Problem solved:

Output compression must be turned off, in php.ini, ensure that:
zlib.output_compression = Off

and the homepage and logoff pages loads up immediately.

debugged with the help of lynx tongue

(ps: pls remember to restart httpd whenever u modify php.ini or the files in /etc/php.d/

Not sure if this is an error in <root>/tmp/error.log

[18-Apr-2011 17:20:58] include_once(./company/0/installed_extensions.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
[18-Apr-2011 17:20:58] include_once(): Failed opening './company/0/installed_extensions.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php')

Have copied this file from <root> into <root>/company/0 and chown apache chgrp apache but the delays in showing the login page and logging out is still happening.

CentOS 5.6, x64 (no virtualization)
PHP 5.3.6 (atomic)
MySQL 5.1.56
4 digit COA for Singapore.

Installation went fine.

When trying to visit, the httpd will consume 100% CPU for max_execution_time as stated in php.ini. Only after max_execution_time is up will it show the login screen. This happens for logging off the systemtoo. HTTPD process will use the maximum cpu for the entire duration.

<fa_installation_root>/tmp/errors.log does not show errors.
/var/log/httpd/error_log does not show any errors either.

I have also added date.timezone entry to php.ini and restarted httpd. Doesn't seem to help.

Has anyone similar experiences? What should I do? or is this because of my choice of COA?

Thank you.


(2 replies, posted in Installation)


You can check <frontaccounting_root>/tmp/errors.log for the error message, if any.

If you enabled debugging, the memory requirements are 128M or higher.
