Im interested in answerst to this topic too.
I want to sell goods when stock is null, in some way that the system inform me and then make a order to a supplier, for this we must enable the scary "allow negative inventory" checkbox

Thank you

Hi, im new to frontaccounting, I think in should help me to manage my bussines based on Oscommerce.

I overviewed a little the software, because my greatest interest is to integrate it with an already working oscommerce, so my firts attempts are focused on import-export data from-to this scripts.

I found the Tom´s oscommerce module "osCommerce Customer and Order Import 2.2" but as I am a newbie to frontaccounting im unable to make it work.

I followed directions from readme.txt, but in the sales tag, Maintenance section, there is only a greyed "osCommerce Import" text, whats happening, what do i do wrong?

Thaaank you.