greek Translation Forum):


(4 replies, posted in Translations)

Hello, did you made any progress?