(0 replies, posted in Setup)


When a deposit is given to be applied to a sales order before the work is started, how to tie that receipt of deposit to a specific sales order especially when the client has more than one sales order (it must be applied to the appropriate sales order)?



Is there a way to create a form for customers to fill out themselves to request a quote with specifics for which we can respond, update and later convert to a sales order?



(1 replies, posted in Installation)


For security purposes, what should the permissions be for the 777 (writeable) files & folders after installation? e.g. modules, modules/_cache, company, etc.

I know for the config files, they can be 644.



Permissions on the root folder prevented the files from being created.

The instruction that mentions that the config_db.php and permissions for the root folder is in the Wiki Installation instructions.  I was going by the Instruction Guide instructions whose link is off of the Download page off of the main menu.

Thanks anyway.


I've just downloaded v.2.3.3 and the wizard is asking to make the following files writable, but they are not in the .zip distro for FreeBSD:

Extensions configuration files and directories

Where can I get these files?

Also, does writable signify '777' here?

What should the after-install permissions be (since keeping config files 777 is probably not desireable)?
