(1 replies, posted in Setup)

i still don't understand what this statement means in installation instruction. If someone can help me with this it will be great.

If you are installing FrontAccounting onto a shared server, you may have to set the session save path within FrontAccounting. At the top of  /includes/session.inc you will find this line : (what does the instruction means by You will find this LIne : what line.

Uncomment this line and set the path to a directory that exists on your server. Make sure that you have read/write privileges on this directory.

thank u in advance.


(10 replies, posted in Setup)

thank u for everything joe.

do u know which part of forum to ask question about oscommerce integration?


(10 replies, posted in Setup)

Joe thank u very much for being patient and helping me.

it was my own stupidity that got me going in circles for almost three weeks. when i change "TYPE" to "ENGINE" I forgot to put "=" sign. so i change any words with type like sys_0_type. LOL.

Also another question i would like to ask ,if u don't mind, is about session save path

first if i install it locally, is temp located on folder .../frontaccounting/tmp

second if i install it on shared server, i have no clue in the installation instruction:

"2: If you are installing FrontAccounting onto a shared server, you may have to set the session save path within FrontAccounting. At the top of  /includes/session.inc you will find this line :

3: Uncomment this line and set the path to a directory that exists on your server. Make sure that you have read/write privileges on this directory."

what is ":" at the top i don't see it when i open session.inc folder with a notepad2

and set the path directory

I would assume is in line 200 on session.inc

"//ini_set('session.save_path', dirname(__FILE__).'/../tmp/');"
what is "dirname(__FILE__).'/../tmp/'"

thank u again in advance


(10 replies, posted in Setup)

thank u again for a reply joe
I created sql sript and dump it to mysql, i m having the same problem.
Could it be that php version 5.35 is not compatible with frontaccounting.
also i replace type with engine

if u see the data i send u for frontacc why some are innodb and some are myisam.

is it okay to have some myisam in frontacc if frontacc data needs to be innodb


(10 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks for a reply, i check

frontacc data in myphpadmin and there is no table 0_sys_types

sql-script  "en_us-demo" no such thing as sys_types

this is how myphpadmin looks like for data frontacc i have 78 data so its very long so i cut and paste only around sys info

0_sales_pos     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     1     MyISAM     latin1_swedish_ci     3.0 KiB     -
    0_security_roles     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     10     MyISAM     latin1_swedish_ci     7.4 KiB     -
    0_shippers     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     1     MyISAM     latin1_swedish_ci     3.0 KiB     -
    0_sql_trail     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     0     MyISAM     latin1_swedish_ci     1.0 KiB     -
    0_stock_category     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     4     MyISAM     latin1_swedish_ci     3.2 KiB     -
    0_stock_master     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     5     InnoDB     latin1_swedish_ci     16.0 KiB     -
    0_stock_moves     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     36     InnoDB     latin1_swedish_ci     48.0 KiB     -
    0_suppliers     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     3     MyISAM     latin1_swedish_ci     3.5 KiB     -
    0_supp_allocations     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     1     InnoDB     latin1_swedish_ci     48.0 KiB     -
    0_supp_invoice_items     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     5     InnoDB     latin1_swedish_ci     32.0 KiB     -
    0_supp_trans     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     3     InnoDB     latin1_swedish_ci     80.0 KiB     -
    0_sys_engines     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     22     InnoDB     latin1_swedish_ci     16.0 KiB     -
    0_sys_prefs     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     51     MyISAM     latin1_swedish_ci     8.5 KiB     -
    0_tags     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     0     MyISAM     latin1_swedish_ci     1.0 KiB     -
    0_tag_associations     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     0     MyISAM     latin1_swedish_ci     1.0 KiB     -
    0_tax_engines     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     1     InnoDB     latin1_swedish_ci     16.0 KiB     -
    0_tax_groups     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     2     InnoDB     latin1_swedish_ci     32.0 KiB     -
    0_tax_group_items     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     1     InnoDB     latin1_swedish_ci     16.0 KiB     -
    0_trans_tax_details     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     11     InnoDB     latin1_swedish_ci     48.0 KiB     -
    0_useronline     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     0     MyISAM     latin1_swedish_ci     1.0 KiB     -
    0_users     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     2     MyISAM     latin1_swedish_ci     3.3 KiB     -
    0_voided     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     0     InnoDB     latin1_swedish_ci     16.0 KiB     -
    0_workcentres     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     1     MyISAM     latin1_swedish_ci     3.1 KiB     -
    0_workorders     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     7     InnoDB     latin1_swedish_ci     32.0 KiB     -
    0_wo_issues     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     0     InnoDB     latin1_swedish_ci     32.0 KiB     -
    0_wo_issue_items     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     0     InnoDB     latin1_swedish_ci     16.0 KiB     -
    0_wo_manufacture     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     1     InnoDB     latin1_swedish_ci     32.0 KiB     -
    0_wo_requirements     Browse     Structure     Search     Insert     Empty     Drop     21     InnoDB     latin1_swedish_ci     32.0 KiB     -
    78 table(s)     Sum     530     InnoDB     latin1_swedish_ci     1.6 MiB     0 B
With selected: Check All / Uncheck All


(10 replies, posted in Setup)

thank u joe for a reply, but i have reinstall but i m having the same issue.

can it be that i m not putting session save path properly?

i have put session save path as C:/wamp/www/frontaccouting/tmp. is that right or wrong.

another question i would like to ask is in share window  server in

line 200  //ini_set('session.save_path', dirname(__FILE__).'/tmp/');

how do u modify this. what is dirname(_FILE_)
and do i leave

innodb is default engine in Wamp server 2.2 with mysql 5.5.8
Went to my.ini sql and commented out all # pertaining to innodb,
except for#innodb_log_arch_dir = C:\mysql\data/,
set the right relative path for home directory, turn on open ssl,
change deprecated function from type to engine,
import en_us_demo sql from myphpadmin into new created data frontacct.
Installation was a success,
but I am still not able to retrive my data.
Enter main menu, but i m getting this error messages
when i m in url http://localhost/frontaccounting/sales/sales_order_entry.php?NewQuotation=Yes
At file C:\wamp\www\frontaccounting\includes\db\references_db.inc:73:
The last transaction ref for 32 could not be retreived
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'frontacct.0_sys_types' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT next_reference FROM 0_sys_types WHERE type_id = '32'

04/25/2011 | 03:12 pm   
,and when i enter this url http://localhost/frontaccounting/sales/sales_order_entry.php?NewOrder=Yes
At file C:\wamp\www\frontaccounting\includes\db\references_db.inc:73:
The last transaction ref for 30 could not be retreived
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'frontacct.0_sys_types' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT next_reference FROM 0_sys_types WHERE type_id = '30'

04/25/2011 | 03:13 pm   
FrontAccounting 2.3.3 - Theme: default -
and for all the url pertaining to retrieving data.
I try to do google search for weeks but i cannot figure out what i m doing wrong, so i came here to post as last resort.


(10 replies, posted in Setup)

innodb is default engine in Wamp server 2.2 with mysql 5.5.8
Went to my.ini sql and commented out all # pertaining to innodb,
except for#innodb_log_arch_dir = C:\mysql\data/,
set the right relative path for home directory, turn on open ssl,
change deprecated function from type to engine,
import en_us_demo sql from myphpadmin into new created data frontacct.
Installation was a success,
but I am still not able to retrive my data.
Enter main menu, but i m getting this error messages

when i m in url http://localhost/frontaccounting/sales/sales_order_entry.php?NewQuotation=Yes
At file C:\wamp\www\frontaccounting\includes\db\references_db.inc:73:
The last transaction ref for 32 could not be retreived
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'frontacct.0_sys_types' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT next_reference FROM 0_sys_types WHERE type_id = '32'


04/25/2011 | 03:12 pm   

,and when i enter this url http://localhost/frontaccounting/sales/sales_order_entry.php?NewOrder=Yes

At file C:\wamp\www\frontaccounting\includes\db\references_db.inc:73:
The last transaction ref for 30 could not be retreived
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'frontacct.0_sys_types' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT next_reference FROM 0_sys_types WHERE type_id = '30'


04/25/2011 | 03:13 pm   
FrontAccounting 2.3.3 - Theme: default -

and for all the url pertaining to retrieving data.
I try to do google search for weeks but i cannot figure out what i m doing wrong, so i came here to post as last resort.